Focus Plan

Texarkana Independent School District

GRADING PERIOD: / Biology – 4th six weeks
Chemistry – 1st six weeks / PLAN CODE:
WRITER: / L. Petty / COURSE/SUBJECT: / 10th grade science
GRADE(S): / 10th / TIME ALLOTTED FOR INSTRUCTION: / 1 – 1½ hours
TITLE: / Don’t Eat Me
LESSON TOPIC: / Interactions among organisms in an environment.
TAKS OBJECTIVE: / Objective 3
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence of organisms and the environment.
FOCUS TEKS AND STUDENT EXPECTATION: / 10.12 The student knows that interdependence and interactions occur within an
ecosystem. The student is expected to:
(B) interpret interactions among organisms exhibiting predation,
parasitism, commensalisms, and mutualism.
SUPPORTING TEKS AND STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: / Objective 1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of
10.2 The student uses scientific methods during field and laboratory
investigations. The student is expected to:
(C) organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from
(D) communicate valid conclusions
The student will understand that
Ecosystem / Organisms interact with their environment and with each other in very specific ways.
Relationships / Organisms react with each other in many complex relationships.
Parasitism / A relationship where one organism benefits and one is harmed.
Commensalism / A relationship where one organism benefits and the other is neither helped nor harmed.
Mutualism / A relationship where both organisms benefit.
Predation / A relationship where one organism eats the other.


A. Focus/connections/anticipatory set

Once students are seated, show a brief clip of a video with a sea anemone and clown fish.

B. Instructional activities

(demonstrations, lectures, examples, hands-on experiences, role play, active learning experience, art, music, modeling, discussion, reading, listening, viewing, etc.)

1.  Lecture

Go over vocabulary list.

C. Guided activity or strategy

Give students the following scenario: a clown fish lives in a sea anemone where it cleans the anemone and

prevents certain predators from eating it. What type of relationship is this? Obviously the anemone benefits

since it is cleaned and protected. Try to get students to remember the video clip to realize that the sea anemone also catches fish that might be after the clown fish. They should be able to determine that this is a mutualistic relationship.

D. Accommodations/modifications

Students requiring accommodations may be given a completed copy of the vocabulary.

E. Enrichment

Students requiring enrichment may be assigned the vocabulary prior to the activity.


A. Description

Complete Activity – Don’t Eat Me

B. Accommodations/modifications

Students requiring accommodations should be assigned a peer tutor.

C. Enrichment

Students requiring enrichments should be peer tutors.


A. Description

Grade Activity Worksheet – Don’t Eat Me.

B. Rubrics/grading criteria

Each answer in the data table should be graded at 3 points each. Incorrectly answered answers or boxes left

blank should have these points deducted.

C. Accommodations/modifications

Since students may work with peer tutors, no accommodations should be needed.

D. Enrichment

Students may be given an assignment to provide an additional example for each type of symbiotic


E. Sample discussion questions

1.  What type of relationship has one organism benefiting and one being harmed? Parasitism

2.  What type of relationship has both organisms benefiting? Mutualism

3.  What type of relationship has one organism benefiting and one being neither harmed nor helped? Commensalisms

4.  What type of relationship has one organism killing and eating the other? Predation

5.  What is the difference between parasitism and predation since both have one organism benefiting and one being harmed? In parasitism, the parasite usually does not want to kill the host since this would kill the parasite also.


A. Transition to TAKS context

1. Many different types of interaction take place between organisms in an ecosystem. Which of the following

statements provides the best description of a predator-prey relationship within an ecosystem?

(a) The predator feeds on the prey. The predator is helped and the prey is harmed.

(b) The prey feeds on the predator. The prey is helped and the predator is harmed.

(c) The predator feeds on the prey. The predator is harmed and the prey is helped.

(d) The prey feeds on the predator. The prey is harmed and the predator is helped.

2. Certain fungi and green algae live together as lichens in some ecosystem niches. The algae provide food

for the fungi, and the fungi provide water conservation and protection for the algae. What term describes

this interaction that benefits both organisms?

(a) amensalism

(b) mutualism

(c) parasitism

(d) commensalisms

3. There are numerous interactions between organisms in freshwater lake ecosystems. What interactions

should be notices by a careful observer?

(a) Aquatic plants and snails compete for sunlight while fish and birds compete for snails.

(b) Aquatic plants and snails have a symbiotic relationship while fish and birds have a predator-prey


(c) Aquatic plants are eaten by snails, snails are prey for fish, and fish are prey for birds.

(d) Aquatic plants and snails have a parasitic relationship while fish and birds have a symbiotic


B. Sample TAKS questions

Spring 2004

1. An oakworm caterpillar feeds on the leaves of an oak tree. This type of interaction is _____.

(a) mutualistic

(b) commensalistic

(c) competitive

(d) parasitic

2. After being introduced in the 1930s, the fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) became established throughout much

of the southern United States. One biological way to control fire ants might be to introduce organisms that

are ____.

(a) mutualistic with fire ant queens

(b) nurtured by fire ant workers

(c) preyed on by fire ant drones

(d) parasitic to fire ant larvae

3. A hummingbird feeds on the nectar of a flowering plant. In this process the bird gains nutrition while

spreading the plant’s pollen to other flowers. The relationship between hummingbirds and flowering

plants can be described as ____.

(a) commensal

(b) predatory

(c) parasitic

(d) mutualistic


commensalisms parasitism

competition predation

host predator

mutualism prey

parasite symbiosis


A. Textbook

None needed

B. Supplementary materials/equipment

Transparency master – Vocabulary

Instructor’s Copy – Vocabulary

Activity Worksheet – Don’t Eat Me

Instructor’s Copy – Don’t Eat Me

C. Technology


(reteaching, cross-curricular support, technology activities, next lesson in sequence, etc.)

A.  Reteaching

Go over graded worksheet.

B.  Next lesson in sequence

Biology – 12C – compare variations, tolerances, and adaptations of plants and animals in different biomes

Chemistry – 12E – investigate and explain the interactions in an ecosystem including food chains, food webs, and

food pyramids


Before activity:

1.  Make transparency master of vocabulary

2.  Run off worksheets so that every student has one.