Study Guide – Lab Final (It will be multiple choice or matching)
Lab 1 – Prokaryotes and Viruses - Be able to recognize bacterial shapes. Why are bacteria pigmented? Where are luminescent bacteria found? Be able to recognize the difference between gram + and gram -. Why do they stain this way? Know the five bacterial groups and which examples are for which groups? Where is E. coli found? What does Treponema cause? What does Clostridium cause? What two processes are found in Oscillatoria? What does Chlamydia lack? How are archaea similar to bacteria? Eukaryotes?
Lab 2 – Eukaryotic Diversity - Domain: Eukarya –- Know the 5 supergroups and what characteristics make them different. Know who belongs in each group. Be able to recognize the organisms listed. What does Giardia cause? What does Trichomonas cause? What does Trypanosoma cause? How are each transmitted? What do dinoflagellates cause? What do they release? What are diatoms used for? What are the pigments in phaeophyta? What are the tests made of in the foraminiferans? Radiolarians? What does Entamoebas cause? Be able to recognize desmids, Spirogyra and Urothrix.
Lab 3 –Fungi and Seedless Plants – Be able to recognize the following: Chytirds and how they differ from other fungi. Rhizopus,Penicillum notatum and Aspergillus niger in the petri dishes. Note Rhizopus: sporangia and zygospore (Which is Sexual? Asexual?) Ascomycota: cup fungi, conidia, asci with ascospores (Which is Sexual? Asexual?) Basidiomycota: Club fungi (parts: stipe, cap, gills, annulus), basia w/ basideospores) Be able to recognize the difference between mosses and liverworts (know divisions) protonema. Antheridium, archegonium, gemma cups.
Lab 4 – Plant adaptations – Be able to recognize the following plants and know the characteristics given - Black Sage, Bulrush, California Buckwheat, California Redbud, California Sagebrush, California Sweet Bay, Caster Bean, Catalina Cherry, Cattails, Ceanothus (Mt. Lilac), Coast Live Oak, Coffeeberry, Encelia, Ginkgo, Laurel Sumac, California Fan Palm, Mexican Fan palm, Pine Trees, Sago Palm, Southern Magnolia, Toyon, Tree Tobacco, Western Sycamore, Walnut Tree, White Alder, White Sage
Lab 5 – Plant Structure and Function – Know the following trees and their divisions: Ginkgo, Sago Palm, Mormon Tea, Pine Trees, Flowering Plants. Know the flower parts. Know the parts of the embryo sac. Know the types of fruits (you will get the list). Know the difference between a monocot and dicot roots. Monocot and dicot stems. Know how to age a tree. Know the different carnivorous plants. Know Gravitropism? Phototropism?
Lab 6 & 7- Invertebrates –Know the classification. Know the different animal tissues. You will be asked to recognize which animals are in which phyla and classes. You will also need to recognize a radula, pedicellaria and a biparia larvae.
Lab 8 – Fish and Reptiles – Know the following organisms and their classifications: lamprey, hagfish, great white shark, Manta ray, Ratfish, coelacanth, gar, moray eel, hatchet fish, loach, sardine, catfish, salmon, grunion, flying fish, sea horse, sculpin, Garibaldi, Calif. Sheephead, clownfish, California newt, bullfrog, western fence lizard, desert iguana, alligator lizard, desert tortoise, red-eared slider, Western Pond Turtle, chuckwalla, horned lizard, western rattlesnake, gopher snake, crocodilian
Lab 9 – Birds - What is the muscle in birds which lifts their wings? What is the muscle that is used to lower the wings?
How much of a bird’s body mass is accounted for by the flight muscles? What is the name of the types of feet seen in lab? Know the types of reproduction and who does each. Know the types of communication and who does each (station 20). Know the two introduced species. Recognize the different hearts and brains (not parts).
Lab 10 – Mammals - – Know the following organisms and their classifications: echidna, platypus, opossum, elephants (both), pronghorn, bighorn sheep, mt. lion, bobcat, blue whale, orca, white-sided dolphin, zebra, coyote, red fox, brown bear, black bear, grizzly, raccoon, red panda, giant panda, otter, skunk, Calif. Sea lion, Harbor Seal, bat, beaver, ground squirrel, desert cottontail, jackrabbit, Primate skulls (Gorilla, Orangs, Chimp, Bonobo, Austraopithicine, Homo)