Job Preview
/Job Ref: / 10/082 (2013)
Job Title: / Cardiac Catheterisation Technician - Basic Grade
Job Type: / Contract - Fixed Term
Country: / Ireland
County: / Dublin
Education: / See Description
Experience: / 2 years
Primary Job Category: / Health - Medical
Secondary Job Category:
Salary Currency: / Euro
Salary Interval: / Annum
Salary: / 0-0
Phone: (Recruitment) 01 - 414 2202
Phone: (HR Dept) 01 – 414 2463 / 2046 / 2051
Fax: 01 – 414 5878
Cardiac Catheterisation
Technician - Basic Grade
Reference No.
1. Qualifications
Each candidate must:
A) be an Associate of the Society for Cardiological Science and Technology (A.S.C.S.T.) (or equivalent qualification).
B) possess the Certificate (or equivalent qualification) in Medical Physics and Physiological Measurement from Dublin Institute of Technology, Kevin Street or from a similar institution.
C) be a member of the Society of Cardiological Science and Technology (M.S.C.S.T.) (or equivalent qualification)
D) After 2005 BSc in Clinical Measurement (or equivalent)
E) have had not less than two years relevant experience in a Cardiac department, or appropriate clinical placement during BSc in Clinical Measurement Science (or equivalent)
Desirable but not essential
· Associate of the Society for Cardiological Science and Technology
· British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) or European Society Echocardiography (ESE) of adult accreditation.
· Heart Rhythm UK or NASPE pacing accreditation
· Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certificate (ACLS).
· Experience in Paediatric Cardiology Investigations.
2. Age Restrictions In Relation To Applications
Age restriction shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified as a new entrant (within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2004). A candidate who is not classified as a new entrant must be under 65 years of age on the first day of the month in which the latest date for receiving completed applications for the office occurs.
3. Health
A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
4. Be of good character.
5. Arrangements have been introduced, on a national level, for the provision of Garda clearance in respect of candidates for employment in areas of the Health service, where it is envisaged that potential employees would have substantial access to children or vulnerable individuals.
Particulars of Office
1. The appointment is whole time fixed term contracts 2yrs.
2. Remuneration:
Remuneration is in accordance with the salary scale approved by the Department of Health & Children. Current remuneration as follows:
*New Entrant €33,719 by 8 increments to €46,188 (incl 2 LSI’s)
**Non New Entrant €37,446 by 8 increments to €51,320 (incl 2 LSI’s)
*Note New Entrants are defined as employees commencing on or after 1st January, 2011 all new entrants to Public Service posts will be subject to a 10% reduction of the applicable salary scale.
** Staff who have been in employment in this grade within the Public Health Sector on or before the 31st December 2010
3. Pension arrangements and retirement age
For existing Public Servants (i.e. those who have entered the Public Service on or before the 31st March 2004), retirement is compulsory on reaching the age of 65 years. However, candidates should note that changes have been made in the superannuation provisions and retirement ages for public servants who take up duty with effect from 1st April, 2004.In this context new entrants, within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2004, to the public service should note;
The minimum pension age has been increased to 65 for most new entrants to the public service:
This includes new entrant civil servants, teachers, staff in local government, the health service and non-commercial State Sponsored bodies:
The compulsory retirement age of 65 has been removed enabling staff to remain longer in work should they wish, subject to suitability and health requirements:
Pension benefits for new entrants will accrue on a standard basis (i.e. one year’s credit for one year’s service up to a maximum of 40 years’ service) while normal abatements of pension provision will apply to all public sector posts.
4. Duties:
The Cardiac Catheterisation Technician will perform such duties as are outlined in this job description.
5. Hours of work:
Normal working hours are 37 worked over 7 days Monday-Friday. However you will be required to work the agreed roster/on call arrangements advised to you by your line manager. Your contracted hours of work are liable to change between the hours of 8 am to 8 pm over 7 days to meet the requirements for extended day services in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement.
6. Probation:
The successful candidate will be appointed initially for a probationary period of 6 months. During the probationary period progress or otherwise will be monitored and at the end of the probationary period the service will (a) be certified as satisfactory and confirmed in writing or (b) if not satisfactory, the probationary period may be extended by 3 months.
7. Annual Leave:
The annual leave entitlement is 23 days. The leave year runs from 1st April to the 31st of March each year.
8. Sick Leave:
Payment of salary during illness will be in accordance with arrangements as approved from time to time by the Department of Health and Children.
9. Termination of Office:
The employment may be terminated at any time by two months’ notice on either side except where circumstances are dictated by the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act 1973/2001. The Management’s right under this paragraph shall not be exercised save in circumstances where the Management is of the opinion that the holder of the office has failed to perform satisfactorily the duties of the post or has misconducted himself/herself in relation to the post or is otherwise unfit to hold the appointment.
General Accountability
The person chosen will:
· Maintain throughout the Hospital an awareness of the primacy of the patient in relation to all hospital activities.
· Create and promote healthy working relationships
· Demonstrate behaviour consistent with the Values of the Hospital
· Be responsible in matters of patient care and welfare, to the consultant Cardiologists and in the first instance will be accountable to the Chief II Cardiac Technician or other such person designated for that purpose by the Chief II Cardiac Technician.
Under the general direction of the Consultant Cardiologist or other duly authorised Officers, the Technician will undertake the duties appropriate to a Cardiac Technician, subject to the supervision of the Chief II Cardiac Catheterisation Technician or other such person designated for that purpose by the Chief II.
The Technician should be familiar with the techniques and range of equipment used in current medical practice for the diagnosis, treatment and care of cardiac patients. The major portion of the work commitment of the Technician is with the Cardiology Department and in addition the holder of this post will be required to carry out and participate in a wide range of medical procedures. A complete understanding of all such procedures and an ability to make accurate measurements is essential.
1. Clinical Duties
1.1 Adherence to departmental patient policies at all times.
1.2 Provide high standard of safe practice for patient care.
1.3 Conduct and interpret a full range of non-invasive cardiac diagnostic tests including Resting ECG’s, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, Holter Monitoring and ECG Event Monitoring, Exercise Stress Testing, Pacemaker follow-up and programming and Echocardiography (TTE, TOE and DSE).
1.5 Conduct the technical/physiological measurement aspects of a full range of invasive cardiac diagnostic procedures in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory including pressure measurements and analysis, ECG monitoring, cardiac output and oxygen saturation determination.
1.6 Conduct the technical support required for therapeutic procedures including electrophysiology, pacemaker implantation and transluminal coronary angioplasty, balloon pump
1.7 Provide first line maintenance, electrical safety checking and calibration of equipment.
1.8 Teach the Cardiac Technicians or students from other disciplines in all of the above procedures as delegated by the Chief II, Chief I or Senior Cardiac Technician.
1.9 Support nursing, medical and technical staff in the implementation of patient care involving technology.
1.10 Contribute as required to the development of training programmes for established staff and external groups.
1.11 Perform such duties appropriate to the officer as may be assigned from time to time.
1.12 Act for other staff in their absence as required.
2. Administrative Responsibilities (in no particular order of importance)
2.1 Adhere to hospital policies and procedures in all aspects of care.
2.2 Participate in cost awareness and cost control policies in department utilisation systems for audit purposes (I.T. or Paper).
2.3 Display qualities of leadership and good communication with all users of service and other service providers.
2.4 The Technician will be responsible for the care and cleanliness of all equipment and accessories used by him/her.
2.5 Attend meetings of the Department as required.
2.6 Use knowledge, judgement and experience to develop ways of coping with crisis situation i.e. Patient and staff.
2.7 Report accidents and incidents. Participate in the investigation and remedial action.
2.8 Be familiar with Hospital & Departmental Disaster Plans and its implementations.
2.9 Observe daily and uphold cleaning standards in the department. Report any inadequacies.
3. Education
3.1 To attend staff “In-Service” training programme.
3.2 As medical procedures change and new developments are introduced the Technicians must update his/her knowledge and training accordingly.
3.3 Study leave for appropriate in-service training and presentation of research data will be supported where possible.
4. Self Development
4.1 Maintain a personal record of professional development.
Act as a role model
4.2 Ensure that development is research based.
4.3 Develop/foster research in cardiac catheterisation/cardiology.
4.4 Assist in maintaining a level of excellence in patient care by maintaining standards and supporting the overall management of the Department.
5 Information Technology
5.1 Ensure the most effective and efficient use of development s in information technology for both patient care and administrative in a manner that integrates
well with systems throughout the organisation.
6. Health and Safety
6.1 All employees must comply with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005.
6.2 Comply with relevant Health and Safety responsibilities as outlined in Hospital Polices, Protocols and Procedures relevant to your area.
6.3 Take reasonable care to protect your own safety, health and welfare and that of any other person who may be affected by your acts or omissions at work.
7. Hygiene/Infection Control
7.1 All employees have responsibility for Hygiene awareness. Hygiene is defined as “The practice that serves to keep people and environments clean and prevent infection.”
7.2 All employees also have a responsibility under their terms of employment to prevent transmission of infection and to follow the hospital infection control policies and guidelines as outlined in the Infection Control Manual.
7.3 All employees must be aware that they work in an area where there is potential for transmission of infection.
7.4 All employees have a responsibility to follow hand hygiene guidelines as this is the single most important intervention to prevent the transmission of infection
8. Quality, Safety and Risk Management
8.1 Support the delivery of the Quality, Safety and Risk Management Programme, including the appropriate identification and management of risks and incidents throughout the hospital.
NOTE: The extent and speed of change in the delivery of health care is such that adaptability is essential in this position. The incumbent will be required to maintain and enhance their knowledge, skills and aptitudes necessary to respond to a changing situation. The Hospital is at the developmental stage therefore, the Job Description must be regarding as an outline of the major areas of accountability at the present time which will be reviewed and assessed on an on-going basis.
The Hospital Structure is currently under review and therefore, reporting relationships may change.
Informal enquiries to Ms Ann Simpson, Chief II Cardiac Technician, 4144008 or 4143059 or email
You can apply on line by completing the application form and attaching your CV at
Alternatively, apply in writing, enclosing four copies of your Curriculum Vitae, together with the names and addresses of three referees.
The names and addresses of three referees must be submitted with your application one of which must be a current employer.
Please bring evidence of relevant professional qualifications including registration/validation certificates to interview.
Recruitment Manager
Human Resource Department
The Adelaide & Meath Hospital, Dublin
Incorporating the National Children’s Hospital
Dublin 24
Tel (01) 414 2046
Fax (01) 414 5878
On or before Friday 1st November 2013
All candidates should note that, in order to maintain a timely process, the closing date and time for receipt of applications will be strictly adhered to
Application Form: / Standard Application Form
CV Status: / CV Required
Internal Job Details
Contact: / HR @Hiring Manager:
Division: / Cardiology Department
Business Unit: / Clinical Directorate for Medicine