Primary and Secondary PGCE
Trainee: / XXX / School: / XXX / Subject: / XXXPST: / XXX / Mentor: / XXX / UVT: / XXX
Date: 9 May 2014
Cause for Concern on Progress towards the Teachers’ Standards (for QTS)
This letter is to signal our concern about your present progress on the PGCE programme, and to support you in addressing identified needs. Our concern is due to the following:
q Absence of more than 10 days from the programme;
q Failure to meet deadlines for university directed tasks or assignments
X Insufficient progress towards meeting the Standards for this stage of the course
q Professional engagement with the course
(please tick as applicable)
We are concerned that this puts you at risk of failing to achieve the standards necessary for the award of QTS, and we hope that this letter, and the actions you take as a consequence, will enable you to succeed.
Your University tutor will discuss this with you, following discussion with the school, if appropriate, and will draw up an Action Plan to identify what action you should take to strengthen your position.
Please sign one copy of this letter and return it to your Mentor, in the case of school-based work, or your University tutor, in the case of university-based work.
Yours sincerely
XXX (Mentor)
(University Visiting Tutor)
I have received this letter and participated in writing the Action Plan
Signed XXX (Trainee)
/ GRADUATE School of EducationPGCE PROGRAMMESCAUSE FOR CONCERN: ACTION PLAN Focus: Addressing Issues arising from a Cause for Concern letter
Please make sure you list all areas which the trainee needs to address in order to meet the QTS Standards.
These targets should be discussed, and progress recorded, at the Weekly Development Meeting.
Standard / SMART Targets(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Related) / Support
Please include detail of what training/support is going to be put in place to provide opportunity for the trainee to meet the targets. / Date to be completed / Achieved and evidence location
S1 & S3 / Ensure all lessons are suitably pitched and engaging (all pupils are on task and the impact of the lesson is demonstrable) / Discuss class assessment data, and how to use this to inform your planning with XXX (HT). Observe different teachers across the school/federation and reflect on their practice. Discuss your reflections with XXX (Mentor). Ask colleagues in school about what resources are available. / 06/06/14
S1 / Collaborate with school staff in sharing planning and teaching / Discuss your lesson ideas with XXX (PST) and other colleagues – including fellow trainees, where appropriate. Observe different teachers across the school/federation and reflect on their practice. Discuss your reflections with XXX (Mentor). / Ongoing and 06/06/14
S5 & S6 / Ensure your lessons build on children’s prior knowledge and are suitably differentiated (all pupils meet learning objectives) / Discuss class assessment data, and how to use this to inform your planning with XXX (HT). Discuss your differentiated planning with XXX (PST). Observe different teachers across the school/federation and reflect on their practice. Discuss your reflections with XXX (Mentor). / 13/06/14
S3 / Develop your use of explanations, modelling and discussion (pupils more able to meet learning objectives without getting ‘stuck’ so often) / Observe different teachers across the school/federation and reflect on their practice. Make this a focus in lesson observations. Discuss your reflections with XXX (Mentor). / 13/06/14
S6 / Maintain assessment records and use these to inform your planning / Discuss class assessment data, and how to use this to inform your planning with XXX (HT). Share your records and lesson evaluations with XXX (PST). / 06/06/14
If targets are not met by the specified date, please contact the UVT and jointly issue a new CfC and Action Plan with further support specified.
During the Consolidating Practice and Developing Independence phases please remember that, if appropriate and to minimise negative impact on pupil learning, the mentor and UVT can agree that the trainee should return to teaching episodes in some lessons. If this is the case the Action Plan must detail what needs to be evidenced in order to continue to make progress/return to full lessons.