Application Form Healthy Habitats

Complete the application form below and email this form to

OR mail BMRG, PO Box 501 Bundaberg QLD, 4670 no later than 5pm, Monday 4 April 2016

Name of group/organisation / Trading as
ABN / GST Registered? / Yes / No
Contact Person
Postal Address
Property Address
Lot on Plan/s:
Tenure: / Project area (ha)
Phone / Fax
Previous BMRG funded project / Yes / No / Describe / e.g. weed control, biocontrol facility etc.
Eligible Activities in Priority Areas(referMap 1) / 
Control environmental weeds in native vegetation (e.g. lantana, madeira vine, cat’s claw creeper)
Stock exclusion for significant native vegetation
Public access management in coastal habitats and vegetation
Feral animal control to protect native vegetation or threatened species habitat
Building local Landcare community awareness events on biodiversity such as workshops or field days
Fire management to protect significant vegetation or threatened species
Expanding biocontrol facilities
Project commencement
(dd/mm/yy) / Project completion
Note: projects must end by 31 March 2017
  1. Project Title
  1. Describe your Project

Please give a full detailed description of the project including what work will be completed, how it will be completed, the outcome of the work, information you may capture during the project etc. Please indicate if approvals will be required

  1. Please describe the type of native vegetation or threatened species targeted for this project e.g. listed “ecological community” and/or threatened species habitat or describe the type of vegetation. If unsure of the listing then describe the vegetation characteristics e.g. rainforest or “vine scrub” etc.
  1. Please identify the threat anddescribehow the project will reduce this threat and provide a benefit to the native vegetation/ threatened species.
  1. Please describe how the vegetation on your land connects to or adjoins other areas of native vegetation e.g. is directly adjacent to a protected area or is part of an extent or band of connected native forest etc.
  1. If known please describe how the project addresses or meets national conservation advices and recovery plans for threatened species orhabitat management.
  1. If this project is aimed at expanding biocontrol facilities, please describe the expected benefits to the region and how the expansion will be maintained into the future.
  1. In kind support

Will the applicant be contributing to the project through unpaid labour or cash contributions? For example, the applicant group may be implementing the works on a volunteer basis.

  1. Total funding sought

Please provide an accurate budget break down of the required funding for this activityincluding requested funds and any cash or in-kind contributions.Please replace the example as shown below and insert rows as required. (Please provide prices GST inclusive)

Activity / Items funded / Applicant
Cash $ / Applicant
In-kind $ / BMRG Funding
Requested $
Eg. Weed control i.e. foliar spray, biocontrol release etc. / 10 ha of cat’s claw creeper control / 5000
Eg. Labour self - general land management activities / site preparation / 2000
Eg. Feral animal control / contractor / 3000
Total BMRG funding requested (GST inclusive)
Total applicant contribution (cash and in-kind)
Total activity cost (include all in-kind )

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