December 10, 2012
Dear Telemark Nations!
We welcome you to the first International Telemark Instructors Meet, now known as InterTele. We have a Media Sponsor in Telemark Skier (look for Telemark Skier Magazine and and presenting sponsor, 22Designs (look for to help support and promote this first-ever happening for Telemark Instructors from around the world. Concurrently with the InterTele event will be a National Academy for Telemark instructors from the United States, and the event will also overlap with the hugely successful PSIA/AASI National Academy at Snowbird, ( giving participants from both events a sense of what the other is about, and a chance to intermingle and network with instructors from across the USA, in addition to the telemark participants from the US and around the world.
Snowbird ( is an ideal setting for this event, with solid, predictable spring skiing. It is a special place for me, where I first tele’ed, had my first ski area job, where I skied my best tele race, and where I first made it onto our PSIA Nordic Team. Snowbird has long been the go-to place for our national team tryouts. With world class accommodations at a discounted rate, and ticket price included in the registration, the event will be quite a good deal, in addition to being unforgettable. With Snowbird’s annual 482 inches (12.24 meters) of snowfall, phenomenal conditions become regular occurences.
Please join us in sharing best practices and ideas, technical and teaching concepts, methods of instructor training and development, the evolution of equipment, and the future of the sport.
You will make InterTele and Tele Academy the leading international event for Telemark instructors. Please join us this April in Utah, for the best days of our lives!
Scotty McGee
PSIA Nordic Team Coach
A PSIA-Intermountain Event
InterTele and Tele Academy 2013
At Snowbird, UT from April 17-21, 2013
The Future of Telemark
Social Sharing Learning Skiing Friends Colleagues Spring Utah
What: Two side-by-side events at World Class resort Snowbird in Utah, USA
Who: Tele instructors from around the US and the world
Why: Sharing Passion, Ideas and the Future of Telemark
How: InterTele: On Snow Symposium and Tele Academy: Dedicated intact and elective groups
- Event is 5 days total, with one day off/afield in the middle
- Open to Nat’l Team Members, PSIA and ISIA members
- On-Snow Topics presented by Nat’l Team Members from various nations
- Social aspect and indoor presentations: apres parties and a dinner
- Presenters selected to present On-Snow will receive a credit toward registration.
Lodging and Travel:
- Lodging available for $99/room/night at Snowbird; $109 for double occupancy
- Many flights to Salt Lake City International Airport
- With airport shuttles, no rental cars would be needed
- Register through the PSIA-I office in SLC. Registration deadline 3 months in advance, or January 17, 2013.
- Future of Telemark – Tele Gen Next
- Innovations in Equipment – Influencing Technique and Teaching
- Telemark Culture around the Globe
- Beyond the Piste – Skiing all that UT has to offer – All Mountain Skiing
- Certification Standards
- Educating Snowsports Educators
- Student Centered Teaching
Important Details
Presentation Applications will be due December 15, and should be submitted to should fall into one of these four areas:
- Technology
- Technique
- Teaching
- Terrain
The presentation selection committee, composed of international reviewers, will evaluate papers and select topics most relevant and useful to modern telemark instruction.
Submissions to the committee should come from each nation’s National Team Coach (or top representative for Tele) to: Due date: December 15, 2012.
There will be slots for 2 to 6 presentations each day in each area on snow. There will be 8 to 16 different topics total; some topics of particular relevance may be presented more than once. Credit for presenting will be applied for each instance of presentation.
Indoor presentations: Eight 25 minute presentations, Two 50 minute presentations. 10 total.
Countries can submit up to 4 proposals for On-Snow, and 4 proposals for indoor topics.
Topic applications should include Country, Author, Presenter(s), Title, Topic Area, 10-20 word description of the topic, 100-200 word summary, basic outline for on-snow and indoor presentations and development, and any special needs for terrain, tools, props (On Snow) or AV, whiteboard/chalkboard, flip chart (Indoor).
Submissions to the committee should come from each nation’s National Team Coach (or top representative for Tele) to: Due date: December 15, 2012.
Cost: $450 – Includes 5 days lift access at Snowbird, On Snow and Indoor presentations, social events, and much, much more. Registration due January 17, 2103.
InterTele/Tele Academy 2013 – Tentative Agenda
Registration: April 16, Cliff Lodge, Snowbird, UT 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Theme / Technology / Technique / Teaching / TerrainWednesday, April 17 / Thursday, April 18 / Friday, April 19 / Saturday, April 20 / Sunday, April 21
Meet / 9am Plaza / 9 am Wilbur / Snowbird, Alta,
or the Backcountry / 9am / 9am Wilbur
AM / Clinic Session #1 / DEMO / Clinic Session #4 / DEMO
Lunch On your own, with these suggestions:
PlazaMid-GadWatson’sHi Mtn Picnic
PM / 1:30 Plaza
Clinic Session #2 / 1:30 Plaza
Clinic Session #3 / 1:30 Plaza
Clinic Session #5 / 1:30 Plaza
Clinic Session #6
Ski / Cliff Lodge
Ors d’Ouvre Party
KEYNOTE: Peter Metcalfe,
Black Diamond Equipment Limited / Cliff 4-7 Seminars / Cliff 3-6 Seminars / Tram Deck
At the Cliff Lodge
and the Hustlers Live Band
InterTele / Tele Academy Event Registration PROFES S IONAL
Professional Ski Instructors of America Intermountain Division
Fill out one form for each attendee.
Name / Email / NationAddress / Division
City / State / Zip
Other Address
Fill out this section on one form per team or payor.
Full Event- 5 Days / Lift Tickets, All Clinics, Apres Events, Banquet – All Days / $450 / # / $Early Event- 1st 3 Days / Lift Tickets, All Clinics, Apres Events, Banquet – April 17-19 / $225 / # / $
Late Event- Final 3 Days / Lift Tickets, All Clinics, Apres Events, Banquet – April 19-21 / $275 / # / $
Total Fees: / $
PAYMENT METHOD: ☐Cash/Check/MO ☐MasterCard ☐Visa ☐Discover ☐Amer. Express ☐Other
Account Number: ______E x p. Da te: ______
Please bill my credit card. S igna ture : ______
Release of Liability
I, (print name)______, have requested to attend the Professional Ski Instructor of America Intermountain Division (hereafter “PSIA-I”) or American Association of Snowboard Instructors Intermountain Division (hereafter “AASI-I”) education or certification function led by a PSIA-I or AASI-I designated clinic leader or examiner (hereafter “Event Facilitators”). As a professional ski or snowboard instructor or experienced skier or snowboarder requesting participation in this event I fully understand and accept sole responsibility for my personal safety, behavior, and performance. I am fully aware of the risks of skiing and snowboarding associated with this event, including the possibility of serious injury and death, and release and forever discharge PSIA-I/AASI-I and PSIA/AASI, their officers, directors, employees, facilitators, agents, member ski areas, sponsors, and all persons from any and all claims, injuries, damages, expenses, or actions arising from or related to my participation in the PSIA-I/AASI-I sponsored event and under no circumstances or eventuality will suit be filed against PSIA-I/AASI-I or PSIA/AASI, their officers, directors, employees, facilitators, agents, member ski areas, or sponsors for any injuries resulting from participation in this program. I also agree to incorporate by reference all the provisions of the Utah Risk of Skiing Act (when applicable), and Your Responsibility Code as endorsed by the Professional Ski Instructors of America. Anyone who does not exhibit the skills necessary to ski/board safely in a clinic will be invited to take another product or receive a refund. I have fully read and voluntarily agree to the above terms and conditions. I am fully aware of the risks of skiing and snowboarding as sociated with this event, including the possibility of serious injury and death.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Completed registration form and payment must be in the Division office by January 17, 2013. Postmarks not accepted.
REFUNDS: Notice given office before deadline, 100%; notice after deadline but before event, 50%; no notice given before event NO REFUND.
PSIA Intermountain Division
7105 Highland Drive #201
Salt Lake City, UT 84121Phone: 801 942-2066Fax: 801 942-7837 email:
Presenter’s Application form
Topic Title:
Presentation Team:
Presentation Format:
Interski Theme Area:
Technology Technique Teaching Terrain
Summary of Presentation:
Key Points: