Sixth Grade Mathematics: Course 1
Teacher: Mr. Vanden Bogerd
Phone: (269) 267-5923
COURSE DESCRIPTION:This course is designed to successfully prepare 6th grade students for success in both pre-algebra and pre-geometry courses. During this course students will review and apply essential mathematical concepts at increasing levels of difficulty. Students will also experiment with several new concepts and problem solving skills related to algebra and geometry. The major topics covered within this course include: fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, statistics, probability, integers, algebra, geometry, measurement, linear equations and functions.
REQUIRED TEXT: Math Connects: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving - Course 1
COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course students should be able to:
- Work flexibly with fractions, decimals, and percents to solve problems
- Understand and use ratios and proportions
- Use the associative, commutative, and the distributive property to simplify computations with integers, fractions, and decimals
- Develop and analyze algorithms for computing with fractions, decimals, and integers
- Develop, analyze, and explain methods for solving problems involving proportions
- Represent, analyze, and generalize a variety of patterns with tables, graphs, words, and symbolic rules
- Use symbolic algebra to represent situations and to solve problems, especially those that involve linear relationships
- Recognize and generate equivalent forms for simple algebraic expressions and solve linear equations
- Model and solve problems using various representations, such as graphs, tables, and equations
- Precisely describe, classify, and understand relationships among two- and three-dimensional objects
- Understand both metric and customary systems of measurement
- Understand relationships among units and convert from one unit to another within the same system
- Understand, select, and use units of appropriate size and type to measure angles, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume
- Solve problems involving scale factors, using ratio and proportion
- Solve simple problems involving rates and derived measurements for such attributes as velocity and density
*Course objectives are based on the NCTM Principles and Standards for School Mathematics
COURSE LAYOUT: This course is divided into five units which are subdivided into a total of twelve chapters. Lord willing, three chapters will be covered each quarter of the school year.
Unit 1Number, Operations, and Statistics
Chapter 1 Algebra: Number Patterns and Functions
Chapter 2 Statistics and Graphs
Unit 2Number and Operations: Decimals and Fractions
Chapter 3 Operations with Decimals
Chapter 4 Fractions and Decimals
Chapter 5 Operations with Fractions
Unit 3Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking
Chapter 6 Ratio, Proportion, and Functions
Chapter 7 Percent and Probability
Unit 4Measurement and Geometry
Chapter 8 Systems of Measurement
Chapter 9 Geometry: Angles and Polygons
Chapter 10 Measurement: Perimeter, Area, and Volume
Unit 5Number, Operations, and Algebraic Thinking
Chapter 11 Integers and Transformations
Chapter 12 Algebra: Properties and Equations
Approximate Points per Category
Tests: 300 points
[about 45% of final grade]
(100 points per test)
Homework: 400 points
[about 55% of final grade]
(10 points per assignment)
Assignment Books/Journals
[grade will be factored into
the homework grade]
Extra Credit: (30 points)
(10 points per assignment)
There will be an average of three tests per quarter. One after each chapter.
There will be an average of five graded homework assignments per week. These will be graded for accuracy and/or completeness. Online assignments will count towards your homework grade.
Assignment books and/or math journals may be graded randomly to verify that they are being used.
There will be occasional opportunities for earning extra credit. The most important of these is the standardized tests that may be completed at the end of each chapter. These are a great way to earn extra points and to prepare for the semester exams.
PERCENT / LETTER / G.P.A.96-100 / A / 4.00
93-95 / A- / 3.67
90-92 / B+ / 3.33
87-89 / B / 3.00
84-86 / B- / 2.67
81-83 / C+ / 2.33
78-80 / C / 2.00
75-77 / C- / 1.67
72-74 / D+ / 1.33
69-71 / D / 1.00
66-68 / D- / 0.67
0-65 / F / 0.00
FASTT MATH: Students are required to complete at least one session of FASTT MATH each week.*
- Students must request permission before using classroom computers.
- Students may only complete one game per FASTT MATH session so that others can use the computer.
- Students are requested to record their FASTT MATH session on a log sheet.
* This requirement is contingent upon the availability of computers and the functionality of the software.
ON-LINE MATH RESOURCES: There will be occasional online assignments including chapter readiness assignments and chapter practice tests. These may be accessed by visiting my website at
You will find the assignments on the 6th Grade Course 1 math page. Each assignment must be completed within 24 hours from when it is assigned. An online assignment may be done over multiple times before you email your score to me at . Extensions of due dates will be granted for online assignments in the event that you encounter technical difficulties that are beyond your control. Students without internet access are welcome to request a printed copy of the online assignments.
GENERAL COURSE GUIDELINES:The following guidelines are stated to the end that all things might be done decently and in order within the 6th grade mathematics (Course 1) classroom. These guidelines do not intend to detract from or to replace any of the school’s policies as they are stated within the Family Handbook.
- Assignments specified as homework are to be completed by the beginning of the class period for which they are due. Assignments that are turned in after the beginning of the class period will be deducted 10% for being one day late. Incomplete, missing, and/or late assignments will also result in the student missing recess time for the purpose of completing the assignment. At the discretion of the instructor, and/or if students have no legitimate excuse for submitting the assignment late, assignments will be graded as zeros if they are not turned in by the beginning of the next class period. Contact with the student’s parents will generally result after a student receives a zero for a missing assignment.
- The student is expected to complete written homework without help from others or the use of a calculator, unless this is specified by the teacher. Using a calculator without permission will be treated as a violation of academic integrity.
- All math assignments are to be completed in pencil. Infringement of this guideline may result in the student being required to rewrite the assignment during his/her recess.
- Unless specified, answers to math problems must include the student’s work. Failure to show work may result in the deduction of points for the specific assignment. Please do not erase your work.
- The student will be required to correct and return any homework assignment that reveals a specific pattern of error, or when the assignment receives a score below 70% accuracy. Credit will be given for each corrected answer.
- When students are permitted or required to work in groups, each student is responsible for submitting his/her own work.
- Appropriate cooperation and diligence is mandatory for all group work settings.
- Students are expected to use a math journal on a daily basis for recording strategies and methods for problem solving as well as examples of problems provided by the teacher.
- Students are to come prepared to class with all of the following items:
- Math Textbook
- Math Journal (a spiral notebook designated for taking notes in math)
- Calculator
- Several previously sharpened pencils and an eraser
- Assignment book
- Any notes or assignments that are necessary for participation in class
Students who are unprepared for class will be required to stay in during recess to better organize their materials.
QUESTIONS:If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, and/or concerns; if you would like additional help; or if you would like to discuss anything with me, please come and let me know during the noon hour break or right before or after class. You are also welcome to contact me at any time by phone at 269-267-5923 or by email at .