Mr. Powell (520) 696-5665


  • Don’t be a distraction. Infringing on others’ right to learn and succeed is selfish and intolerable.
  • Don’t deface school or others’ property.
  • No food or drink

Consequences: If you don’t RESPECT THE PROCESS

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Loss of participation points
  3. Call and/or email home
  4. Referral to Administration

Required Materials: Each student is to come prepared for class and bring the following materials EVERY DAY:

  • A binder or folder for math only, with notebook paper and anyunit materials inside
  • Graphing calculator –TI-83 or 84recommended (other models will require your user knowledge)
  • Paper, pencils, pens, and highlighter

GRADES: Your grade will be based on the following:

Grade breakdown:

Participation: 30%

  • Cognitive Tutor (Online) (10%)
  • Class participation (10%)
  • Assignments / Homework (10%)

Assessments: 50%

  • Standards Assessments (40%)
  • Spiral Review Assessments (10%)

Cumulative Exam: 20%

ATTENDANCE: Algebra 1 covers a considerable amount of material. Please note the following:

  • Promptness is important in Algebra 1. After 3 tardies, you will be assigned lunch detention.
  • Attendance is very important. If you are absent on a day of a new lesson, you are responsible for making up the work. You may utilize tutorial to get help.
  • If you are absent on a review day, you will take the test on time as scheduled, unless you have missed new material.
  • If you are absent (excused) on a test day you must make it up within two days on your own time. This is your responsibility to schedule a time to make up a missed test.
  • If you have an unexcused absence on a test day, you will receive a zero and cannot make it up.
  • You will have two days for each day you have an EXCUSED absence to make up any assignments missed.

ASSESSMENTS: Unit tests will cover 2 to 4 new standards and 1 review standard.

  • Remember that assessments are PART of the LEARNING PROCESS, not the final measure of learning. You may retake any standard within a week of the original assessment.
  • In order to reassess, you must first turn in a “Request for Reassessment” which will document steps taken to improve understanding and schedule a specific time for the reassessment.
  • Reassessed standards will be scored as the combination of 25% original score and 75% new score.


  • Online grades will be based on the number of skills mastered through a unit.
  • Participation will be scored daily on a 5 point basis (1 for bellwork, 1 for closure, and 3 in between). Participation means you are being a productive member of the class and will also be earned during lab days.
  • Assignments may be completed during class or assigned as homework. They will be scored based on the assignment rubric discussed in class.


  • Grades may be viewed online through Parent Portal. They will be updated after each unit test. To view grades online, please refer to the CDO website.
  • Class materials, calendars, and links can be found on the class website.

By signing this, I am stating that I have read and understood the course policies. In addition, I am aware of the materials needed for the course and will ensure that those materials are available for use each day. Please contact teacher if there are any issues with purchasing a graphing calculator.

Student signature: ______Parent/guardian signature: ______

Parent/contact name (please print): ______Parent/guardian email: ______

By signing this, I am stating that I have read and understood the course policies. In addition, I am aware of the materials needed for the course and will ensure that those materials are available for use each day. Please contact teacher if there are any issues with purchasing a graphing calculator.

Student signature: ______Parent/guardian signature: ______

Parent/contact name (please print): ______Parent/guardian email: ______

By signing this, I am stating that I have read and understood the course policies. In addition, I am aware of the materials needed for the course and will ensure that those materials are available for use each day. Please contact teacher if there are any issues with purchasing a graphing calculator.

Student signature: ______Parent/guardian signature: ______

Parent/contact name (please print): ______Parent/guardian email: ______

By signing this, I am stating that I have read and understood the course policies. In addition, I am aware of the materials needed for the course and will ensure that those materials are available for use each day. Please contact teacher if there are any issues with purchasing a graphing calculator.

Student signature: ______Parent/guardian signature: ______

Parent/contact name (please print): ______Parent/guardian email: ______

By signing this, I am stating that I have read and understood the course policies. In addition, I am aware of the materials needed for the course and will ensure that those materials are available for use each day. Please contact teacher if there are any issues with purchasing a graphing calculator.

Student signature: ______Parent/guardian signature: ______

Parent/contact name (please print): ______Parent/guardian email: ______