Personal Management: Staying Well
Proper nutrition + Proper Sleep + Proper Exercise = Proper Performance
There are many aspects of our lives that we could manage better to ensure that we are operating at maximum efficiency. At the core, lie proper food, exercise, and rest. Numerous studies have shown that there are general requirements which must be met for you to perform at your best.
Let’s take a look at where your performance level is right now. On a scale of 1 to 5 rate how well you manage your nutrition, exercise and sleep.
1 2 3 4 5
Very poor Poor Neutral Good Very good
SLEEP & Teenagers
1. Watch the video:
2. Read the article “Let sleeping teenagers lie” and answer the questions.
3. Read the article “Creeping Sleepidemic” and answer the questions.
4. Review the “Teenagers and Sleep” information sheet.
5. Review the “Movement and Sleep Guidelines”.
6. Review the “Sleep Tip Sheet” then answer the summary questions below.
Summary Questions:
1. What are the most important pieces of information these articles are providing about teens and sleep? Write down what you feel is important. I am expecting 3-4 points.
2. What are some of the things that interfere with teenagers sleeping habits?
3. What are some of the consequences to not getting enough sleep?
4. What are some (3-5) strategies you feel will help teenagers get the amount of sleep they are recommend to? (i.e. strategies or habits to help you improve).
Read through “Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide” ( and make note of the recommendations on food and exercise.
1. Take an inventory of your own nutritional, exercise and sleep habits and compare them with the guidelines/articles you have been given. How are you shaping up?
2. List and explain the changes you can make to better manage these areas? Summarize the main area where you need to improve then list at least three or four specific tips which cover food, exercise and sleep.
Inventory of nutritional, exercise and sleep recommendations and personal habits
Canada’s Food Guide Recommendations / My nutritional intake(Write down what you eat) / Assessment (are you meeting /falling short of the guidelines)
Recommended number of serving p/day:
Vegetables and Fruit -
Grain Products -
Milk and Alternatives -
Meat and Alternatives -
Example of one food serving:
Advice on Oils and Fats:
Make each food guide serving count:
List 2 recommendations of your choice
Eating well and be active (3 pieces of advice on nutrition from this page)
· / Breakfast
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Recommendations for exercise / My level of exercise / Assessment
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Recommendations for proper number of hours of sleep (from the articles you read) / My sleep habits / Assessment
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Recommended strategies for improving sleep habits / Best two strategies for me
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