Duration: 2:41 minutes
Introducing Shell Rimula synthetic oils with Dynamic Protection Plus technology, to provide long oil and engine life, extended oil drain intervals, reduced fuel and maintenance costs, all-weather protection, resulting in lower total cost of ownership.
ShellRimulaDPP_Animation_Prores-_040416_ Transcript
[Background music plays]
Rhythmic, synthesised instrumental music.
Dynamic Protection Plus logo centred on a white screen.
Introducing Dynamic Protection Plus technology.
[Text displays]
Dynamic Protection Plus
[Animated sequence]
Animated low angle view, panning upwards, of a diesel truck approaching on a highway through a haze of swirling sand, against the background of a brown desert landscape.
The background turns grey as the same scene is depicted by night and in driving rain, which finally turns to snow, with the landscape covered in a blanket of white.
Zoom to a high angle view of the truck’s engine in situ.
At Shell, we know just how tough the roads can be. Harsh weather and long driving hours can have an impact on your engine’s performance. Today’s heavy-duty diesel engines need exceptional engine oils to keep them running at maximum efficiency.
[Text displays]
Heavy duty diesel engine
[Animated sequence]
Zoom to a closer view of the pumping pistons, and a further zoom to a close-up of the oil-filled pistons as they pump in slow motion, and text appears frame-right.
That’s why Shell scientists have developed Shell Rimula synthetic oils with Dynamic Protection Plus technology.
[Text displays]
Shell Rimula
Dynamic Protection Plus
The synthetic oils of Shell Rimula are products in the Shell Rimula R5, R6 and Ultra range, except Shell Rimula R5 LM and Shell Rimula R6 ME.
[Animated sequence]
Zoom into the fluid itself, as text appears in the centre of the golden background which is criss-crossed with white lines.
Zoom out to show the white lines linking white circular molecules, as text appears lower frame-left, alongside a large molecule.
Zoom out through the same sequence of oil filled pistons to an external view of the pumping pistons, to an external view of the engine, as successive text appears to the right of this last image.
This unique formulation combines Shell PurePlus technology and Adaptive Additive technology to provide outstanding engine protection that helps to lower total cost of ownership.
[Text displays]
Shell PurePlus Technology
Adaptive Additive Technology
Outstanding engine protection
Helps to lower total cost of ownership
[Animated sequence]
Slight zoom to a translucent view of the engine and the pumping pistons as text is superimposed across the image.
Let us have a look at the formulation of Dynamic Protection Plus technology.
[Text displays]
Shell PurePlus technology + Adaptive Additive technology = Dynamic Protection Plus
[Animated sequence]
Fluid funnels down from top of frame into a branching golden molecular sequence, to the left of which text appears.
Cut to a close-up view of a denser and expanding golden molecular structure against a black background, with text appearing frame-left of the animation.
Shell PurePlus technology produces clean and crystal clear base oil.
[Text displays]
Shell PurePlus technology
Clean and crystal clear base oil
[Animated sequence]
Zoom to low angle close-up of the pumping pistons, panning across the length of them and zooming up around the engine and out to a high angle wide-shot of the engine in operation. Successive text displays frame-left of the animation.
By utilizing reduced viscosity oils, less energy is required to pump the oil around the engine, resulting in increased fuel efficiency and reduced costs. Adaptive Additive technology, on the other hand, adapts physically and chemically when required to provide protection.
[Text displays]
Adaptive Additive technology
Adapts physically and chemically
Specific products within the Shell Rimula Ultra, R6 and R5 range can deliver fuel economy benefits compared to industry standard 10W-40 or 15W-40. Benefits and/or savings may vary, depending on, for example, vehicle type, the application, the operating conditions, the current products being used, the condition of the equipment and the maintenance practices.
[Animated sequence]
Zoom to close-up of the rocker arms action against the camshaft as the pistons pump below, zooming into a graphic showing a gold line running horizontally across the screen, separating the surface above from the surface below. The line is filled with a double layer of white molecules. Text displays top of frame-left.
A white line diagonally splits the screen, frame-left still containing the previously described image, while frame-right contains a similar image, but with a very thin, ragged line across the middle. Text displays top of frame-left and top of frame-right.
This is how Dynamic Protection Plus technology works. Anti-wear chemistry provides extra protection against friction in high-stress areas, extending your engine’s lifespan.
[Text displays]
Wear control / No wear control
Valid for synthetic products of Rimula, for example Shell Rimula Ultra delivers up to 56% better engine wear protection compared with the new, more stringent MB 228.51 limit, as measured in the MB OM 646 LA engine test.
[Animated sequence]
Zoom out to a slow motion view of the pumping pistons and the combustion process, acid depicted in white above the piston.
Zoom into the oil again, white molecules visible against the golden background. Small acid molecules descend into a large white moleculein the foreground and disappear as they are neutralised. Text displays at the top of frame-left.
Zoom out to the pumping pistons again, acid corrosion dissipating above the pistons.
Zoom to pumping motion of the connecting rods below. A white line diagonally splits the screen over the same image, with the part of the connecting rods to the left of the line appearing to be clean while the parts to the right appear corroded. Text displays top of frame-left and top of frame-right.
During the combustion process, acids are produced which can end up in the engine oil. Performance additives neutralize these acids and prevent them from reaching vital engine parts. By preventing metal corrosion, unplanned downtime can be minimized.
[Text displays]
Acid control / No acid control
[Animated sequence]
Pan down and around to zoom in on a low angle view of the tank below the engine, zooming into the fluid within the tank to show white additive molecules collecting around dark-coloured sludge particles.
A white line diagonally splits the screen, frame-left still containing the previously described image, while frame-right shows the sludge particles descending to collect and form a mass at the bottom of the tank. Text displays top of frame-left and top of frame-right.
Additives target carbon particles to prevent sludge formation which helps extend oil drain intervals.
[Text displays]
Sludge control / No sludge control
Compared to industry standard 15W-40 oils. Proven to deliver 150,000 km oil drain intervals. Exact oil drain intervals will depend on vehicle type and application.
[Animated sequence]
Zoom out of the tank and pan up to the pistons, again zooming to a close-up of the piston crown, and depicting a line of golden fluid running vertically between two pistons, black deposits visible on the surface of the slowly pumping piston. The black deposits are targeted by white molecules within the fluid and dissipated. Text displays top of frame-left, and a red circle rings one of the white molecules, with text displaying to the right of this graphic.
Detergent molecules help prevent build-up of deposits around the piston crown, resulting in a cleaner, more efficient engine and reducing maintenance costs.
[Text displays]
Piston deposit control
Detergent particle
Compared to industry standard 10W-40 oils. Exact benefits and/or savings may vary, depending on, for example, vehicle type, the application, the operating conditions, the current products being used, the condition of the equipment and the maintenance practices.
Zoom out to a quick view of the engine parts, zooming out again to a white screen displaying the Dynamic Protection Plus logo and text, after which successive text displays against the white background.
Dynamic Protection Plus technology was designed to provide long oil and engine life, extended oil drain intervals, reduced fuel and maintenance costs, all-weather protection, resulting in lower total cost of ownership.
[Text displays]
Dynamic Protection Plus
Long oil and engine life
Extended oil drain intervals
Compared to industry standard 15W-40 oils. Proven to deliver 150,000 km oil drain intervals. Exact oil drain intervals will depend on vehicle type and application.
Reduced fuel and maintenance costs
Compared to industry standard 10W-40 oils. Exact benefits and/or savings may vary, depending on, for example, vehicle type, the application, the operating conditions, the current products being used, the condition of the equipment and the maintenance practices.
All weather protection
Lower total cost of ownership
Zoom out to graphic of three Shell Rimula products against the white background. Text displays below this graphic.
Shell Rimula with Dynamic Protection Plus technology, the engine oil that works as hard as you.
[Text displays]
Shell Rimula
The engine oil that works as hard as you
Shell jingle
Shell logo
[Text displays]
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