Mercaz Chapter Presidents Weekend
Chapter President’s Program- Qualities of a good leader
“The Perfect Accessory”
Rebecca Geboff- Mercaz Sub-Regional President 2008-2009
Goals of Program:
1. Learn how to…
Be a good leader within chapters.
Use leadership in a positive manner.
Stay connected with other chapter presidents/sub-regional board throughout the year.
2. Create something that stays attached to the chapter presidents all year both physically and mentally
3. Bond together and Have Fun!
String and Beads (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple)
1. The program will begin with a discussion amongst the chapter presidents on the topic of what they think are qualities that every leader should have.
Questions that will be asked in this discussion are as followed:
When you think of a leader what immediate words pop into your head?
What are positive qualities that each leader should have?
What are some negative qualities about a leader?
2. Following the discussion, pre-cut string, and the six different colored beads will be passed out to each chapter president.
3. As each bead is put onto the bracelet, a meaning behind each color bead will be presented by leader of program (Sub-Regional Prez- Rebecca)
Bead Color Meanings:
Red: Love or
Green: Green Serene
Yellow: HaNegev Region
Orange: Don’t reflect on the past
Blue: The sky is the limit
Purple: My favorite color-Make a wish for the year
4. After beads are threaded onto the string, turn to the person to the left of you and tie their bracelets together, symbolizing that we are all here for each other.
5. Conclude by doing Mercaz cheer, and group hug!