Company Brochure Specs & Rubric
Create a sales brochure to distribute to your customers (Price List design). Keep your target customers in mind when designing the brochure, selecting a design template, and color scheme.
Page 1 (outside of Brochure)
Left Panel:
- Biographies of your corporate officers, name, title, experience, picture
- If you are the only officer, select a famous person you would like on your staff
Middle Panel: (Back cover)
- Company name, address, telephone #, email address, logo, Mission Statement
Right Panel: (Front cover)
- Company name, logo, slogan, Prepared by: your name
Page 2 (inside of Brochure)
Left Panel
- Business Idea section. Use the revised text from your business idea document. I will take points off if you do not make the indicated revisions
Middle, Right Panels
- List items for sale, price & pictures in each section
- The items could be accessories you would sell with the product, or similar items…Be Creative!
Company Brochure Rubric
DISTINGUISHED / PROFICIENT / NOVICE / Student Assess / Teacher Assess
(page 1 Right Panel)
Company name, logo, slogan, Prepared by / All items included & arranged creatively with weight given to appropriate elements (10) / All items included, weight of elements not considered in the design (8) / Not all items included, weight of elements not appropriate (6)
(page 1 middle panel)
Company name, address, telephone #, email address, logo, Mission Statement / All items include & arranged creatively with weight given to appropriate elements (10) / All items included, weight of elements not considered in the design(8) / Not all items included, weight of elements not appropriate (6)
Inside Flap
(page 1 left panel)
Biographies of your corporate officers, name, title, experience, picture. At least 2 biographies / All elements are well-written and well formatted, ample weight is given to each element, an appropriate title used (15) / All elements included, writing and formatting is sufficient. (10) / Not all items included, writing, formatting needs improvement. (9)
Inside Panel
(Page 2 left panel)
Business Idea Section. Text is revised from the original business idea document with all corrections / All elements included, well-written with revisions, well formatted, ample weight given to elements, interesting title is used(15) / All elements included, writing and formatting is sufficient. (10) / Not all elements included, writing and formatting needs improvement. (9)
Inside Panel
(Page 2 Middle panel)
List items for sale, price & pictures in each section
The items could be accessories you would sell with the product, or similar items / All elements included and formatted in an interesting manner with attention to audience, and product line (15) / All elements included, formatting is sufficient, lack of creativity with the items for sale (10) / Not all elements included, list of items and formatting needs improvement. (9)
Inside Panel
(Page 2 Right panel)
List items for sale, price & pictures in each section
The items could be accessories you would sell with the product, or similar items / All elements included and formatted in an interesting manner with attention to audience, and product line (15) / All elements included, formatting is sufficient, lack of creativity with the items for sale (10) / Not all elements included, list of items and formatting needs improvement. (9)
Brochure Continuity / Font, color scheme is consistent throughout the brochure. Writing is obviously geared toward the target audience (10) / Design is appropriate, target audience is evident through the writing. (8) / Design needs improvement, target audience is not evident through the writing (6)
Project Submission / Brochure completed, printed, folded and submitted on time (10) / Late or incomplete (8) / Late AND incomplete (6)
Total Points