DARU Update

21 November 2011



Disability Service Provider to Vote on Merger

ABC News, 16 November 2011

Members of Murdoch Community Services will meet tonight in St Arnaud to decide whether the organisation merges with the Ballarat-based McCallum Disability Services.

Murdoch has been under administration since May last year after struggling with governance issues. Mike Bruty, who heads the group's transition committee, says if approved the merger will secure the future of disability services in St Arnaud.

"We believe this is a way forward so that we've got more certainty and we can in fact strengthen and improve those services going into the future," he said. The merger will require support from 75 per cent of the group's members.

Mr Bruty says he hopes the deal will be approved

To read the article online, visit:

Aunty Thwarts Facebook Teen-Sex Bid

Zara Dawtre, The Mercury, 17 November 2011

A Hobart man used Facebook to attempt to procure a 13-year-old girl for sex but when he turned up at a pre-arranged meeting police were waiting.

Nathan Lee Wechsler, 20, discovered the "girl" he had been asking for sex was actually an adult who posed as a 13-year-old. In a special hearing in the Supreme Court in Hobart this week to determine whether the mildly intellectually disabled pensioner was fit to plead to the charge, the jury found it could not say that Wechsler was not guilty of the crime.

He was facing a single charge of communicating with intent to procure a young person under the age of 17 to engage in an unlawful sexual act.

But the girl's aunt monitored her Facebook account and discovered Wechsler, who was not a Facebook "friend" of the child, had sent a sexually explicit message to her niece and had suggested a meeting.

Justice Porter said Wechsler was judged unfit to stand trial "largely because of his limited understanding of the nature of the charge and his limited ability to weigh up decisions when making a defence".

Justice Porter ordered Wechsler submit to medical, psychological or psychiatric assessment and treatment.

To read the full story, visit:

Complaint to Australian Human Rights Commission Challenges Discriminatory Law

NEDA Media Release, 10 November 2011

A complaint is being lodged today by the Disability Discrimination Legal Service Inc to the Australian Human Rights Commission challenging systemic discriminatory practices of the Australian social security system and alleging breach of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of People with Disabilities. ‘The National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) has been highlighting for more than a decade that the current exemption of the DDA from the Social Security Act 1991 is unjust and increases pressures on individuals with disability that in turn can lead to worsening of their physical and mental health’ states Sibylle Kaczorek.

‘In 2008, prior to Australia signing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) NEDA obtained pro-bono legal advice suggesting that the current legislation and the exemption of the DDA may be in breach of the CRPD’ notes Ms Kaczorek.

‘NEDA was fortunate in 2010 to secure funding through the Attorney General’s Department to conduct human rights workshops across Australia. During these workshops NEDA met many people from non English speaking background with disability who shared their stories and experiences as they relate to human rights.’

‘One story that was particularly compelling was of the person who is now being supported by DDLS in her complaint to the Human Rights Commission. What became clear to NEDA was the fact that this woman was not receiving adequate health care as a consequence of the 10 year waiting period before being eligible to access the Disability Support Pension (DSP).’

‘The DDLS argues that the 10 year waiting period which is justified by the exemption of the DDA from the Social Security Act in fact breaches Article 25 of the CRPD, which guarantees the right to access the highest attainable standard of health’ states Ms Kaczorek.

Further, it is argued that the above exemption ‘breaches article 28 Adequate Standard of Living and Social Protection especially as it relates to point a, that people with disabilities can get necessary services, equipment and help for disability related needs.’

Juan de la Torre adds, ‘as the national peak organization for people from NESB with disability, it is NEDA’s role to highlight problems of national policy and legislation and we are guided by human rights especially as they relate to the Convention. However, what really drives us are the personal stories of real people who clearly suffer when their rights are not met.’

‘NEDA looks forward to the outcome of the complaint to the Human Rights Commission which will inform our future actions on this matter. Clearly, a complaint to the United Nations Committee of Experts on the CRPD is a logical next step if the complaint cannot be resolved’ states Mr de la Torre.

To read the full media release online, visit:


Remember that all events included in the DARU Update also appear in the DARU online Events Calendar at:

Disability Advocacy Conference 2012: You Be The Judge – Earlybird Tickets Now Open

When: / Monday 26 & Tuesday 27 March 2012
Where: / Melbourne Park Conference Centre, Batman Ave, Melbourne
Register: / Online tickets now available at:

Cost: / Earlybird registrations are open until December 31 so get in early to receive a 10% discount. Earlybird rates are: Advocate (includes carers and community sector workers) - $225.00, Corporate/Government (includes workers from public or private sector organisation) - $360.00, Concession (must be DSP recipient) - $60-00.

DARU, SARU and VDAN are hosting this conference that is bringing together local, national and international experts from the disability and legal fields.

The program is still evolving but we can confirm the following speakers:

  • Johnny Crescendo, Disability Advocate, Musician, Comedian (UK & USA)
  • Ian Grey, Chief Magistrate
  • Cindy Johns, National Manager, People First (New Zealand)
  • Michael Aldridge,National Chair, People First (New Zealand)

This conference provides a great opportunity to consider the effects some of the new legislation could potentially have on people with disabilities. This includes the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the new Guardianship laws.

The conference is for anyone who undertakes advocacy in their working or personal lives. This includes disability advocates, self advocates, people with disability, legal workers, government and non government officers, community workers and allied health professionals.

For more information, contact DARU on 03 9639 5807 or email

STAR Victoria 41st Annual General Meeting

When: / Wednesday 23 November 2011, 12:00 noon – 3:00pm
Where: / Hayden Raysmith Room, 4th Floor Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne
Register: / RSVP for catering purposes to

A reminder that Bryan Woodford, Chair of the Premier's Taskforce on NDIS Implementation in Victoria is the special guest speaker.

The AGM will proceed on conclusion of Bryan’s presentation.

A light lunch will be provided.

Business and Human Rights Framework: The Australian Response

When: / Monday 28 November 2011, 1:00pm - 5.30pm
Where: / University of Melbourne Law School, Room 609, Level 6, 185 Pelham Street, Carlton
Register: / Places are limited. RSVP by registering online at: or email

This workshop is hosted by The School of Social and Political Sciences, the Centre for Employment & Labour Relations Law at the Melbourne Law School, and the Australian Institute of Employment Rights Inc.

The workshop aims to perform a stocktake of activities in relation to business and human rights in Australia. It will utilise the work of the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative on Business and Human Rights, Prof. John Ruggie, as a framework for this discussion.

This will be an invaluable opportunity for relevant stakeholders in government, civil society, unions and business to come together to assess progress made to date, and identify opportunities to further promote action in accordance with the Ruggie framework.

Speakers include:

  • Vanessa Zimmerman, Former Legal Adviser to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Business and Human Rights
  • John Kitchen, Department of Treasury
  • Peter Colley, CFMEU Mining

The workshop will be followed by drinks and light refreshments.

ArtAbility Gala Opening

When: / Tuesday 6 December 2011 at 10:30 am.
Where: / The Atrium, Federation Square, Cnr Swanston & Flinders Street, Melbourne
Register: / RSVP by Friday 2 December by email or telephone ADEC (03) 9480 1666 and speak with Cassandra or Anastasia.

ADEC would like to invite you to the Gala Opening of ArtAbility 2011.

The exhibition displays art works by artists with disability from diverse cultural background. All artworks will be available for purchase.

We hope to see you all there.


IDPwD - Time is Running Out…

The International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations mandated day held on 3 December every year. IDPwD is an opportunity to acknowledge the talents of people with disability, work to change attitudes and break down community barriers.

As part of IDPwD festivities, the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) invites community groups from around Australia to hold an event for the day. Some ideas include: poster displays; morning teas; school assemblies; inclusive sports; guest speakers; festival or fetes; open days/come and try days; or an online celebration with IDPwD wallpapers.

Nothing is too big or too small—but you need to hurry as event registrations close on 25 November 2011! To complete the event registration process, visit:

To help you with your registered event, depending on its size and nature, you will receive a selection of promotional products free of charge while stocks last. There are a range of products available this year, including balloons, lapel pins, posters, postcards, PC wallpapers and convenor t-shirts.

For more information, visit:

ABC Open

This year’s International Day has also seen regional people with disability invited to share stories through a project offered through ABC Open and supported by Nican, who is taking a co-ordination role on IDPwD 2011. ABC Open invites people from regional Australia to tell their stories using words, photos, video and sound. The new ABC Open project, The Moment Behind the Photo, will be highlighting contributions from people with disabilities on any subject as part of IDPwD.

Celebrate International Day for People with Disabilities in Brimbank

Brimbank City Council invites community members to join in a week of celebrations and activities to recognise International Day for People with Disabilities in Brimbank. The packed program of events starts on Monday 28 November and ends on Saturday 3 December 2011.

The events include:

  • Involve and Indulge – Lunch is served
  • Art exhibition - Diversity ‘n’ Disability in partnership with Arts Access
  • Come ‘n’ Try Activities
  • Activities at Brimbank Libraries
  • Chair Aerobics

For full event details and to book in, visit:

NDIS Campaign – Spread the Word Week

It has been a massive couple of weeks on the campaign as we continue to progress towards a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

There are now 86,000 registered supporters right across the nation and this figure continues to grow. We want 100,000 supporters on board by the end of this year - with your help we can do this.

We are running a national campaign action from 27 November - Spread the Word week - in the lead up to 3 December - International Day of People with Disabilities.

Some of the practical things you can do as part of Spread the Word week include:

  • Hold a stall in your community - this could be outside your local supermarket.
  • Letter-box 40 houses in your community with NDIS info
  • Sign up 10 of your friends as campaign supporters.
  • Promote the NDIS through your own International Day of People with Disabilities activities.

On their own these are little things however undertaken simultaneously right across the nation, they can make a big difference.

To take part in the Spread the Word week action, visit:


Volunteering is Catching

By Clare Wynn

This publication is a study of young people’s experience of volunteering in Victoria and is based on the findings of an online survey of four hundred young people aged 12 to 25. The report details the areas young people were volunteering, their motivations, the barriers as well as the perceived impact of volunteering. The emerging trends for both volunteers and young people who have never volunteered are detailed. There are differences in the experiences of young people with volunteering based upon age, gender, disability, geographical location and cultural diversity which are discussed in this report.

The report makes a number of recommendations including

  • Developing resources (both print and online) that inform young people about volunteering
  • Capacity building of NFPs to be better able to create and identify meaningful volunteering opportunities for diverse groups of young people
  • Meaningful volunteering opportunities for diverse groups of young people
  • Strengthening of volunteering awareness programs and volunteering opportunities in educational institutions
  • Developing the capacity to use online media and social networks to engage with and support youth volunteering
  • The development and support of a community of young volunteers

To download this report online, visit:

Computers For All, How it works

Computers For All is a simple and affordable way to own a fully refurbished Computer, or Brand New HP Compaq so you can access the internet.

This Rent-To-Own program means you get a fully refurbished computer with Antivirus, Open Office, Anti Malware and Windows XP Professional SP3 preinstalled.

Over the term of 12 months, the computer is deducted from your fortnightly Centrelink payments. The payments stop after 12 months and you own your computer outright. The whole process takes about two weeks from application to having your computer. However it may take longer depending on stock and postage times.

Anyone in receipt of the following is eligible for this program:

  • Parenting Payment
  • Family Tax
  • Family tax benefit
  • Disability Support Pension,
  • Aged Pension
  • Carer Allowance

For more information, visit:

Sexual Safety and Women Only Psychiatric Wards

Recent media reports have highlighted the lack of safety felt by many consumers – in particular women and girls in psychiatric wards in Victoria. They reinforce the need for a choice of women’s only psychiatric wards and services’, i mproved gender-sensitive practice and responsiveness to incidents. These are systemic issues that organisations such as the Victorian Women and Mental Health Network and the MHLC have been working to address.

A range of resources are available on the Mental Health Legal Centre website including:

  • The Chief Psychiatrist's Guideline for Sexual Safety (published December 2009)
  • Proceedings from the Women Only Wards Forum
  • Senate Select Committee on Mental Health reports
  • Useful links to women’s groups and legal services

To visit the site, click:

On November 11, 2011 the Secretary and CEO of VCOSS launched the:

Victorian Community Sector Collaboration and Consultation Framework.

Jointly published by DEECD & VCOSS, 11 November 2011

The Framework outlines the way the signatories to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development-Victorian Community Sector Partnership Agreement 2010-141 will strengthen collaboration and consultation. It articulates what effective collaboration and consultation between the Department, peak bodies and the community sector involves, as well as ensuring the right enabling processes are in place to realise this.

To download the Framework, visit:


Project Officer at ACT Human Rights Commission

  • Salary Range: $$66,198 - $76,043
  • PN: P22324
  • Disability & Community Services Administrative Services Officer Class 6

This is a temporary vacancy for up to 6 months required ASAP (start date negotiable dependent on availability of suitable applicant).

Duties: Under limited direction of the Senior Disability Adviser:

  • undertake research to inform development of a short-term project regarding bullying of children/young people with a disability; coordinate consultations for the project, take notes and keep minutes of relevant meetings;
  • draft reports, manage and monitor risks/issues and keep comprehensive records throughout the lifecycle of the project;
  • develop and maintain effective working relationships with key stakeholders;
  • assist with other work in the unit to ensure the objectives of the team are achieved, including management of complaints; and
  • maintain records in accordance with the Territory Records Act 2002.

Experience working with children/young people and/or people with a disability would be advantageous. Experience delivering projects would be an asset.

People with a disability are encouraged to apply.

Expressions of interest are sought from potential candidates and should include a supporting statement of no more than 2 pages outlining experience and/or ability in the above areas, contact details of at least two referees and a current curriculum vitae.

Applications should be received by close of business, Tuesday 29 November by emailing Kelly Swan email

For enquiries related to the position, contact Kelly Swan on (02) 6205 2222.

Administration Officer

  • Full time, permanent position (35 hours per week)
  • Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award (2010).

Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) is the national peak consumer representative organisation of, and for, people who are blind or vision impaired in Australia. We are a small, friendly and passionate team committed to equity and equality for people who are blind or vision impaired.
BCA is seeking a full time Administration Officer to join our very busy office. Our team of eight (5.8 equivalent full time) includes policy and advocacy workers and two administration staff. Our head office is located in the CBD of Melbourne.
The Administration Officer is an integral part of the BCA National Office team. The position undertakes a wide range of high level administrative responsibilities. This includes attending to member enquiries, liaison with BCA branches and special interest groups, membership database and donor database management, website management, processing of print and electronic mail, word processing and alternate format production of BCA publications and assisting with event organisation.
Attendance at afterhour’s events will be kept to a minimum. However, attendance at events, such as our national convention and face to face Board meetings (two per year) will be required.
Interviews will be conducted on Friday 9 December for a 12 January 2012 start.