May 21, 2009
SUBJECT: 2009-2010Special Education Consolidated Grant Application
The 2009-2010Consolidated Application for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),Services for the Deaf, and State Supplemental Visually Impaired (SSVI) grantsis available in eGrants.
Eligible Applicants
Local education agencies (LEAs) providing special education services to eligible children through a special education program and/or Regional Day School Program for the Deaf may apply provided that the LEA has received a 2009-2010 allocation for any of the eight programs below. State agencies providing special education services may also qualify.
IDEA-B FormulaIDEA-C Early Childhood Intervention (Deaf)
IDEA-B Formula (Deaf)IDEA-D Deaf/Blind
IDEA-B PreschoolState Deaf
IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf)State Supplemental Visually Impaired (SSVI)
Allocations for the Special Education Consolidated grants can be viewed via eGrants by selecting the “View Entitlements/Roll” button in the eGrants BS6006 - Program Budget Summary and Support schedule.
Deadline to Apply
Eligible applicants must apply through the eGrants system by Tuesday,September 1, 2009 at5:00 p.m.Central Time.
How to Apply
Eligible applicants must apply through the eGrants system.The eGrants system can be accessed at In order to apply, applicants must have appropriate Texas Education Agency Secure Environment (TEA SE) access. Applicants who do not have TEA SE access for eGrants should visit the TEA SE webpage at and request access. An overview of the
TEA SE online request process can be found at If furthertechnical assistance is needed, please call the eGrants Help Desk at (512) 463-7025 or email .
Reporting Deadlines
Reporting deadlines for the2009-2010 Special Education Consolidated grants are listed in the table below. LEAs that are awarded grants are responsible for meeting all required deadlines. Failure to meet deadlines may result in loss of funds and could cause the LEA to be identified as “high risk.”
Grant Program / Grant Period / Final ExpenditureReport / Revised Final Expenditure Report
IDEA-B Formula / 7/1/2009- 6/30/2010 / 8/16/2010 / 9/15/2010
IDEA-B Preschool / 7/1/2009- 6/30/2010 / 8/16/2010 / 9/15/2010
IDEA-B Formula (Deaf) / 7/1/2009- 6/30/2010 / 8/16/2010 / 9/15/2010
IDEA-B Preschool (Deaf) / 7/1/2009- 6/30/2010 / 8/16/2010 / 9/15/2010
IDEA-D –Deaf/Blind / 10/1/2009-9/30/2010 / 11/15/2010 / 12/15/2010
IDEA-C– Early Childhood Intervention / 7/1/2009- 9/30/2010 / 11/15/2010 / 12/15/2010
State Deaf / 9/1/2009- 8/31/2010 / 10/15/2010 / 11/15/2010
State Supplemental Visually Impaired (SSVI) / 9/1/2009- 8/31/2010 / 10/15/2010 / 11/15/2010
Information and Assistance
For programinformation,please contact your Special Education liaison at your local education service center.
For funding information, please contact the Division of Formula Funding at (512) 463-8525, or visit the Grant Opportunities website at
Ellsworth Schave,
Senior Director, Division of Formula Funding