Course Syllabus 2017-2018


Teacher: Mrs. Shirley Baugher

Chapel Hill High School

Course Rationale: We live in a time of extraordinary and accelerating change. The need to understand and be able to use mathematics in everyday life and in the workplace has never been greater and will continue to increase. In this changing world, those who understand and can do mathematics will have significantly enhanced opportunities and options for shaping their futures. Mathematical competence opens doors to productive futures. A lack of mathematical competence keeps those doors closed. Everyone needs to understand mathematics.

Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for calculus and similar college mathematics courses. The “Rule of Four” will be emphasized in all areas of study.

Class Format: This is a year-long course on an alternating block schedule. Class time will incorporate lecture and note-taking, media presentations, discussion, guided & independent practice, and selected activities to develop and enhance skill and comprehension. Students will be expected to work in groups and make oral presentations to the class.

GRADING PLAN: 20% Classwork and Homework

20% Quizzes

50% Tests

10% Final Exam

HOMEWORK: Students learn math by doing math. In order to learn mathematics efficiently, the student must be prepared to learn from their mistakes! Diligent attention to errors (REWORKING INCORRECT PROBLEMS) will result in steady and significant mathematical progress. DO NOT IGNORE MATH ERRORS!! Each assignment is to be completed to the best of one’s ability. Solutions should NEVER just be a single number without some explanation for how you got that answer.

If you choose not to do homework, you will not do well in this course. DO NOT just say “I don’t get it” and then quit – find other strategies!! Learning mathematics is a process which involves struggling through your confusion until things come together and make sense. Being stuck is part of the problem-solving process, probably the most important part because this is where the learning occurs!

·  Homework will be assigned and checked on a regular basis. To receive full credit, you MUST show all your work on your homework. NW = NC

·  No late work is accepted. The CHHS Student Handbook defines late work as “work not turned in on time, but not due to excused or unexcused absence” (page 16). A zero will be entered in the gradebook.

·  If an assignment is missed due to absence, whether excused or unexcused, then “M” for “missed” will be entered into the gradebook. If the absence is excused, then the policy in the Student Handbook on page 9 will be followed for allowing students the opportunity to turn in missed work. Otherwise, at the end of each unit, missing assignments due to absence will be replaced with your test grade for that unit.

·  These things are NOT considered real attempts at homework: saying “I tried” but your paper is blank, or writing “?” or “I don’t know”. A real attempt means that you have written down anything you can think of that might help you get an idea about figuring out the problem.

ASSESSMENT (Do NOT use red or pink ink on anything that I will be grading!!)

v  TESTS will be given approximately every 3-4 weeks. Expect every test to have both “calculator required” and “calculator not allowed” sections and include Multiple Choice and Free Response questions.

1. Tests must be taken in one sitting. Students cannot expect to begin a test or quiz and then return at a later time to continue working. It is the student’s responsibility to study and be well prepared before taking a test. **If a student arrives LATE UNEXCUSED for a quiz or test, extra time will NOT

be given to complete his/her work.

2. If you are absent only on the review day before a test and the class does not cover any new material,

then you will take the test on the scheduled day with the rest of the class.

3. If you are absent only on the day of a test, you will be expected to take the test immediately upon your return to class. **Per Board Policy in the Student Handbook, missed tests can only be made up if you have a VALID EXCUSED absence, so make sure you have your excuse note.


1. Quizzes will be given every few days to assess understanding of current topics of study. These may also relate to homework assignments or Journal completion. If you miss a quiz due to absence, then I may require that the quiz be made up, but most of the time, quizzes are not made up. Missing quiz grades will be replaced with your test grade for that unit. **Any time you are present in class when a quiz is given, you will take the quiz. If there has been significant absence during the days before the quiz, then the teacher will determine what portion of the quiz, if any, will count.

2. “Things to Know Cold” quizzes will be given over basic math knowledge that you should possess in order to be successful in the study of precalculus topics. These will be given approximately once per month.


I want you to learn math and be successful in this class! In order for that to happen, the following policies need to be in place to encourage you to make GOOD CHOICES which will give you the greatest chance of achieving wonderful success this year:

§  Attendance: Your success in this class is directly tied to your attendance. You NEED to be in class EVERY DAY!!! Only miss class when completely unavoidable. Don’t be absent and don’t be late!

If you must be absent, then it is entirely your responsibility to obtain notes, handouts, assignments, and any other information that you might have missed.

§  Materials Required Every Day: College-Ruled Composition Notebook, 2-inch 3-Ring Binder that is

used exclusively for this class, college-ruled notebook paper, pencils and pens.

Recommended: Graphing Calculator (TI-84 plus), graph paper, glue sticks, scissors,

highlighters, colored pencils, markers, white-out, ruler, protractor, compass

§  Participation in Class: Consistent participation is expected and is a must to succeed in Precalculus. You are always expected to be engaged in meaningful learning activities; you should never fail to cooperate in groups, fail to pay attention in class (i.e., sleeping, working on another subject, playing games on a calculator), disrupt class (tardiness or disruptive behavior), fail to have necessary supplies, and/or be unwilling to complete assignments or board work.

§  Academic Integrity: You are expected to always present only your own best work to teachers. Sadly I have found cheating to be a problem among students of all calibers. There are too many variations on academic dishonesty to name them all, but a few examples I have seen are copying another student’s assignment, looking at another student’s paper during a test or quiz, passing notes during a test or quiz, hiding a cheat-sheet during a test or quiz, having another student’s paper in your possession, using a calculator when disallowed, and copying answers from the Internet. DON’T DO THESE THINGS. I take this very seriously, and it is hard to rebuild trust. No grade is worth sacrificing your honesty and integrity. Students who cheat will be given either a zero or alternative assessment, the parent will be contacted, and he/she may be reported to an administrator for disciplinary action.

It is permissible to try to gain understanding by discussing with others how a problem needs to be solved. It is NOT permissible to look at someone else’s paper and copy what they have written. Do not use “working together” as a euphemism for cheating.

Please remember:

The purpose of school is to LEARN, not just get by.

Your INTEGRITY is more important than any grade.

§  Hall Passes: Since school policy does not allow hallpasses to be issued during the first fifteen minutes or the last fifteen minutes of class, please use your time wisely between classes to go to the restroom, your locker, etc… In you have a true emergency, then you must use the Hall Pass form located on the inside front cover of your Journal. You are limited to 5 hallpasses during each quarter. **If you request a hallpass during a test or quiz, then your cellphone must first be left with me.

**Going to any area other than the place you specified, or staying gone from class longer than reasonable, will result in an office referral and possibly a parent conference.

§  Extra Help: After-school help will be available just about every day. The only exceptions are when the teacher has meetings, duty, or other commitments. The teacher will let students know in advance, if possible, when she will not be available. This is updated on the front board in the classroom and on the school website each week. Bear in mind, however, that if you expect extra help outside of class, then you need to be actively involved IN CLASS taking notes and doing all that is asked of you. Personal time outside of class will not be given to students who choose to waste time in class.

§  Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments are not given to students on an individual basis just to raise your grade. It is up to the student to do his/her best on all class assignments and tests on a regular basis.

The “Nitty-Gritty” (don’t say I didn’t warn you)

a. NO FOOD in class … All Drinks must be in a container with a screw-on top

b. No profanity, vulgar language, class disruption, disrespect, or excuses

c. No sleeping or putting your head down on your desk

d. Working on assignments for other classes is prohibited.

e. No hats, hoods, sunglasses, earphones, cell phones, etc…

f. No make-up, lotion, spraying perfume, doing hair, etc ...

g. Purses/backpacks/bags may not be kept on your desk or in your lap (must be on the floor).

h. Do not sit anywhere other than your assigned seat. Do not sit sideways with your legs in the aisle.

i. Do not stand at the door at the end of class waiting for the bell to ring.

j. Do not adjust the classroom thermostat or use any items without permission.

k. Do not throw anything (even at the trash can). Do not get out of your seat to throw away trash

during class. Keep trash at your desk until the bell rings and then dispose of it properly on your

way out.

**I will be using Remind 101 to send text messages about tests, quizzes, etc. Please sign up by texting the

number 81010 and entering class code ______.

This will be a difficult course, but you WILL SUCCEED if you work hard and actively participate in class. You are an exceptional group of people and I know you are destined to do great things. I am very excited to have you in my class and look forward to working with you this year!!!

Mrs. Shirley Baugher

CHHMath Department

**Teacher reserves the option to make changes to this syllabus if needed.


PRINT Student’s Name ______

Father’s (or male guardian) Name ______

Email address ______

Phone number for contact during school hours: ______

Mother’s (or female guardian) Name ______

Email address ______

Phone number for contact during school hours: ______

Does your student have regular access to the Internet at home? ______

Does your student have access to a reliable printer at home? ______

What are three adjectives that come to mind when you think of your son/daughter?


Are there any medical, family, or personal issues of which I need to be aware in order to help me better work with your child?

If your child is confused or has academic difficulty during the semester, what strategies do you expect him/her to use to improve their learning?

** I have read the syllabus and I understand Mrs. Baugher’s classroom expectations. I agree that it is the student’s responsibility to abide by these policies. I also understand that Mrs. Baugher may make any adjustments to the syllabus that she determines will be in the best interest of students.

Parent Signature ______

Student Signature ______