Date / : / Tuesday, 16th Feb 2016
Time / : / 4.30 pm – 5.15 pm
Venue / : / Board Room
Present / : / KT(Chair), DPR, AZA, HA, SH, JZ, NZ, MH, CJ, MMS, PD, AJM, MIF, MJF
By Invitation / : / -
Apologies / : / -
1.0 / Amendments to previous minutes (2nd Feb 2016)
No amendments
2.0 / Matters arising
2.1 / Drugs
KT informed the meeting that AZA will confirm the testing date but she confirmed that it will not be done this semester. / AZA
2.2 / Jan 2016 intake
KT suggested that it is best to use semester examsto predict grades for 18 months students. CJ suggested giving further assessments early next semesterfor the purpose above.
KT felt that could subjective and that it is important have a clear cut basis.
On the discussion if sem exams for 18 monthers should be postponed to early next sem so that more teaching weeks can be earned:MIF pointed out that some July 2015 intake are doing ASsubjects with the Jan students and won’t have grades to be entered in QIAB if exams is postponed. AJA reminded the meeting that this would pose problems for QIAB reporting as reports can’t be completed for the next level of reporting. HA raised the need to fit in a new date for parents day next sem.
Having considered all matters brought up,it was concluded that exams for the 18-monthers should remain in Mayand grades for UCAS will be predicted based on what entered in QIAB. / SMTs
2.3 / Geography Subject
CJ raised concern about the candidate’s lack of teaching experience. He suggested that the candidate be put in touch with Geography teachers in other A-Level colleges in Malaysia and be introduced to CIE resources. DPR confirmed that Geography lessons will not be offered at the college next sem or the foreseeable future. The college will however, support the existing students as best as possible. AZA informed the meeting that he is still communicating with a teacher at UPSI for this purposes. / AZA
2.4 / Student Feedback Questionnaire
No feedback from HoDs on this. / HoDs
2.5 / Sponsor Portal
AZA informed the meeting that QIAB Launching for sponsors will be held on Tuesday, 1st March 2016. We are expecting about 23 sponsoring agencies.
2.6 / Class Observation
Zamira is still waiting for HoDs update on the schedules. / HoDs
The meeting was adjourned at 5.15 pm. The next meeting will be on 1st March 2016 at 4.30 pm at Common Room.

Recorded by : AzuraEdited by: Kasthuri Thilaga