Program: Allied Health ScienceCourse:Algebra II
Teacher: Samantha Bryant
Contact Information:
Prerequisites: Algebra IHigh School Credit: 1.0 credit
Course Description
Welcome to Algebra II! In this course, we will explore and interpret real-world problems as well as patterns and their representations (expressions, equations, graphs). We will also explain mathematical relationships verbally and symbolically. We will use technology, such as graphing calculators that will help you analyze data and recognize patterns more easily. Throughout Algebra II, we will build a mathematical foundation that will make connections among mathematical concepts, across disciplines, and in everyday experiences. The course will help prepare you both for your future mathematics courses and for your future careers. If you bring to class your curiosity and willingness to work hard, then I promise this mathematical journey will reward all you put into it!
At the end of the year you will complete the state End of Course Assessment in this course.
This course will cover the topics of solving equations and inequalities, linear relations and functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices, polynomials, quadratic functions and inequalities, conic sections, rational expressions and equations, exponential and logarithmic relations, sequences and series, probability and statistics, and trigonometry. This course will help prepare you for the ACT and the End Of Course Assessment (EOC).
Materials Used
Textbook: Holt McDougal Algebra II, 2012
TI-84CE Caclulator
Your grades will be primarily made up of projects, quizzes, and exams. Homework will be given almost every night. The reason for homework is for you to practice a new skill. If you fail a quiz you will be given an opportunity to retake it after you submit a “Request to Retake” form and explain why you should be able to retake. With this request you must attach your homework and quiz you wish to retake. It is imperative that you continually review skills you have learned throughout the course for the EOC at the end of the year.
This course follows the same district grading scale as your home high school:
90 – 100%A
80 – 89%B
70 – 79%C
60 – 69%D
0 – 59%F
Your mid-term and State EOC will count as 10% of your semester grades per Board policy.
Procedures for Makeup Work/Tests
It is your responsibility to ask for assignments if you are absent from school. If you are out for consecutive days you should email your instructor to get your assignment. There is a direct correlation between attendance and student achievement so you should try to be here every day.
The district policy on makeup work reads, “If a student receives an excused absence it shall be the student's responsibility to ask for make up work from the teacher. The student will have one day to make up work missed for each day of school missed. Absences for reasons other than those listed above will be unexcused and students will not be allowed to make up any work.” If you have an unexcused absence you will be allowed to make up your homework or assignment but your grade will be recorded as a 0. There is no exceptions!
Attendance Policy
If you are absent you should try to borrow notes from a classmate and get your assignments from your instructor. Remember you only have one day for every day you were absent to make up your work.
If you missed a quiz or exam you must schedule a time outside of the regular school day to make up. You will only have one day for every day you were absent to schedule a time. If you have not scheduled a time before your day(s) are up you will receive a 0 as the quiz/exam grade and you will not be able to makeup or retake it.
- Composition Notebook – Not an option. Must have by 8/10
- Graph Paper
- Pencils – No pens on homework or quizzes/exams!
- 2 rolls of Scotch Tape (for Interactive Notebook)
- 3 prong folder with loose leaf paper or spiral bound notebook for homework
- 2 pads of Post-It notes for Exit Slips (about 200 Post-Its)
- Colored Pens for note taking (optional)
- Calculators will be provided but you are welcome to have your own. We will use a TI-84 CE. There will be very few to check out for homework.
Class Expectations (Class Rules)
- Be in your seat with all necessary supplies when the bell rings.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- No cursing or teasing. Be nice!
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- No distractions:
- No Grooming
- No Food or Drinks
- No electronics (except those provided)
You are expected to be in class every day. You need to be prepared to do something productive every single day so be ready to begin when class starts! To ensure the longevity of the computers in the classroom, there may be no food or drinks in class. As a rule of thumb you should always have a pencil for math class. Also make sure you are respectful to your classmates and teacher. My hope is to get you ready for life after school so let’s try to maintain a positive and professional attitude.
“I can’t” is not an option, try to replace “I can’t” with “I will try!”
Course Outline/Tentative Schedule/Major Assignments
- Matrices
- Expressions, equations, and functions in the first degree
- Radical Expressions and Equations
- Operations with Complex Numbers
- Exploring Quadratic Equations and Functions
- Exploring Polynomial Expressions, Equations and Functions
- Rational Expressions and Equations
- Advanced Functions
- Organizing and Analyzing Data and Applying Probability
*We will complete projects and incorporate Allied Health applications where it fits into content.
Please sign and return for a grade
I have read the course syllabus for Algebra II and understand the expectations and requirements for this course.
Student Name (Please Print): ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent Email Address: ______