Transition team minutes 11/19/14
Minutes approved from 10/11/14 meeting
Discussed petition regarding SPF results for Hamilton and Tri Vista schools. The school did not qualify for the incentive.
Adam presented SPF rubric for review. The current rubric uses the two year scoring analysis.
Committee asked if there needed to be an analysis on changing the two year scoring methodology regarding the SPF incentive. The SPF is state driven data and the Transition team does not influence this. This would need to be addressed outside of the scope of this team.
It was noted that the number of the schools being paid is increasing and impacting budget. There would need to be a renegotiation with DCTA for any incentive eligibility changes.
The question was raised if the committee should review the payout strategy. If ProComp included yellow, payout would increase to 80% of schools, currently payout average is 50% of the schools.
Other suggestions included combining or eliminating the two categories to one or differentiate what we pay to blue and green versus yellow schools. Do we base off of growth score from previous year, if so it has to be negotiated.
There was feedback provided to members of the transition team that it would be helpful to provide a link to the SPF section included in a communication. Because SPF is communicated differently in various web communications, there may be a need more transparency/consistency on the website on SPF’s.
Action item is to make the process clear, increase communications around SPF, refer to negotiation team for further discussion.
Discussed advance license requirements for LSW’s. Should AA’s be eligible for this advanced license base incentive increase? The intent of the license needs to be the primary responsibility of the role. The AA role is part of the DCTA bargaining unit. The AA does not have a principal license, has a teacher license.
Discussed the standard AA role is working as a student advisor, handles discipline issues, conflict resolution, supporting IAP, observations and feedback, serve as designee, signing off on IP.
It was proposed by the Transition Team that if you are currently in a role and transfer to another role within same school, you would keep your advanced degree.
Action item is to bring options to next meeting on policy language, vote on a change to the policy
There was a concern raised regarding the eligibility date used during the month of payout for ProComp incentives such as High Growth for employees going out on a leave status. If the employee is on a leave status, the payout is held until the employee returns.
The Transition Team suggested that a consistent cut off date be determined during the month. For example if the employee is active by 15th of the month they would receive the incentive payout. If the leave status starts after the 15th of the month, the incentive payment is held until they return from leave. Reconfiguration costs to make the update to the program need to be considered.