Kansas City Community Gardens and The Giving Grove
2015 Fruit Plant Order Form
Ordering Information:
Fruit plants should arrive at our office the beginning of April. We will contact you upon plant arrival. All plants are bare-rooted and should be picked up and planted quickly for good success. Trees come 4-6’ tall unless otherwise noted. We recommend having your planting bed prepared and tree holes dug ahead of time in case of rainy weather.
Warranty: If your trees or berries do not break dormancy or dies shortly after breaking dormancy (prior to July 1st), through no fault of your own* we will replace it free of charge, but you should notify us prior to July 1st.
*Does not include over-watering, under-watering, mechanical damage, animal damage, herbicide damage
Order your fruit plants soon as varieties sell out quickly. In order to insure equitable sales we reserve the right to limit order quantities on certain items.
‘Cavendish’ Strawberry - June bearer 10 plants for $2.50 – Member Price
High yielding with large high quality berries. Plants are disease resistant and hardy.
‘Eversweet’ Strawberry - Day Neutral 10 plants for $4.00 – Member Price
Large, intensely delicious berries. Heavy spring crop with intermittent berries through the
season. This is the most heat resistant day neutral variety.
‘Natchez’ Thornless Blackberry $3.50 per plant – Member Price
Large berries have excellent flavor. Plants are upright, vigorous and hardy. The earliest blackberry! Needs well-drained soil!
‘Heritage’ Fall bearing Red Raspberry $2.50 per plant – Member Price
Starts bearing in August and continues until frost. Very productive and hardy with good flavor and berry size. Easy to grow and easy to prune. Needs well-drained soil!
Fruit Trees:
‘Pristine’ Apple (needs a pollenizer mid-late season flowering) M7 Semi-dwarf rootstock 12-15’
This PRI (Purdue, Rutgers, and Illinois Universities) selection ripens in late July, producing large crops of beautiful yellow apples that are crisp and tasty. They are mildly tart and excellent for fresh eating, baking or in applesauce. The trees are healthy, highly resistant to apple scab, cedar apple rust and somewhat resistant to powdery mildew and fireblight.
‘Liberty’ Apple (needs pollenizer early-mid season flowering) M7 Semi-dwarf rootstock 12-15’
Liberty is very similar to appearance to McIntosh, but its flavor is a bit more tart and its flesh is crisper. It has a wonderful flavor all its own. It is a good dependable choice because it is highly productive, an excellent pollinizer, keeps well and is resistant to all the major apple diseases. It ripens early September.
‘Enterprise’ Apple (needs a pollenizer mid-late season flowering) M7 Semi-dwarf rootstock 12-15’
A glossy red apple with an excellent spritely flavor that improves with storage. The tree is productive, vigorous and spreading. Fruit ripens about October 10. It is an excellent keeper and is immune to scab and resistant to fire blight, cedar apple rust and mildew.
‘Sundance’ Apple (needs a pollenizer mid season flowering) G.41 Dwarf Rootstock 8-10’
A pale yellow apple with sweet sub-acid flavor and very juicy. Fruit ripens in mid-October. Immune to apple scab and highly resistant to fire-blight and cedar apple rust with moderate resistance to powdery mildew. Offered on a dwarf rootstock ideal for smaller areas.
‘Winecrisp’ Apple (needs a pollenizer mid season flowering) Semi-dwarf M7 rootstock 12-15’
A PRI (Purdue, Rutgers, and Illinois Universities) selection that features excellent disease resistance to scab and fire blight. Ripens to a deep red in mid-October. Flavor is sweet, juicy and crisp. An excellent keeper, storing up to 8 months.
‘Goldrush’ Apple (needs a pollenizer late season flowering) G.202 Semi-dwarf rootstock 10-12’
A late October ripening apple with great frost tolerance for the occasional early hard freeze. Apple ripens to a harvest yellow with a slight blush. Flavor is tart and texture is crisp. Immune to apple scab and Highly resistant to powdery mildew with moderate resistance to fireblight.
‘Carmine Jewel’ Bush Cherry (self-fertile) 6-7’ tall and wide
Perfect for food production and the edible landscape! This is the same shrub that is in the Beanstalk Garden. The tart fruit starts ripening in early June and will sweeten (a bit) as it continues to ripen throughout the month. The fruits are set under the foliage so the birds don’t even know they are there! Expect 10-15 lbs of fruit once this shrub matures. (comes bare-root 2-3’ tall) NEEDS WELL DRAINED SOIL!
Asian Pear
‘Chojuro’ Asian Pear (needs a pollenizer) Betulifolia rootstock 15-18’
Round shape fruits, ripening to a russet orange in September. Flavor once fully ripe is incredibly sweet like butterscotch with a wonderful crisp texture. Medium storage life to 4 months.
‘Korean Giant’ Asian Pear (needs a pollenizer) Betulifolia rootstock 15-18’
One of the largest Asian pears sometimes weighing 1lb per or more. Ripens to russet orange in mid-October. Long storage life to 6 months.
‘Yoinashi’ Asian Pear (needs a pollenizer) OHxF 97 rootstock 15-18’
This round brown skinned fruit is crisp and juicy with an outstanding butterscotch flavor. It sets a heavy crop of medium to large size crisp sweet fruit on a vigorous, fireblight resistant tree.
‘Blake’s Pride’ Pear (needs a pollenizer) OHxF 87 rootstock12-15’
Aromatic, juicy fruit that melts in your mouth. Yellow to golden skin. Resistant to fireblight. Ripens in early September. Excellent keeping variety.
‘Honey Sweet’ Pear ( partially self-fertile) OHxF 87 Rootstock 12-15’
Fire blight resistant. Self-pollinating (though we recommend a pollenizer) tree produces firm fruit with smooth, creamy flesh. Ripens in early September.
‘Potomac’ Pear (needs a pollenizer) OHxF 97 rootstock 15-18’
A crisp sweet pear ripening to a light green in early September. Excellent fire blight resistance. Two month storage.
‘Contender’ Peach (self-pollinating) Redleaf rootstock 15-20’
This hardy, late-blooming peach escapes late spring frosts. Beautiful, large freestone fruit is firm, sweet and delicious. Good for fresh use, freezing or for pies. Ripens in early to mid-August.
‘Harrow Diamond’ Peach (self-pollinating) Seedling rootstock 15-20’
This selection is the first peach to ripen in our area. Blooms are late enough to avoid frosts and are very cold tolerant. Skin blushes red, flesh is yellow and freestone. Resistant to bacterial spot. Ripens in early July.
‘Redhaven’ Peach (self-pollinating) Redleaf rootstock 15-20’
This is the standard for Missouri peaches. The fruits ripen around July 20th and are yellow fleshed and freestone.
Asparagus ‘Jersey Knight’ This all male hybrid variety produces thick, tender, tasty spears. Highly tolerant to Fusarium,Crownand Root Rot. More tolerant of heavy clay soils than standard varieties.
Kansas City Community Gardens 6917 Kensington Kansas City, MO 64132 816-931-3877 www.kccg.org