Anatomy Histology Portfolio
Histology is the study of the appearance and behavior of tissues, usually carried out under a microscope. There are many different types of tissues which perform a wide range of functions. During this project, you will study many types of tissues and prepare a portfolio that showcases each tissue type.
This project will count as two test grades.
Each Histology Portfolio should include the following:
1. Title page that includes a title for your project, name, and period.
- Title should describe what can be found in the portfolio so should be informative, not “cute”
2. Table of Contents, with each tissue type listed in the appropriate order with page numbers
3. A page for each of the 17 tissue types that includes:
- 2 Pictures of the tissue – sources cited in the bibliography
- Paragraph for each tissue type that includes four sentences. The first sentence should give a description of the shape of cell. The second sentence should explain the functions of the tissue. The third sentence should explain the locations in the body where this tissue type can be found. The fourth sentence should explain how the shape of the cell contributes to the function of the tissue.
- Page Number in the bottom right corner
4. Bibliography
- Divided by each tissue type, Sources for each picture and information in your paragraph should be cited
*Do not include extra information. Follow the format given above. Simply compose a four sentence paragraph that includes the information above.
DO NOT COPY/PASTE information from the Internet. Use your own words.
Epithelial Tissue Example Page:
1. Simple squamous Epithelium
2. Simple cuboidal Epithelium
3. Simple columnar Epithelium
4. Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
5. Stratified squamous Epithelium
6. Transitional Epithelium
Connective Tissue
7. Loose connective
8. Dense connective
9. Adipose
10. Bone
11. Blood
12. Hyaline cartilage
13. Elastic cartilage
Muscle Tissue
14. Skeletal
15. Smooth
16. Cardiac
Nervous Tissue
17. Nervous tissue
Rubric for Histology Portfolio
Description / Points Worth / Points Earned / CommentsIncludes a cover page, table of contents, page numbers, title, and bibliography / 10
Each tissue has 2 pictures from the internet with its source sited in the bibliography / 17
All tissues are present / 17
Each tissue has a description, location, and function. You should also describe how shape relates to function. / Epithelial / Simple Squamous / 8
Simple Cuboidal / 8
Simple columnar / 8
Stratified squamous / 8
Pseudostratified Columnar / 8
Transitional Epithelium / 8
Connective / Loose connective / 8
Dense connective / 8
Adipose / 8
Bone / 8
Blood / 8
Hyaline cartilage / 8
Elastic cartilage / 8
Muscle / Skeletal Muscle / 8
Smooth Muscle / 8
Cardiac Muscle / 8
Nervous Tissue / 8
Histology Microscopic Drawings are neat and detailed for each tissue type: Epithelial, Connective, Muscular, and Nervous / 20
Total / 200