Wed 10th May 2017 12:00-1:30pm
Present:Hilary Lance (Chair)
Margaret Bailey
Juan Schehtman
Vivienne Mckennel
Penny Wesson
Carol Pullen
Vanda Renton
Jemilat Heinecke
Hazel Morfey
Bee Thompson
Dr Marcus Craven
Nicola Thomas
David Williams (Practice Mgr) / Not in attendance:
Carlie Newman - apologies
Peter Sibson - apologies
Neville Ross - apologies
Michael Fletcher - apologies
Marilyn Greenfield– apologies
Sheila Rossan - apologies
Item / Outcome / Action
Apologies and introductions / As above
Minutes 25.01.2017 / Minutes were agreed.
It was noted that that the date of the next open meeting was now incorrect due to the election.
Vanda indicated that the North Locality Alliance of GP practices would not exist going forward, but would be replaced by the new NW3 Neighbourhood of practices that was forming (Adelaide, along with Hampstead Group Practice, Keats Practice, Park End, Daleham Gardens, Roslyn Hill)
1. Update on neighbourhoods – “Frailty Duty Dr pilot” / David outlined the ‘Frailty Duty Dr’ pilot that was being across the NW3 neighbourhood, it involves
- 3 Drs from the NW3 Neighbourhood practices, on rota, acting as the ‘Frailty Duty Dr’. Our own Dr Miller was one of those participating
- The aim was, as appropriate, to keep our most frail patients out of hospital.
- Access to the service was either from the GP practices themselves, or from the Royal Free or other services directly
- The service was access by a simple call to the Dr. It was noted that this was not a self referral service for patients
- In the first week, over 30 patients had been seen.
There was a good discussion that followed, where the following issues were raised:
- The need for continuity of care and how this was managed between the Frailty Duty Dr and the patient’s usual GP
- The ideal scenario of having weekend cover (the service is only Mon- Fri)
Marcus explained that part of the learning from the pilot was how we built a team across our practices, and that as these were GPs known to each other, this would aid continuity of care.
The pilot is to run through May. Future work would depend on funding and linking the idea into further Neighbourhood development.
2. Open Meeting / Due to the election, the Open evening will now need to be re-scheduled from the 8th June. Hilary and David will communicate this once agreed.
The agenda was agreed:
- How General Practice is changing (covering Neighbourhood development and the Frailty Duty Dr pilot)
- The Carer’s project at the practice.
We will try and get a guest speaker from Camden Carer’s to attend and will invite the Neighbouring practices’ PPG chairs.
Margaret (refreshments) and Jemilate (posters eg at pharmacists) were thanked for their help in advance.
3. Practice News / Staffing
- Dr R Shah, who joined the practice in September 2016 has now become a partner as planned
- Connie Lewis (Reception) will leave at the end of May as she finishes her Gap year with us. We are currently recruiting to replace Connie.
- Shajna Khatun (Reception) will return part time in July from her maternity leave.
Carers Project
David explained that building on the PPG focus on being more inclusive, we have worked with Camden Carers to now set up a monthly clinic (1st Thursday in the month) where a representative from Camden Carers would hold a clinic in the practice. The aim will be to sign post services in Camden available to carers. David highlighted that this had the advantage of empowering all the staff, as they could all engage patients and offer this as a service to them. This could be especially powerful for the reception and admin staff who were often the eyes and ears of the Practice.
As part of this discussion, other visiting services were noted (Citizen Advice Bureau, Voluntary Action Camden and the Bangladeshi interpreter) and a request was made to make sure this information was on the website. Also attention to be drawn to these services via the PPG notice board.
Complaints and Significant Event audits
David highlighted these were annual activities that the practice did, and it has become good practice for David to share these with Hilary as the chair of the PPG. If any others wanted to be involved, they should let Hilary and David know. This was a useful way for the practice to more transparent and accountable.
This discussion did raise the process of Quality Alerts to the CCCG (Camden Clinical Commissioning Group) and the role of patients in that process. Hilary will investigate further.
Annual Report
David distributed the draft Annual report for 2016-17 that Hilary and David had written. If there were any comments, PPG members should feed them back within two weeks. / Nicola – make sure on website
Noticeboard Penny & Hilary
Hilary – clarify patient role in Quality Alert process
All – any comments on Annual Report
4. Matters arising / Matters raised by PPG members & feedback from other PPGs
It was noted that Hampstead Group Practice invited young people wanting to study medicine onto their PPG. It was agreed that this would be a good idea (although a few thought they may not see the relevance to them). An invite will be put on the website.
Based on an article in the Guardian 22nd Feb, re: missed opportunities by GPs to identify risks of Domestic Homicides, David outlined that in Camden there was a service (called IRIS -Identification and Referral to Improve Safety) that would come out to practices and meet vulnerable women in a safe environment. This was a service known to all the clinicians, and we typically had such a request every 2-3 months.
It was agreed that having a gap of about 2 months between PPG meetings was still about right.
Hilary suggested that an invite be made to all staff to come to the PPG meetings as a way of enhancing the ‘bridge between patients and staff’. All agreed this would be a good idea and David and Marcus said they would make that invitation. / Nicola – put invite on website
David/Marcus – invite all staff to PPG mtgs
5. AOB / New Building: No further news. It was noted that exploratory ground works for the HS2 work was commencing which may further delay any progress.
Notice Board: Margaret was thanks for all her efforts to date. Hilary and Penny were thinking of simplifying the board somewhat, possibly following a principle of sign posting where things were (ie in various plastic holders next to the board), rather than trying to display everything. All were asked to feedback if there was anything that should go on the board. A point was made that the Board should clearly state what the PPG was and its role.
Margaret and Nicola were thanked for the overall look and feel of the notices around the surgery as there had been a marked improvement over the years. / All – feedback on anything for the notice Board
Future Meetings:
Date / PPG / Open meetingWed 24 May 17 no meeting / brought forward to 10 May
Tues 20 June 17 / 7.00 – 8.30 pm
Wed 26 July 17 (clashes with Eid) / 12.00 -1.30 pm
Wed 27 Sept 17 / 12.00 -1.30 pm
Tues 24 Oct 17 / 7.00 – 8.30 pm
Wed 6 Dec 17 / 12.00 -1.30 pm