Teaching Enhancement Grant Application Cover Sheet
Program Description
and Guidelines
Friday, March 25, 2016
12PM CST / Thursday, April 7, 2016
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Peggy Ward-Smith , 816-235-5960, or call the FaCET offices 235-5362.
Revised 2/19/2016
FacultyCenter for Excellence in Teaching (FaCET)
Teaching Enhancement Grant Cover Sheet
- Principal Investigator
- Employee I.D. Number
- Campus Phone Number
- Campus Address
- College, School or Division
- Department or Unit
- Campus Email
Project Information
- Project Title
- Amount Requested (total not to exceed $2000; FaCET will fund half of this amount)
- Project Start Date`
- Project End Date
- Results. How do you plan to present the results of your project through a FaCET sponsored activity?
______Article for the FaCETBlog/Website
______Session/workshop at FaCET
______Other (please specify; requires pre-approval by FaCET)______
Previous Teaching Enhancement Grants-Most Recent
- Title
- Semester awarded
- Amount
- Date report filed with FaCET office (See guidelines for what to include in the report)
Compliance, Health & Safety Data
- Are Human Subjects Involved?
Is Animal Use/Experimentation Involved?
YesNo /
- Check any items involved:
Radioactive MaterialHazardous Chemicals
Other Potential Hazard
Signatures and Names-all electronic
- Principal Investigator’s Signature:Date
- Dean/ Collaborating Department’s SignatureDate
- Principal Investigator’s Printed Name:
- Dean/ Collaborating Department’s Printed Name:
24. FaCET Official Date
- Co-Investigator
- Campus Address
- Campus Phone
- Campus Email
- College, School, or Division
- Department or Unit
Program Description
The Faculty Center for Excellence in Teaching (FaCET) provides grants to support any UMKC teacher who is actively working to enhance college-level teaching and learning and who is willing to share this work with his/her colleagues. The grant program was initiated and developed by UMKC faculty and it is fully supported by the Provost and the Deans’ Council.
Any faculty member at UMKC, including part-time, non-tenure or non-tenured track, “clinical”, and other special designations applied to teaching faculty in the various schools across both campuses are eligible for this funding source. This includes all ranks of teachers who teach one or more classes per semester.
This program offers awards up to $2,000 per project (a maximum of $1,000 from FaCET plus equivalent matching funds from another department). A seven-member Teaching Enhancement Grant (TEG) Review Committee will review and make recommendations on all proposals. The committee consists of two faculty members from the Health Professional Schools and Biological Sciences, two members from the Non-Health Professional Schools, and three members from the College of Arts and Sciences. Review Committee members will serve for two years: every effort will be made to ensure the fair representation of all schools over the long-term. In instances where two or more applications are made using the same collaborating department, the chairperson of that department will have input with respect to the final funding decision.
In all cases, grant recipients will be asked to contribute to the campus-wide conversation about teaching and learning by presenting their findings/ideas/theories at a FaCET-organized gathering of colleagues within one year of the grant award. The structure of these gatherings will depend on the kind of work being presented: their format may range from informal reflections to conference-style talks. In the case of grants related to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, awardees may also decide to publish their work, either on the public web-site managed by FaCET or in an appropriate discipline-specific journal.
NB: Please note that any use of student work requires the student’s consent (see a model consent form on the FaCET web-site; please adapt this form as necessary).
The project must clearly demonstrate a significant emphasis on teaching and learning at UMKC. Initiatives that involve collaboration between disciplines or include undergraduate and/or graduate students in the research project are specifically encouraged. Faculty are also encouraged to apply for funds to support the development of instructional resources (such as those utilizing technological innovations) or assessment initiatives that enhance the scholarship of teaching and learning. Grants may be awarded to faculty who present a scholarly work related to teaching and learning at professional conferences, orparticipate in seminars, lectures, and other activities focused on teaching and learning. If the application involves a request for travel funds to a professional conference, a paragraph of justification for the travel budget must be included with the grant narrative (i.e. rationale for not using departmental or research funding sources). This rationale must include specific information on participation in sessions on teaching and learning at the conference, and a plan to share the content with UMKC colleagues through a FaCET presentation.
The investigator is responsible for securing approvals concerning the use of chemical, biological or radiological materials, or the approval of reviewing agencies such as the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC), if necessary. Documentation of appropriate approvals or that none is needed must be provided prior to disbursement of funds.
Types of projects that TEGs can support include the following:
1.Participation in professional meetings with sessions on teaching and learning.
2.Organization of departmental retreats with a focus on teaching and learning.
3.Interdisciplinary collaborations related to teaching and learning.
4.Course revision or development.
5.Curricular development.
6.Assessment activities.
7.Teaching techniques and technologies, pedagogical innovations.
8.Research on teaching effectiveness and student learning (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning—SoTL).
TEGs can fund the following types of expenses. Receipts or invoices must be provided for reimbursement or payment.
- Expenditures related to conferences where pedagogy and learning are a focus. Preference will be given to presenters. Funds can also be provided for conferences with specific sessions dedicated to teaching and learning. These must be clearly articulated in the proposal. Support can include registration, travel, and lodging costs for the grant recipient or collaborators.
- Travel to workshops, seminars, institutes, lectures, and other activities focused on teaching and learning. Support can include registration, travel, and lodging costs for the grant recipient or co-investigators.
- Materials (e.g. software, testing instruments, books, and supplies) related to the project for which receipts can be provided.
- Faculty travel related to the project for which receipts must be provided.
- Student financial assistance related directly to the TEG grant.
- Third-party assistance.
TEGs cannot fund the following:
- Projects that do not have a direct connection to teaching and learning.
- Salary for Principal Investigator.
- Student travel.
- Hardware and major equipment such as web cameras.
- Purchasing food for UMKC faculty and staff.
5.“Miscellaneous” as a budget line.
Each proposal which will be submitted in electronic format ONLY must include the following:
- Application Cover Sheetwith required signatures.
- Abstract of the project (75-word maximum).
- Project narrative (1200-word maximum). The following points must be addressed:
- The importance of the activity to the enhancement of teaching and learning.
- The nature of the project. (What will be done, How, When, Where, by Whom?)
- The expected outcomes of the project.
- The applicant’s qualifications for pursuing the project.
- One-page budget, detailing expenditures and their justification
- A statement of applicant’s philosophy of teaching and learning (500-word maximum) if there are more than one applicant, only one statement is needed
- Curriculum vitae, not to exceed one page.
Applicants should email an electronic version as a pdf of the proposal (including the coversheet with all appropriate signatures) to: Peggy Ward-Smith, RN, PhD, Director of FaCET, bythe grant submission deadline.Applicants are responsible for obtaining all other necessary signatures.
Funding Period:
Awards will be announced on the dates specified above. If awarded funds are not spent by the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2016), arrangements must be made with your department for carrying funds over into the next fiscal year.
Reporting Obligations:
Awardees will be expected to disseminate the results of their awards at a FaCET-sponsored forum as appropriate. The report should detail the results of the project, the FaCET forum and date of the required presentation, references to any PowerPoint or other materials created as a result of this award, and information on how this project has enhanced student learning and your own teaching. All reports will be posted on the FaCET website.
Thank you for your support of great teaching and learning at UMKC!