Section: 200
Section Title:Executive (Board of Trustees)
Policy Name:Presidential Compensation and Evaluation
Policy Number:208
Approval Authority:Board of Trustees
College Policy Executive: Chief Planning Officer
Responsible Executive: Board of Trustees
Responsible Unit:Board of Trustees
Date Adopted: December9, 1987
Date Revised: September 21, 2009, December 10, 2014


The Board of Trustees of Ramapo College of New Jersey shall: (1) in accord with its bylaws evaluate the College President, and (2) in accord with its statutory authority (N.J.S.A. 18A:64-6) appoint and fix the compensation of the College President.

2.Reason for Policy:

Sets forth policy and procedure for the president of the college’s compensation and evaluation.

3.To Whom Does The Policy Apply:

President of the College

4.Related Documents:

Ethics Guidelines

Presidential Evaluation Procedures


Office of the President



The purpose of a president’s evaluation is to provide the President and Board of Trustees with an explicit means to evaluate regularly the performance of the President on mutually agreed upon, measureable goals.

The evaluation process and outcomes should be placed within the context of public accountability for addressing effectively strategic issues affecting the College, and should result in greater confidence by the Board, President and the College in defining challenges and opportunities, setting clear priorities to achieve goals, and working collaboratively with others to provide leadership to fulfill the College’s mission.

The authority and responsibility for evaluating the President rests solely with the Board of Trustees.

  1. Establishment of Goals

During the month of May in each academic year, the President shall prepare, in consultation with the Board Chair, a set of goals for the upcoming academic year. The goals shall be measureable (reflecting a blend of quantitative and qualitative measures) and shall largely relate to the Strategic Plan adopted by the Board, and any appropriate multi-year goals mutually agreed upon by the President and the Board. These goals shall be provided to the full Board at its June meeting.

B. Self-Evaluation Report of the President

The President shall provide to the Board Chair in June, a self-evaluation report that addresses (1) the general conditions of the College, (2) progress on meeting the previous year’s goals, and (3) the goals for the upcoming academic year. The report may include, but not be limited to:

  • The overall academic vitality of the College and its educational and enrollment performance.
  • The fiscal health and long term sustainability of the College.
  • Significant accomplishments or changes in personnel and policy governing human resources and contract administration.
  • Marketing, advocacy, advancement, and community engagement strategies.
  • Condition of the physical plant and needs for renovation/renewal of facilities, including technology needs and financing strategies.
  • An assessment of the President’s sense of accomplishment and well-being, and any personal or professional development needs that merit consideration.
  • An assessment of the President’s working relationship with administrative staff, faculty, students, alumni and other constituencies of the College.
  • An assessment of the President’s working relationship with the Board.

C. Annual Evaluation

The Board Chair, in consultation with the President, shall facilitate the annual evaluation of the President. The President shall appoint an appropriate confidential staff member to assist the Board Chair.

Following the submission of the President’s self-evaluation report to the Board Chair in June, the Board Chair, and/or his designee(s), shall prepare a set of questions to aid in the annual evaluation. Questions shall address leadership on achieving specified goals, those matters contained in the President’s self-evaluation, and others, potentially including, but not limited to:

  • How effectively does the President articulate a vision for achieving the College’s mission?
  • Does the President involve the Board and others in the College community in setting goals that are measureable?
  • How effective is the President in advocating the mission, and building support and consensus within and outside of the College to meet strategic goals?
  • Is the President clear in outlining and recommending policy options and actions to the Board?
  • How effective is the President in managing affairs of the Board, including agenda setting, meetings, committees, and Board development?
  • How effective is the President in communicating with and managing senior staff to achieve the administrative responsibilities of the College?
  • How effective is the President in anticipating and responding to emerging problems, and managing unforeseen developments?

The Board Chair, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Board, shall interview or survey members of the Board; and may interview or survey representatives of the staff, faculty, and students regarding the President’s leadership. The Board Chair shall share a draft report of his/her findings with the Board at its September meeting.

In the case of an annual evaluation that is tied to a compensation review or decision, the Board Chair shall request that the President or his designee provide state, regional and national comparative salary and benefit information, and conduct an analysis in consultation with the Executive Committee, based on performance goals established by contract and Board policy. A final compensation recommendation shall be made to, and confirmed by the Board by its December meeting. Any increase in base salary will normally be retroactive to July 1.

D. Periodic Comprehensive Evaluation

The Board Chair, in consultation with the President, may engage an external consultant to facilitate the periodic comprehensive evaluation of the President every five years. The consultant shall be an expert in the field of higher education, without conflict of interest, selected upon the mutual agreement of the President and the Board Chair. The President shall appoint an appropriate confidential staff member to assist the consultant.

Following the submission of the President’s self-evaluation report to the Board in June,

the consultant may interview or survey representatives of the College and others, including but not limited to representatives of the College Foundation, Alumni Association, community leaders, and state-level and federal officials, selected state and national associations, and presidential peers. The consultant shall conduct interviews or surveys on-campus, or by telephone, which shall be considered confidential information.

Following the interviews, the consultant shall report orally to the Board Chair and the President, and shall prepare a draft written report with recommendations. It shall not contain any statements of attribution. The draft report shall be discussed with the Board in Executive Session at its September meeting, as a confidential personnel matter. The report shall focus on a constructive evaluation of the President’s performance within the context of established goals, the President’s self-evaluation, and surveys/interviews, and shall contain recommendations for strengthening the President’s leadership capacity and revising the President’s contract.

Following Board consideration of the report, the Board Chair shall incorporate any suggested revisions into a Final Report of the Chair.

In the case of a periodic comprehensive evaluation tied to a compensation review or decision, the Chair shall request that the consultant provide state, regional and national comparative salary and benefit information, and conduct an analysis in consultation with the Executive Committee, based on performance goals established by contract and Board policy. A final compensation recommendation shall be made to, and confirmed by the Board by its December meeting.

Note: In a year in which the periodic comprehensive evaluation is pursued, the annual evaluation shall not be pursued.

E. Final Report of the Chair

As part of the annual evaluation and periodic comprehensive evaluation of the President, the Board Chair shall discuss the final report with the President, and shall prepare a letter to the President and Board summarizing the evaluation, confirming goals for the next academic year, and reaffirming the evaluation process.

Any recommendation affecting terms of appointment and/or compensation of the President shall be referred to the appropriate committee of the Board for consideration. The letter shall be signed by the President and Board Chair. The conclusion of the evaluation process shall be reported to the Board by its December meeting for action as deemed appropriate.

F. Presidential Evaluation Visual Timeline

Month / Annual Evaluation / Periodic Comprehensive Evaluation (every 5 years)*
May / President prepares goals for next year / President prepares goals for next year; External consultant is selected
June / President’s goals provided to full Board as part of Self-Evaluation Report / President’s Goals provided to full Board as part of Self-Evaluation Report
July-August / Board Chair prepares questions and conducts interviews/surveys of key stakeholders / Consultant prepares questions and conducts interviews/surveys with broad range of stakeholders
September / Board Chair shares draft report with President and Board; Collects feedback on findings / Consultant reports orally to President and Board Chair; Consultant shares draft written report with full Board; Collects feedback on findings
December / Board Chair issues final report to the Board for action as deemed appropriate / Board Chair issues final report to the Board for action as deemed appropriate

*Note: In a year in which the periodic comprehensive evaluation is pursued, the annual evaluation shall not be pursued.

Presidential Compensation and Evaluation (208)