DEFENDANT(Sitting as Magistrate)
Offense: ______Date of offense: ______
Police Agency: ______Offense report #: ______
Pursuant to Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 17.40, the court finds that certain bond conditions related to the safety of the victim of the alleged offense and/or the safety of the community will secure the defendant’s attendance at trialand/or are required by law. In addition to other conditions required by the bond itself, the court imposes the bond conditions indicated below by an “x” or “√” as follows:
√ 1. Do not commit any offense against the laws of this state, any other state, or the United States.
√ 2. Do not use, possess or consume marihuana or any controlled substance, narcotic, or dangerous
drug unless prescribed lawfully by a physician.
√ 3. Curfew. Be at your residence by 11:00 p.m. and remain there until 6:00 a.m. except
when at work or school or on a direct route going to or from work or school.
___ 4. Do not initiate any communications with ______
household member of said individual(s), and do not go within 100 yards of saidindividual(s),
anyhousehold member of said individual(s), or their residence or work address.
___5. Do not operate any motor vehicle unless the vehicle is equipped with an ignition interlock
device.[1]Within 30 days of your releasefrom jail, you must install this device at your expense,
report to the Colorado CountyCommunity Supervision and Corrections Department(CSCD),
1023 Milam, Columbus, TX78934 (979-732-8321) to verify the installation,and pay $10.00
initially and$10.00 eachmonth to the CSCD. If you donot operate a motor vehicle, you must
still report tothe CSCD toverify that you do not operate amotor vehicle. (This bond condition
is mandatorypursuant to CCP Art. 17.441 for personsaccused of DWI 2nd, DWI 3rd,
Intoxication Assault,andIntoxication Manslaughterunlessthe magistrate finds that
requiring the device would notbe inthe best interests of justice.)
___ 6. Attend school regularly or obtain and maintain suitable employment; support your dependents,
if any.
___ 7. Avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character, including any place alcoholic
beverages are sold for “on premises” consumption except for restaurants where food is prepared
on site.
___ 8. Submit to and pay for a psychological examination by Walker Counseling Associates, 240
Belle Place, Sealy, TX77474(979-885-2400) within _____ days of your release from jail.
___ 9. Attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings _____ times per week.
___ 10. Attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings _____ times per week.
___11.Do not leave Colorado or ______County, Texas for an overnightstay.
___12. Submit to and pay for random urine specimen analysis tests at the ColoradoCounty
Supervision and Corrections Department, 1023 Milam, Columbus, TX78934, (979) 732-8321;
submit proof of any medication prescribed for you before submitting a specimen.
___13. Pursuant to CCP Art. 17.47, submit a DNA sample to the Colorado County Sheriff’s
Department prior to your release from custody. (Mandatory for Aggravated Kidnapping (by inflicting bodily injury or violating or abusing sexually), Indecency with a Child, Sexual Assault, Aggravated Sexual Assault, Prohibited Sexual Conduct, Burglary of a Habitation (with intent to commit a felony other than theft), Compelling Prostitution, Sexual Performance by a Child, or Possession of Promotion of Child Pornography)
___14. Pursuant to CCP Art. 17.41, since the alleged victim, ______, is under14, do
not directly communicatewith him or her and do not go within 100 yards of the following:
- residence address: ______,
- school address: ______,
- other address: ______.
[Mandatory for all Chapter 21 crimes (sexual offenses), all Chapter 22 crimes (assaultive offenses), Prohibited Sexual Conduct, and Sexual Performance by a Child.]
This order is effective immediately and shall continue in effect until modified by order of this court or another court.
If you violate this order your bond may be forfeited, revoked, or increased, and you may be subject to confinement until the conclusion of the criminal case against you. Additionally, you may be punished for contempt of court by a fine of $100.00 or by confinement in jail for as long as three days or both.
I have received a copy of my bond conditions. If I violate the conditions of my bond, I understand that my bond may be forfeited, revoked, or increased; I will be subject to confinement until the conclusion of the criminal case against me; and I may be punished for contempt of court by a fine of $100.00 or by confinement in jail for as long as three days or both. (Signing this is not an admission of guilt.)
Daytime Phone #:______
Revised 09/01/2009
[1] A device that uses a deep-lung breath analysis mechanism to make impractical the operation of a motor vehicle if ethyl alcohol is detected in the breath of the operator.