Massachusetts Law Enforcement

Firearms Instructors’ and Armorers’ Association



WHO: Highly motivated personnel interested in training.

WHAT: MPTC Approved Basic Pistol & Revolver Instructor Certification

WHERE: Braintree Rifle & Pistol Club

Braintree, MA

WHEN: February 14 - 18, 2005

(5 days) 7:45 AM – 5:00PM [9 hours/day]

COST: Member Departments: $250/person (Non-member: $500/person)

Make checks payable to MLEFIAA.

REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Fully equipped duty belt (holster, keepers, baton, and holder, cuffs and case, magazine pouch w/spare magazines), semi-automatic handgun, (those students wishing Revolver certification will need a revolver, a holster specifically designed for the revolver, speed loaders and pouches), eye and ear protection, soft body armor, raincoat, gloves, and a flashlight.

AMMO REQUIREMENT: 200 rounds of duty pistol ammo, 800 rounds of pistol “ball” (training) ammo, and 200 rounds revolver ammo. LEAD FREE AMMO PLEASE (it does not have to be frangible) – we will be shooting indoors.

TOPICS: Include but are not limited to: adult learning theories, basic marksmanship skill building, tactical shooting techniques, psycho-motor skill development, civil/criminal liability, instructor responsibilities, instructor development, qualification vs. training, handgun retention, survival shooting techniques, course design & development, current trends, training record keeping, range operations & safety.

HOW: Complete enclosed application and enrollment forms and mail to:


P.O. Box 253

Princeton, MA 01541-0253

Applications must be received by February 4, 2005 to be considered

Massachusetts Law Enforcement

Firearms Instructors’ and Armorers’ Association

TO: Firearms Instructor Candidate

FROM: MLEFIAA Staff Instructors

DATE: January 1, 2005

SUBJ: Course Enrollment

You have been scheduled to attend the MLEFI&AA Firearms Instructor Development Course to be conducted February 14 – 18, 2005 at the Braintree Rifle & Pistol Club. Hours for this 5-day course will be 7:30am – 5:00pm. The course will begin promptly at 7:45 a.m., please arrive at least 15 minutes early. Please read and complete the enclosed forms. Failure to complete the application requirements will be cause for dismissal.

This checklist will aid you in successfully completing the enrollment process. Place a check (Ö) next to each item after completion and forward entire packet.

___ Application for Training

___ Participant Data Sheet

___ Resume’

___ Instructor Profile

___ Range Safety Rules (signed)

___ Copy of Department Photo I.D.

___ Copies of Instructor Certifications (if applicable)

___ Copy of Current CPR/First Responder Cards

___ Copy of Current Department Firearms Training Program

___ Copy of Current Department Policies for Use of Force/Firearms

The above items have been completely read, reviewed and filled out and are hereby enclosed to begin the enrollment process. I understand that if I do not complete the above requirements, I may be denied attendance in this course.

Signature: ______

Print Name:______


All forms MUST be submitted no later than February 4, 2005 to the above address. Enclosed you will find an equipment list. If you have any questions you may email us at .

Massachusetts Law Enforcement

Firearms Instructors’ and Armorers’ Association

TO: Currently Certified Departmental Firearms Instructor

FROM: MLEFI&AA Board of Directors

DATE: January 1, 2005

RE: Candidate(s) for Firearms Instructor Course

The candidate you are sponsoring will be evaluated on the first day of training. Please ensure that they possess the required competencies prior to participation. If they are not adequately prepared, they will not be permitted to continue attendance in the program.

You must review the following topics and have the candidate complete a competency based technique demonstration and shoot a course of fire for score. This will allow all candidates to be fairly evaluated and able to continue in the program:

____Fired a minimum score of 90% on MCJTC/MPTC Qualification Course

____Understand current and applicable case law related to Deadly Force Decisions (DFD);

____Understand Constitutional Limitations and Case Law related to DFD;

____Demonstrated Safe Weapon Handling;

____Demonstrated proficiency in drawing, engaging and firing at multiple targets;

____Demonstrated knowledge of weapon retention and disarming techniques;

____Knowledge and demonstrated skill in use of cover and use of concealment;

____Knowledge of department policy and procedures regarding “Use of Force” and “Use of Firearms”

____Demonstrated knowledge and proficiency in non-deadly force options;

____Demonstrated subject-matter interest and entry-level public speaking ability;

____Knowledge of authorized and issued firearms and ammunition.

The undersigned instructor hereby verifies that the above checked (Ö ) items were discussed, addressed and demonstrated. My signature below shall document that the instructor candidate I am sponsoring has the prerequisite knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude to become a certified firearms instructor and will be able to successfully complete the program.


Certified Instructor (signature) Date


Certified Instructor (Print Name) Sponsoring Agency/Department

Massachusetts Law Enforcement

Firearms Instructors’ & Armorers’ Association

Instructor Development Program Application

Course: _FIREARMS INST CERT._Course Dates: _FEB 14-18, 2005_Course Location: _Braintree___

Applicants Name: ______

(Print clearly) Last First Middle

DOB:______SS#: ______

Department: ______Rank/Title: ______

Department Address: ______

Street Town/City Zip Code

Work phone: ______Home Phone (optional): ______

Current Instructor Related Certifications: (Check all that apply)

_____ Train the Trainer _____ Train the Trainer II _____ Train the Trainer Instr.

_____ CPR _____ CPR Instr. _____ CPR Instr. Trainer

_____ First Responder _____ First Resp. Instr. _____ First Resp. Instr. Trainer

_____ Defensive Tactics _____ Def. Tactics Instr. _____ Def. Tactics Instr. Trainer

_____ Firearms _____ Firearms Instr. _____ Firearms Instr. Trainer

_____ Other ______

Do you have any current medical condition or chronic health problems for which you are being treated?

_____Yes_____No If Yes, please explain:______


Emergency Contact ( In Case of Injury or Illness)

______/______Name Relationship Phone (Home) / (Business)


Street Town/City Zip Code

I, (Print Name) ______agree to fully comply with all rules and regulations set forth by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors’ & Armorers’ Association with regards to its training programs and understand that I may be subject to dismissal from the program for infractions thereof. I agree that in case of accident or illness, the training staff may take whatever actions are deemed necessary to arrange for emergency medical services. I understand that it is my responsibility to immediately inform the instructor/program coordinator of any illness or injury that occurs during this training.


Signature Date


The Law Enforcement Agency/Department employee who is applying for training may be required to perform physical skills as a mandatory part of their Instructor Certification. I feel that the above applicant will be able to perform all necessary requirements to successfully complete this training.


Supervisors Signature Date


Printed Name Title



(Minimum Standards)

Firearms Instructor candidates desiring certification by MLEFIAA are expected to meet the following minimum standards:

1.  Complete ALL required enrollment paperwork on time including being signed off by their department firearms instructor.

2.  Submit all required paperwork PRIOR to the deadline with payment or provision for billing to your respective department.

3.  Achieve a score of 90% or better on the Day #1 Qualification Shoot and each daily Qualification shoot thereafter.

4.  Maintain 100% shot accountability. This means all your hits will be on the paper – no unaccounted for rounds. Repeated flyers will be cause for enrollment review.

5.  Abide by all safety regulations as stipulated in the application packet. Safety is the #1 concern in firearms training. Unsafe shooters will be asked to leave the program.

6.  Achieve passing grades (80%) on all written quizzes and the final exam.

7.  Attendance in all classes is mandatory. Students are required to arrive prior to the start of the training day (0745) and leave when the class is dismissed.

8.  Successfully complete the Student Teach Back assignment.

9.  Arrive eachmorning prepared for the day’s instruction program.

I have read the above Certification Criteria (minimum standards) and understand that failure to maintain these standards may be cause for dismissal from the program with no tuition reimbursement.

Name: ______Department: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Massachusetts Law Enforcement

Firearms Instructors’ & Armorers’ Association



I,______, do hereby acknowledge, release and forever discharge the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors’ & Armorers’ Association, its officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns, of and from any and all manner of action and actions, claims, suits, damages, judgments and demands of any kind whatsoever; whether now or in the future; at law or in equity, that results or may result from firearms or subject control products used, or from any training or instruction on the use of such firearms and subject control procedures by the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors’ & Armorers’ Association its successors, officers, employees, agents and assigns.

I further acknowledge that the use of firearms is an inherently dangerous activity and assume the risks of using and employing firearms or other similar products on the premises of the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors’ & Armorers’ Association, its officers, successors and assigns or any premises loaned, leased or borrowed by the Association.

I further acknowledge that the study and application of firearms techniques and subject control procedures is physically demanding and requires that I be in good physical condition, and that I am free of any disability or physical condition that would prohibit my participation.

I further acknowledge that I will abide by the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors’ & Armorers’ Association’s Cardinal Rules of Firearms Safety & Range Safety Regulations as listed herein:


·  Treat all firearms as though they are loaded.

·  Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are on target and have decided to fire.

·  Point the muzzle in a safe direction at all times.

·  Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.


Treat your firearm as if it is a laser gun with the beam always on;

whatever the laser beam touches, it cuts through!

General Rules and Conditions for Safe Range Activities

·  Do you have any physical disability, limitation, illness and/or other condition that would affect your ability to participate safely in any aspect of this program? _____Yes _____No Initials_____

·  Are you under the influence of any prescription/non-prescription drug or alcohol that would influence your safe participation in any aspect of this program? _____Yes _____No Initials_____

·  Ear, wrap around eye protection, body armor and a hat with brim are required to be worn at all times while firing is being conducted on the range. This applies to shooters, instructors and observers.

·  Immediately upon picking up a firearm, keep your finger off the trigger, point the muzzle in a safe direction, open the action and check both visually and physically to see that it is unloaded.

·  Check a second time.

·  Never give a firearm to, or take a firearm from anyone, unless the action is open for inspection.

·  Load/reload/unload only after position is taken at the firing point and on command.

·  Keep the firearm pointed down-range at all times.

·  Never draw a handgun from the holster on the range unless instructed.

·  Never draw/re-holster with your finger in the trigger guard or on the trigger.

·  NEVER holster a cocked weapon (cocked and locked weapons excluded). (Initials)_____

·  Always wash hands and face after leaving the range and shower and change clothing at the end of a shooting day to reduce the possibility of lead contamination.

·  Never go forward of the firing line unless instructed.

·  Never step back from the firing line unless your handgun is safely holstered, and the instructor directs you to do so.

·  While on the firing line, never bend over to retrieve dropped articles (magazines, rounds, etc.) until instructed to do so.

·  No talking on the firing line, except by, or with the instructor(s)

·  No eating, chewing tobacco or smoking on the firing line.

·  Pay strict attention to the instructor(s).

·  Never anticipate a command.

·  Never permit the muzzle of a firearm to touch the ground.

·  Conduct a proper safety check of the weapon before and after a training session.

·  Never dry fire on the range unless instructed to do so.

·  All safety precautions must be adhered to and will be enforced.

·  You are expected to use good judgment, and to refrain from attempting any exercise which you may not be able to perform safely based upon your own ability, equipment, prior training or physical conditioning. (Initials)_____

·  Remember: Everyone has the shared responsibility for range safety!

I further acknowledge that I have read and understood the foregoing RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned does hereby execute this document on the ______day of ______, 20____.

Signature: ______

Printed Name: ______

Witnessed by: ______


Revised: Oct 2003


Role Play/Simulation Training

1.  I understand that no “horse-play” will be tolerated.

2.  I understand that the phrase “time-out” or “jailbird” immediately stops all activity.

3.  I will not unholster my firearm unless instructed to do so.

4.  I will only unholster during a training scenario when justified.

5.  I understand that the blanks or paintballs, Airsoft or Simunitionsâ used are the safest available, but, that they can still cause injury.______(initial)

6.  I will strictly adhere to the following:

a.  I will allow my firearm to be checked for safety. ______(initial)

b.  I will allow my firearm to be checked prior to and after each scenario. _____ (initial)

c.  I will not shoot at any person/target that is closer than 10 feet. ______(initial)

7.  I understand that most exercises involve role playing. I will make every effort to not overreact. ______(initial)

8.  I understand that violating these or any other safety rules are grounds for immediate dismissal.______(initial)


Signature Date


Name Printed Witness
