VR Chapter 17: Job Readiness Training and Job Placement
Revised 07/08
· 17.1 Job Readiness Training (JRT)
o 17.1.1 Definition of Job Readiness Training
o 17.1.2 Fees
· 17.2 Job Placement (JP)
o 17.2.1 Counselor Responsibilities
o 17.2.2 Fees
17.1 Job Readiness Training (JRT)
17.1.1 Definition of Job Readiness Training
Job Readiness Training (JRT) is a comprehensive set of discrete learning objectives organized into six sections. complex array of services, JRT, some or all of which may be purchased as a complete course or by section, prepares provided to prepare the consumer for the job search, employment, and retention. JRT is divided into the following training sectionsThese services may include, but are not limited to:
· Job Application TrainingPersonal/Socialization Skills,
Interviewing Skills TrainingRésumé Development,
· Job Seeking Skills TrainingJob Application,
· Resume DevelopmentJob Seeking Skills,
· Pre-employment TrainingInterviewing Skills, and
· Job Retention Skills. Training
JRT Is Not For Consumers in Supported Employment
The services described in this section do not apply to supported employment consumers who will require extended ongoing supports for the life of the job. Job Readiness Training is not readiness services are not a component of Supported Employment. For consumers with multiple disabilities and /functional limitations who will require ongoing supports, see Chapter 30: section 30 on Supported Employment Services[insert link].
Note: Most consumers who fail at a job do so not because they do not havelack the necessary job skills, but because they do not have lack the necessary independent living skills or mobility. Please review the Job Readiness Criteria prior tobefore referring consumers for either Jjob Rreadiness Ttraining or Jjob development/job placement training Placement. Consumers who need extensive services may need Wwork Aadjustment Training (WAT) or Ppersonal and /sSocial Aadjustment Ttraining (PSAT).
Counselors may only must use only vendors who are approved to provide for JRT services and have a contract with DBS for that service.
17.1.2 Fees
Fees for Job Readiness Training are found in the Standards Manual.
For detailed information about regarding provider requirements, record keeping, requirements and service delivery requirements seego to Job Readiness Training Standards in the Standards Manual.