Donald B. Peters

Senior EngineerTel:508-289-3377

Applied Ocean and Engineering DepartmentFax:508-457-2195

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutionemail:


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MS, Ocean Engineering, 1992

Pratt Institute, BS, Civil Engineering, 1988


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Senior Engineer - 2002 - Present

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Research Engineer - 1994 - 2002

Mechanical Design Contractor - Falmouth, Massachusetts - 1993 - 1994

Deep Sea Systems International, Inc. - Mechanical Engineer - Jan to Apr 1993

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Research Assistant - 1990 - 1992

Wohl & O'Mara - Civil Engineering & Land Surveying Project Engineer - 1985 - 1990


K. Newhall, R. Krishfield, D. Peters, J. Kemp, Deployment Operation Procedures for the WHOI Ice-Tethered Profiler. WHOI Technical Report, submitted 2007.

Toole, J., Krishfield, R., Proshutinsky, A., Ashjian, C., Doherty, K., Frye, D., Hammar, T., Kemp, J., Peters, D.B., Timmermans, M., von der Heydt, K., Packard, G., Shanahan, T., Mathewson, M., "Ice-Tethered Profilers Sample the Upper Arctic Ocean", EOS, June 2006.

Krishfield, R., Doherty, K., Frye, D. , Hammar, T., Kemp, J., Peters, D.B., Proshutinsky, A., Toole, J., von der Heydt, K., “Design and Operation of Automated Ice-Tethered Profilers for Real-time Seawater Observatories in the Polar Oceans”, WHOI ITP, June 2006.

Dan Frye, Jon Ware, Walter Paul, Mark Grosenbaugh, Lee Freitag, Matt Grund, Don Peters, John Kemp, William Ostrom and Norm Farr, WHOI, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, “Technology for Ocean Observatories – Experience with Three Prototype Systems,”ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, March, 2006

Norm Farr, Dan Frye, Mark Grosenbaugh, Walter Paul, Don Peters, WHOI, Doug Bentley, Cortland Cable Company, Cortland, New York, “Development of a Nylon EOM Mooring Cable for Moored Ocean Observatories,”ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, March, 2006

Jerry Stachiw (Stachiw Associates), and Donald Peters (WHOI), Ceramic 10 Inch Spherical Flotation Units for 11 KM ROV/AUV Systems. Oceans 2005 conference paper, September, 2005

Peters, D.B. and Kemp, J., “Modular Ocean Buoy System (MOBS)”, ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, May, 2004

Kemp, J. and Peters, D.B., “WHOI's Experience with Electromechanical Chains on Surface Moorings”, ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, May, 2004

Frye, D.E., Kemp, J., Paul, W. and Peters, D.B., “Mooring developments for autonomous oceanographic sampling networks,” IEEE J. Oceanic Engineering—Special Issue on Autonomous Oceanographic Sampling Network, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 477-486, October 2001.

Toole, J.M., Doherty, K.W., Frye, D.E., Hammar, T.R., Kemp, J.N., Krishfield, R.A., Packard, G.E., Peters, D.B., Proshutinsky, A., von der Heydt, K., “A Ice-Tethered Profiler: Initial results and role in a future Artic network of Ice-Based Observatories”, AGU04, presentation, December 2004.

Frye, D.E., Peters, D.B., Hogg, N.G. and Wunsch, C., “Ultramoor: A 5-Year Current Meter Mooring”, Oceans 2000, conference paper, September, 2000.

Frye, D.E. and Peters, D.B., “Ultramoor Mechanical Systems”, ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, May, 2000

Peters, D.B. and McDonald, G., “Mechanical Systems for the Portable Coastal Observatory”, ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, May, 2000

Graber, H.C., Terray, E.E., Donelan, M.A., Drennan, W.M., VanLeer, J., Peters, D.B., “ASIS – A New Air-Sea Interaction Spar Buoy: Design and Performance at Sea”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, June, 1999

Boyd, J.D., Frye, D.E., Peters, D.B., Arthur, R., Burnes, R., Bricker, B., “A Self-Deploying, Depth-Adaptive Coastal Oceanographic Mooring”, Office of Naval Research Technical Report No. NRL/FR/7332—98-9681, April, 1998

Frye, D.E., Peters, D.B., and Arthur, R., “Expendable Oceanographic Mooring (XMOOR)”, WHOI Technical Report, April 1997.


MOBS BUOYS, Frye, D. and J. Kemp, “Design and Fabrication of Mooring Facility Surface Buoy” (BTM Buoy Design), POSB28709-0, UCSB/NSF OE11038.0, 01/01/03 to 01/14/04.

SALP, Fratantoni, D., D. Frye and J. Valdes, “ SALP: A Submerged Autonomous Launch Platform for Drifting Instrumentation,” OCE-0136255, NSF, PO10849.0, 02/01/02 to 02/28/05.

NOOTKA, Detrick, R., J. Collins, L. Freitag and D. Frye, “Development and Testing of a Deep Water, Acoustically-Linked, Moored-Buoy Seafloor Observatory,” OCE-1036255, NSF, PO10849.0, 03/01/02 to 8/31/06.

ULTRAMOOR, Frye, D., N. Hogg and C. Wunsch, “ULTRAMOOR Special Creativity Extension,” NSF, OCE-9810641, OE11024.0, 01/01/03 to 09/30/05.

R-TOSS, Frye, D., R. Reves-Sohn and U. ten Brink, “Collaborative Proposal: A Real-time Nearshore Seafloor Seismic Station, NSF, OCE-0241138, OE10924.02, 11/01/03 to 10/31/06


  • Collaborators:

Lee Freitag, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Chris Clark, Cornell University

Daniel Frye, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

John Kemp, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Alex Gorlov, Northeastern University

Keith von der Heydt, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Robert Weller, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

  • Graduate advisors:

Jerry Milgram, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts

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