2017 Best of the Best Tournament March 31 - April 1, 2017
Best of the Best format weigh in as many times as you can during tournament hours.
{Name}: ______{Partners Name}:______
{Address}______{Partners Address}:______
{Phone #s}: ______{Partners Phone #s}: ______
{E-Mail }: ______{Partners E-Mail}:______
{Make - Boat/Motor}: ______/_____hp {Insurance Carrier}:______
{Signature}:______{Partners Signature}:______
For more information: Please visit our Website at,
Tournament Format and Rules:
Tournament Hours Safelight - 3:00
You can launch from any ramp. You can make your first cast at 6:15am cell phone time.
The scales will be open ALL day. You can weigh anytime, and as many times as you wish. NO more than 10 fish can be brought to the scales at one time. NO more than 10 fish can be in your live well at anytime.(5 per person)
After you weigh you can go back out and fish.
The team with the heaviest TOTAL combined weight of all their catches for both days. Will be the winner.
Lake size limit applies.( tournament director is the final say on spots and mean mouth bass.
The scales close at 3:00 pm. You must be in line and have checked in with the scoring table, BEFORE 3:00 pm in order to weigh your last bag of bass.
Anyone bringing in more than 10 fish will have their sack culled to the 10-fish limit starting with the big fish first.Every fish must be weighed in on the water at one of the two weigh in sites.
Sportsmanship: All contestants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and conservation.
You may not fish closer than 50 yards to another competitor unless given permission.
No Live Bait: Only artificial lures can be used in all tournaments. The use of pork rine is permitted.
No Trolling: Anyone found to be doing this will be disqualified from any and all Heartland Anglers Tournaments.
Long Lining: You may not use you big motor to fish this technique. All long lining must be done with your trolling motor.
Short Fish Penalties: All fish brought to weigh-in must be of legal size determined by the Directors or by state law for that body of water fished, Penalty is loss of small fish and your largest fish. (Use Golden Rule) we do allow courtesy checks
Dead Fish: ( Dead Fish may be weighed. Penalty is loss of 1lb and you can’t weigh it for Lunker it also pulls from your limit for each dead fish. If you weigh a dead fish you harvested it so you will only be able to bring 9 in next time and so on.)
Mangled Fish: Fish that appear to be altered or mangled will only be weighed at the discretion of local director.
Locking Through: At your own risk
Alcoholic beverages or drug use: The use of alcoholic beverages or Illegal drugs during tournament hours. (Including before and after weigh-in) (Will be cause for Immediate Disqualification from any and all Heartland Anglers Tournaments.).
Safety: During all tournaments, contestants will wear their life Jackets, zipped and Kill cord connected any time when boat is in motion. During foul weather you may take closest shelter. During any emergency you must return to tournament site if possible. You may not leave your boat during tournament hours except during an Emergency. If you must leave the boat for any reason other than emergency you must notify the Tournament Director before doing so.
Catch and Release: Heartland Anglers is 100% catch and release. All live fish must be returned to the water that they were taken from. (If there is a Lunker fish then an angler may keep it for mounting).
Cheating: Anyone caught cheating in Any Tournament event will be immediately barred from fishing in any Heartland Anglers Tournament. And all other Tournament Trails will be notified.
Protest: All protests must be submitted in writing to tournament directors no later than 15 minutes after close of weigh-in. Verbal protests will not be accepted.
Insurance: All members need to carry liability insurance on any boat they might use during any Heartland Anglers Tournament. Failure to do so or reporting of false information will result in disqualification. Participants must include the company name and either the policy number or the name of the agent binding the coverage on the membership form.
Polygraph: Any Member at Anytime. Will be given a polygraph test in the event an agreement can’t be made by the Management of Heartland Anglers. (This will include any and all people affiliated with Heartland Anglers in Anyway
State Law: Anything not covered above refer to you state fish and game rules and guidelines.
A RIG Illegal States:
· Tennessee (No wire restrictions No Dummy restrictions but you may only use 3 hooks)