UI Sustainability Messages
The Office of Sustainability and Facilities & Services have worked together to develop the following list of suggested sustainability messages to be displayed on screensduring Illini sports events’ half-time or time-outs. It is wonderful that DIA is interested in supporting sustainability efforts on campus by helping to communicate the University’s commitments and priorities regarding sustainability. Please let us know what our next steps should be to develop these concepts further. We appreciate your assistance with this important project.
We have organized these sustainability messages into three categories:
- Take Action – Action items that people can take to lead a more sustainable lifestyle
- Did You Know? – Facts about the University’s existing efforts and commitments regarding sustainability
- By the Numbers – Metrics showing our progress toward the University’s sustainability goals
Take Action. Get involved! Visit
Take Action. Ride the bus! MTD is free for anyone with an i-card, including UI students, staff and faculty.
Take Action. Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it at campus water fountains
Take Action. On your next shopping trip, bring your own bag to the store
Take Action. Dead batteries weighing you down? Recycle used batteries at the Union and the ARC!
Take Action. Keep your bike riding smoothly! Visit the Campus Bicycle Shop for a tune-up.
Take Action. Register your bike on campus at
Take Action. Save some green. Set your printer default settings to double-sided.
Take Action. Turn your thermostat down when you’re gone for the day.
Take Action. Visit the Sustainable Student Farm to learn about local food.
Did You Know? The UI was recognized as a Bronze-level Bicycle Friendly University.
Did You Know? Registering your bike is the best way to ensure you’ll get it back if it is stolen, impounded, or lost.
Did You Know? Bikes are required to follow the same rules of the road as cars when riding in the street.
Did You Know? Bikes are 5 times more likely to crash when riding on the sidewalk than on the street.
Did You Know? In 2008, the UI signed onto the American College University Presidents’ Climate Commitment and committed to reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050.
Did You Know? The2010 Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) outlines how the UI will reach zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Did You Know? In 2012, the UIreceived the gold level Campus Sustainability Compact Award as part of the Illinois Governor's Sustainability Award.
Did You Know? The UI is home to a 320-acre Energy Farm, which is devoted to researching and growing crops to produce renewable energy.
Did You Know? TheSustainable Student Farm on campus sells the majority of its produce to the UI residence halls, as well as directly to consumers.
Did You Know? TheCampus Bicycle Shop provides tools, space and expertise to help you tune up your own bike.
Did You Know? A modern electric vehicle typically uses as much electricity in one year as your home computer uses when left on overnight. (P.S. Turn off your computer!)
By the Numbers: Since 2008, UI has updated over 100,000 light fixtures on campus with high-efficiency light bulbs to save energy.
By the Numbers: UI committed to generating 5% of its own electricity from renewable sources by 2015and 25% by 2025.
By the Numbers: The UI has already surpassed its 2015 energy conservation goal! Instead of reaching 20% of our 2008 energy use levels by 2015, we already reached 25% in 2012.
By the Numbers: The Sustainable Student Farm occupies 6 acres for outdoor field production and nearly 10,000 square feet of year-round tunnel production.
By the Numbers: Green Certified Buildings on campus:
- 6 LEED in progress
- 2 LEED Silver
- 3 LEED Gold
- 1 LEED Platinum
By the Numbers: There are over 5,000 bike parking spaces on campus
By the Numbers: 78% of students use active transportation
By the Numbers: Champaign-Urbana has 10 Zipcars available for car sharing
By the Numbers: There are 3 Prairie Restoration Areas on campus
By the Numbers: There is 1 Rain Garden on campus
By the Numbers: There are 5 Green Roofs on campus
By the Numbers: From 2008–2012, the UI reduced energy use by 25%
By the Numbers: From 2008–2012, the UI reduced water use by 19%
By the Numbers: From 2008–2012, the UI reduced building emissions by 22%
By the Numbers: UI offers over 250 courses related to sustainability
By the Numbers: From 2008 - 2012: Recycled > 3 million plastic bottles
By the Numbers: From 2008 - 2012: Recycled > 5 million Pounds of Cardboard
By the Numbers: From 2008 - 2012: Recycled > 6 million Pounds of Metal