
(Submit electronically by May 15, 2009, to Gerald Ponder

with a copy to your department head.)

I.  General Information

Date: _May 13, 2009

Undergraduate: N/A Graduate: yes

Program name: Secondary Social Studies Education

Curriculum code(s) CSS

Program coordinator: Meghan McGlinn Manfra

Program(s) reviewed: Bachelor’s __ Master’s _X_ Doctor’s __ Other __

II.  Enrollment

Fall 2008 (Access University Planning & Analysis, Institutional Research: Use data from the specialty area report or on the website you may find enrollment listed by department and curriculum—just keep scrolling on the menu on the left hand side.)

FR ___ SO ____ JR ____ SR ____ Total _____

Licensure only ____ Lateral entry ____

Master’s _13___ Master’s Licensure only ____ Sixth-year ____ Doctoral ____

Undergraduate student teachers: Fall ____ Spring ____ (include alternative students) N/A

Graduate student internships: Fall ____ Spring ____ (include all placements) N/A

Other field placements (describe):

III.  Total Degrees Awarded

Report degrees completed for summer 2008, December 2008, and May 2009 (Access University Planning & Analysis, Institutional Research ; if May 2009 degrees have not yet been posted, use the department graduation list. On the website, you will find degrees listed by department and curriculum—just keep scrolling on the menu on the left hand side.)

Summer 2008 - 0

December 2008 - 1

May 2009 - 1

IV.  Evaluation

·  What changes in the program faculty were made during the year?

Dr. Meghan McGlinn Manfra, PhD joined the program in August 2008.

·  List any course or curriculum proposals and/or revisions during the academic year.

Due to decreasing enrollment and continued feedback from students that the program needs to be more flexible for working professionals, we have joined with other faculty to create a new, interdisciplinary master of education (M.Ed.) program – the New Literacies and Global Learning program. This 30 hour program will meet the needs of our constituencies by offering more courses at a distance and providing a course of study relevant to 21st century teaching and learning. Currently the program has been approved by the Curriculum and Instruction department and the College of Education. It is awaiting final approval from the NC State University Graduate School. Two new graduate-level, social studies teaching courses were developed in the process. ECI 727 Digital History focuses on the integration and research of digitized historical resources in the K-12 social studies classrooms. In this hands-on course students learn about a variety of educational technologies, travel to historical sites to create digitized artifacts, and create multimedia teaching and learning activities. ECI 524 Global Learning focuses on global studies and culturally relevant instruction. A major component of this course is a virtual, international exchange in which students interact with peers from around the world. We hope to eventually offer this course abroad at NC State’s Prague Institute.

·  Describe program assessment activities.

We have continued assessment activities to align with both state and national accreditation requirements. This included collecting score sheets from signature artifacts in required courses, evaluating student culminating projects, and reflecting on results from College-initiated assessment activities including the 2008 Alumni Survey of Master's Degree Students and mid-point essays.

·  List key findings of assessment activities.

The 2008 Alumni Survey of Master's Degree Students determined the following areas for improvement: First, graduate programs needed to include more online courses (n=28 who did not agree that their program offered online courses). Second, graduates did not agree that mentored experiences helped them (n=18). Lastly, some did not agree that the LeadServe Conceptual Framework had been clearly articulated in the program (n=13).

In addition, it was determined that the rubric used to assess the culminating project for the CSS program did not adequately evaluate all of the Specialty Area Content standards from DPI.

·  As a result of the program review, what strengths were identified?

Our program provides students with a flexible course of study that allows both part-time and full-time students to complete the program according to their desired pace. The program continues to be responsive to the needs of working professionals by offering evening courses.

·  What areas of concern were identified?

Areas of concern continue to be:

o  Need for more on-line course offerings;

o  The LEAD-SERVE conceptual framework needs to be more clearly articulated;

o  The culminating project for the CSS program must evaluate all of the Specialty Area Content standards from DPI;

o  Lack of evening courses in graduate-level social sciences in CHASS; and

o  Stagnated student enrollment

·  As a result of the program review, what changes are recommended?

Planning for the New Literacies and Global Learning program took into account the areas of concern listed above. As a result, the new program will provide more on-line courses (at least 50%) and address the revised specialty area content standards for the social studies provided by NC DPI. We hope this new program will be more attractive to experienced teachers and working professionals and lead to increased enrollments. The program will align course work more explicitly with the LEAD SERVE framework established by our college.

·  What special accomplishments were made during the year? (Mention faculty and

student honors, publications, awards, grants and other relevant “bragging points”)

2008-2009 Faculty Activities for Meghan Manfra

Peer Reviewed Articles

Hammond, T. C., & Manfra, M. M. (2009). Giving, prompting, making: Aligning technology and pedagogy within TPACK for social studies instruction. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 9(2). Retrieved from

Manfra, M.M. (2009). Critical inquiry in the social studies classroom: Portraits of critical teacher research. Theory and Research in Social Education, 37(2), 298-316.

Manfra, M.M. (2009). Authentic intellectual work on school desegregation: The digital history of massive resistance in Norfolk, Virginia. Social Education, 73(3), 131-135.

Manfra, M.M. (2009). The middle ground in action research: Integrating practical and critical inquiry. Journal of Curriculum & Instruction, 4(1), 32-46.

Manfra, M.M., & Bolick, C.M. (2008). Reinventing Master’s Degree Study for Experienced social studies teachers. Social Studies Research & Practice, 3(2), 29-41.

Manfra, M.M., & Hammond, T. (2008). Teachers' instructional choices with student-created digital documentaries: Case studies. Journal of Research in Technology Integration, 41(2), 37-59.

Manfra, M.M., & Stoddard, J. (2008). Powerful and Authentic Digital Media Strategies for Teaching about Genocide and the Holocaust. The Social Studies, 99(6), 260-264.

Book chapters & guides (non-peer reviewed)

Manfra, M.M. (in press, 2009). Leveraging technology for student inquiry: Technology in the New Social Studies and today. In B.S.Stern (Ed.). New Social Studies: People, programs, politics, and perspectives. Information Age Press.

Manfra, M. M. (2008). Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs: Teacher’s guide. NY: Penguin.

Articles (non-peer reviewed)

Manfra, M.M., & Manfra, D. (March 2008). Value-added technology integration in schools: Leveraging information technologies in schools. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2008. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

International and National Conference Presentations

Manfra, M.M. (April 2009). Aids to teaching: Technology in the New Social Studies. Individual paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, San Diego, CA.

Manfra, M.M. (April 2009). Technology in the New Social Studies. Symposium presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference, San Diego, CA.

Hammond, T., Manfra, M.M., Friedman, A., & Lee, J. (April 2009). Epistemology is elementary: Historical thinking in social studies methods courses via critical inquiries of Wikipedia entries. Paper discussion at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA.

Manfra, M.M., Friedman, A., Hammond, T., & Lee, J. (March 2009). Peering behind the curtain: Digital history, historiography, and secondary social studies methods. Presentation at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Charleston, SC.

Beal, C., Holcomb, L., Lee, J., Manfra, M.M., Oliver, K., Pope, C., Schrader, P.G., Spires, H., & Young, C. (March 2009). Digital video and new literacies: Vignettes from the Field. Symposium presentation at the Presentation at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Charleston, SC.

Manfra, M.M., Fischer, C., & Trombino, D. (November 2008) Historic thinking and student-created digital documentaries. Presentation at the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) annual conference, Houston, TX.

Manfra, M.M., & Manfra, D. (March 2008). Value-added technology integration in schools: Leveraging information technologies in schools. Presentation at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Hammond, T., Manfra, M., Friedman, A., Keeler, C., & Metan, D. (March 2008). Epistemology Is Elementary: Historical Thinking as Applied Epistemology in an Elementary Social Studies Methods Class. Presented as a Brief Paper at the conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) annual conference, Las Vegas, NV.

State and Local Conference Presentations

Friedman, A., Lee, J., Hartshorne, R., Heafner, T., Manfra, M.M., & Bolick, C. (February 2009). Social Studies 2.0: Strategies and Ideas for 21st Century Learners. Symposium presentation at the North Carolina Council for the Social Studies annual meeting, Greensboro, NC.

2008-2009 Faculty Activities for John Lee


NC Quest: Voices of North Carolina in the Classroom, Principle Investigators: Carl Young, Jeffery Reaser: CO-PIs Candy Beal John Lee, Carol Pope, Walt Wolfram, $299.985

Peer Reviewed Articles

Hammond, T., & Lee, J. K. (2009). From watching newsreels to making videos. Learning and Leading with Technology 36(8).

Lee, J. K., & Spires, H. A. (2009). What students think about technology and academic engagement in school: Implications for middle grades teaching and learning. AACE Journal, 17(2).

Bull, G., Thompson, A., Searson, M., Garofalo, J., Park, J., Young, C., & Lee, J (2008). Connecting informal and formal learning: Experiences in the age of participatory media. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(2). Retrieved September 24, 2008 from,

Spires, H. A., Lee, J. K., Turner, K. A., & Johnson, J. (2008). Having our say: Middle grade student perspectives on school, technologies, and academic engagement. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 40(4), 497-515.


Lee, J. K., & Friedman, A. (Eds.) (in press, 2008) Research on social studies and technology. Greenwich, CN: Information Age Press.

Book chapters

Hicks, D., Friedman, A., & Lee, J. (2008). Framing research on technology and research in social studies. In G. Bull & L. Bell, (Eds.). Framing research on technology and student learning in the content areas: Implications for educators, (pp. 51–65). Greenwich, CN: Information Age Publishing.

Lee, J. K. (2008, in press). Beyond the classroom: Online discourse outside the social studies classroom. In P. VanFossen & M. Berson, (Eds.). The Electronic Republic? The impact of technology on education for citizenship (pp. ). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.

International and national conference presentations

Hammond, T. C., Manfra, M. M., Keeler, C., Lee, J. K., Friedman, A. (2009). Epistemology is elementary: Historical thinking in social studies methods courses via critical inquiries of Wikipedia entries. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Lee, J. K., & Young, C. A. (2009). New Literacies, inquiries, and technology: The rest of the story. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Thieman, G., Obrien, J. E., Lee, J. K., Hinde, E. R., & Gallavan, N. (2009). Participatory media and citizenship education: An opportunity for social studies to help youth have their say. Demonstration presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.

Beal, C., Holcomb, L., Lee, J. K, Manfra, M. M., Oliver, K., Pope, C., Schrader, P. G. Spires, H., & Young, C. (2009). Digital video and new literacies: Vignettes from the field. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Charleston, SC.

Manfra, M. M., Friedman, A. Hammond, T. C., & Lee, J. K. (2009). Peering behind the curtain: Digital history, historiography, and secondary social studies methods. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Charleston, SC.

Lee. J. K., & Hammond, T. C. (2009). Watching, analyzing, and creating: Teachers using digital video in social studies. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Charleston, SC.

Lee, J. K., Friedman, A., & Bolick, C. M. (2008). Visual content and social studies teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College and University Faculty Assembly, Houston, TX.

Lee, J. K. (2008). Technological pedagogical content knowledge in social studies. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Lee, J. K., & Young, C. A.. (2008). Middle level educators and online social gaming. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Long, S., Young, C. A., & Lee, J. K. (2008). The Voices of North Carolina professional development initiative: A new literacies approach to teaching language effectively in the middle grades. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.

Lee, J. K. (2008). Social studies, democracy, and technological pedagogical content knowledge. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.

Lee, J. K., & Young, C. A.. (2008). Teachers collaborating using blogs and wikis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.

Lee, J. K., & Young, C. A. (2008). Young adolescents and online social gaming. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.

2008-2009 Faculty Activities for Drinda Benge

MAT Coordinator:

Assisted DGP for new MAT program to begin January 2009

Advised prospective students in 5 areas: Secondary English, Secondary Social Studies, Middle Grades English, Middle Grades Social Studies, Special Education