12 4th Street Ne, Hillsboro, ND 58045

High School: 701-636-4360/Fax: 701-636-4362

Bus Barn: 701-636-5825/Elementary: 701-636-4711

Web: www.hillsborok12.com

Welcome to Hillsboro High School

Welcome to Hillsboro High School! Our hope is that this planner will be used by you daily to plan your educational and social activities. Planning, along with effort, is critical to having a successful educational experience; and it is our sincere hope that this planner will assist you in this endeavor.

We are extremely proud of our high school faculty, students and staff. Working together we have accomplished many worthwhile goals. Our high school is a great place to learn and enjoy your friends. We welcome you and wish you a prosperous and enjoyable school year.

On behalf of the entire faculty and staff of Hillsboro High School, "WELCOME


“Leading and Preparing 21st Century Learners to Succeed”

This statement is used as a guide in developing all aspects of the curriculum. Hillsboro High School desires to prepare students to exhibit communication and technological literacy, the ability to access and evaluate information, respect for individual, and self-knowledge. The ultimate purpose of all education is to make the students their own teachers.


To be eligible for graduation, a senior must have enrolled in a high school during grades 9, 10, 11, & 12 for four separate school year terms. An exception to this policy may be made for students if they have the approval of their parents and principal. In addition, students must have completed and passed all requirements for the high school diploma in order to participate in commencement exercises. A student not completing all requirements by the date set for graduation may still receive a diploma for that year, however, all graduation requirements must be met before school begins in the fall of that year.



Hillsboro High School is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and by the North Dakota State Department of Public Instruction.


Diploma Requirements:

English / 4
Mathematics / 3
Science – Physical & Biology Required / 3
Social Science – US History & POD Required / 3
Physical Education / 1
Foreign Language, Fine Arts or CTE / 3
Additional Credits (Electives) / 5
Required Credits / 17
Elective Credits / 5
Credits Required for Graduation / 22

ND Academic Scholarship Eligibility Requirements:

Completion of English, Science, Social Science, Physical Education, and Elective Credits
1 Additional Credit of Math for which Algebra II is a prerequisite
2 Credits of the same Foreign Language
1 Credit of Fine Arts or CTE course
½ credit of a Dual Credit course or 1 credit of AP course with examination
Obtain a minimum of “C” for each credit or ½ credit under diploma requirements
Obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher (B average)
Receive a composite score of at least a 24 on ACT

ND Career and Technical Education Scholarship Eligibility Requirements:

Completion of English, Science, Social Science, Physical Education, and Elective Credits
4 Credits of Math on Credit needs to be Algebra II
2 Credits of a coordinated plan of study recommended by Department of CTE
3 Additional Credits, 2 must be in the area of CTE
Obtain a minimum of “C” for each credit or ½ credit under diploma requirements
Obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher (B average)
Receive a composite score of at least a 24 on ACT or a minimum score of a 5 on each of the three WorkKeys Assessments (Reading, Locating Information, Applied Mathematics

2014/2015 School Year Academics

1. Percentage of Proficiency = 75% or 3 on a 4 point scale

a. 75% of the grade will come from tests, quizzes, projects, papers, etc…..

b. 25% of the grade comes from homework

c. If students aren’t proficient on formative tests, but show proficiency on final (summative test) - student will be given a proficient score

2. Homework

a. 50% if turned in late (missed deadline)

b. 0 credit if not turned in - Incomplete in the grade book until turned in.

3. Retakes

a. Allow one retake - Highest test score goes in the grade book (If student can show proficiency in the final test the grade will be considered proficient.) Proficiency scores will not be updated until the end of the semester.

1. Must be taken within 5 days of original test

i. All work associated with the test must be completed and handed in within the 5 days.

ii. If not taken within 5 days original test score is used and student is considered not proficient in that class.

iii. Students who scores above 75% will also have an opportunity for a retake to raise that test score.

4. Reteach

a. Student makes an appointment with the teacher to be retaught before school, after school or during Burro Time

b. Students will need to sign-up with their teacher

c. If a student misses a scheduled retake - that student will receive the original test score

5. Eligibility

a. An “F” in any class will result in the student not being eligible to participate. This will also be in the coop agreement with Central Valley.

b. A student failing any class for the semester will be ineligible for the first four weeks of the next semester. Students can complete credit recovery classes through Distant Education over the summer to gain immediate eligibility for the fall semester.

Rubrics Scale:

100% – 93% or 4.0 = A Exemplary
92% - 84% or 3.5 = B Advanced Proficient
83% - 75% or 3.0 = C Proficient
74% - 70% < 3.0 = D PP (Recommended Retake)
69% - 0% < 3.0 = NP “F” Non-Proficient Retake Class

Grade Scale Letter Grade GPA Grade Scale Letter Grade GPA

100 – 95 A 4.00
94 – 93 A- 3.66
92 – 91 B+ 3.33
90 – 86 B 3.00
85 – 84 B- 2.66
83 – 82 C+ 2.33 / 81 – 77 C 2.00
76 – 75 C- 1.66
74 – 73 D+ 1.33
72 – 71 D 1.00
70 – 69 D- 0.66
69 – Below F 0.00

**Dual Credit Classes Offered Through Mayville State University Will Follow Mayville State’s Grade Scale


Any student that is failing any class will be ineligible to participate in any extracurricular or co-curricular activities for a period of one week beginning on Wednesday through Wednesday of the following week. Students who are academically ineligible will not be allowed to travel with the team if the team leaves before the end of the school day (3:30). Grade assessments are made using the cumulative grade that is computed from day one of the class each semester / 9 weeks. Grade assessments will not be taken until four weeks have passed in each semester. Failure to pass all classes at the end any high school semester will make a student ineligible for a period of four weeks from the first day of the following semester.

ATTENDANCE - EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Activities on a Day of Absence: A student must be present in school for a full day on the day of an extra curricular event in which he/she wishes to participate. Students who are absent on a Friday will be eligible to participate on Saturday. This includes practices and contests. Students who have to leave the school during the day must personally check with the office personnel to remain eligible to participate in extra curricular activities for the day. Exceptions may be granted for medical appointments or family emergencies upon approval of the principal.


Zero Hour 7:30 – 8:20
Period 1 8:30 – 9:20
Period 2 9:23 – 10:13
Period 3 10:16 – 11:06
Period 4 11:09 – 11:59
Period 5 11:33 – 12:23
Period 6 12:26 – 1:16
Period 7 1:19 – 2:09
Period 8 2:12 – 3:02
Burro Time 3:05 – 3:30

Students are not allowed to drop or add classes without an official drop/add slip issued by the office, initialed by the teacher, & either the counselor or principal. All changes must be made within one week of the start of a new semester. All requests may not be approved.


For our complete Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), please go to www.hillsborok12.com school board policy ACDA.


Computers are available for student usage and all students are encouraged to use these computers. However, students are ABSOLUTELY LIMITED to the use of programs or websites, which are assigned or approved by an instructor. Students using or attempting to use unauthorized programs or websites will be denied access to any of the school computers for a period of time set by the instructor and/or principal. Students are also advised that nothing they save on the computer network is confidential; teachers and administrators have access to all student documents on the network.

COURTESY TO THE NATIONAL ANTHEM, THE FLAG AND THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE If the national anthem is played while the United States flag is displayed, everyone present should face it and salute in the same manner as when the flag is raised or lowered or passes by in a parade. If the flag is not displayed, all persons should stand at attention facing the music.

COURTESY TO THE SCHOOL SONG Courtesy demands that you stand at respectful attention for your own school song and for other schools’ loyalty songs.

Early Outs

The district has scheduled a number of early outs this year for staff professional development. Please refer to the district calendar to see when those days are.


Honor Roll is computed on a quarterly basis. All grades are computed and any student who receives D’s or F’s is not included in the honor roll. Honor roll grading is: 4.0; A= 3.6665 to 3.9999; B= 2.9995 to 3.6664.


All "incomplete" grades must be made up and removed from the records within two weeks after the quarter or the student will be given a failing grade for the grading period. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances only by joint approval of the instructor and principal.


Report cards will be handed out, to parents, during parent teacher conferences after quarter one and quarter three. Report cards will not be mailed out unless requested. Grades can be found on the PowerSchool web site.

2. Behavior/Discipline Information


The possession, use, or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or narcotics on or about the school premises or at school functions are not permitted and will result in suspension or expulsion from school. All parking lots, streets and sidewalks adjacent to the school are considered part of school premises. The parking lot north of the school is school property and all school regulations will apply. Throughout the school year, drug dogs will be brought into the school for detection purposes. We intend to keep our school a safe setting for our students.


APPOINTMENTS Students who have an appointment during school hours must have a parent and/or guardian give notification to the school office. Upon returning from the appointment the student must check with the office to receive a permit to leave building (blue) slip then return to their scheduled class. Failure to comply with these procedures will result in an unexcused absence.

The length of the school term shall be 180 days. The students shall be in attendance the maximum number of days possible. If a student has been absent, the parent should contact the office or teacher by note, phone call or email. The student will be allowed twice as many days to make up the work as days s/he was absent. If a family is going on vacation, arrangements should be made with the teacher regarding makeup work.

Parents of children between the ages of 7-16 are required by North Dakota State Law to have their children in school on time, every school day. This year we are going to be more active in our encouragement for your child(all ages) to be here and be on time. If your child is absent or tardy five times, you will receive an early intervention letter in the mail. If your child is absent or tardy ten times (per semester), you will receive a letter and a meeting or phone call will take place with the principal to discuss your child’s absences or tardiness and see what solutions we can come up with. If your child is absent or tardy 11+ times(per semester), a second meeting or phone call will take place with the principal and the principal may file a referral with social services on the grounds of educational neglect.

The Hillsboro Public School District recognizes three types of absences:

a. Excused: Excused absences shall be those caused by illness, injury, family emergency, religious observance, or those absences granted in advance by the principal. In the case of an absence granted by the principal, the work must be made up ahead of time. The responsibility for making the absence excused rests with the parents and students.

b. Unexcused – with parent/guardian’s knowledge and/or consent: If a student is absent with parent/guardian’s consent for reasons other than those stated above, the parent/guardian is expected to call the principal’s office to explain the absence and the student will be subject to a penalty, since he/she will be in willful violation of school board regulations. If a child is absent more than three consecutive days, the building principal shall arrange a visit with the child’s parent/guardian. If the absences become habitual and the principal is not satisfied that the absences are excusable, the principal shall file a Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect with the Traill County Social Services and the State’s Attorney for appropriate action. Habitual absence is defined as five (5) or more absences per each nine (9) week period.