2016 – 2017 School Year
/Step 1: 15-16 School Improvement Plan Reflection
Step 2: Executive Summary
Step 3: School Improvement Plan
___ CCRPI Goal
___ Academic/Instructional Goal
___ Climate Goal
Step 4: Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
Step 5: Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Step 6: 16-17 SIP Reflection due Friday, June 16, 2017
2015-18 Executive Summary
Continuous Improvement Goals / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / Learner Profile
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
Achieve a CCRPI rating for the 2016-2017 school year of an 88 or higher / X / Purpose & Direction / X / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching & Learning
Special Education
Technology & Information Services
Governance & Leadership / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Resources & Support Systems / Engage & Contribute
X / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / X / Interact Effectively
Academic / Instructional Goal
Focus on delivering quality and rigorous classroom instruction by: / X / Purpose & Direction / X / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching & Learning
Special Education
Technology & Information Services
Governance & Leadership / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Resources & Support Systems / Engage & Contribute
x / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / x / Interact Effectively
Climate Goal
Establish a safe & nurturing school environment and school culture, where all stakeholders are respected and encouraged to be involved. / X / Purpose & Direction / Pursue Continuous Learning / Student Support Services
Teaching & Learning
Special Education
School Safety & Discipline
Technology & Information
Public Information & Comm.
Governance & Leadership / X / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
X / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / X / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
X / Resources & Support Systems / X / Engage & Contribute
x / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / x / Interact Effectively
* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance & Operations, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Public Information & Communications, School Safety & Discipline, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation
Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
DeSana Middle School will use the school’s grand mean of SGP performance for all SGP grades and courses taught in the school (Math & ELA/Reading) for the growth measure for teachers of non-SGP courses.
Implementation Plan
As a faculty, we have discussed the importance of teaching different kinds of and different styles of writing across all curriculum areas, as well as reading from many different sources and of different types of reading materials in each and every course. Basic math and problem solving skills also show up quite regularly in a variety of ways in the standards across all curriculum areas. The expectation for the year is that ALL teachers will focus on writing and reading, as well as basic math and problem solving skills, across the different curriculum areas, and will incorporate these practices in their instructional activities on a regular basis. These practices will be highlighted at monthly faculty meetings as a means of idea sharing and professional learning for our staff.
Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
DeSana’s Professional Learning Goal is based on input from the school’s Teaching and Learning (T&L) Leadership Team, which collaborates with the rest of their colleagues on a regular basis. Our goal is to establish and grow a variety of collaborative teams that create and share successful, innovative, research-based instructional strategies that will help students master the standards at a high level.
Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
Team Building for all staff, Launching of Our Grand Adventure / If we work on developing relationships within the building, we will begin establishing our culture that is a genuine caring and inclusive environment for all students, staff, families and business partners. / 20hrs, 6/15/16, 6/16/16 and 7/28/16 / Goal 3 – School Culture
Collaborative Planning Time for our Leadership Teams and Staff Teams, Tour of DeSana District / As we begin to work collectively and visit the area where our families reside, we will acquire more collective knowledge to share with our students and discover more about establishing the type of culture we want. / 24 hrs, 6/28/16, 6/29/16 and 7/29/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Collaborative Planning Teams (CPTs) and Grade Level Team Meetings / As teachers continue to work in collaborative partnerships, their collective knowledge will benefit instruction within a classroom and the overall educational experience for our students. / 8 hrs, 8/1/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
Open House, Nuts and Bolts meetings, TKES Orientation Part 1 / As we begin to work collectively and host our students and their families, we will acquire more collective knowledge to share with our staff and discover how to better establish our culture. / 8 hrs, 8/2/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Nuts and Bolt meetings, Collaborative Planning Time, Technology Training / As teachers continue to work in collaborative partnerships, their collective knowledge will benefit instructional activities within a classroom and the overall educational experience for our students. / 8 hrs, 8/3/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Faculty Meeting – State Required Videos / As teachers share their knowledge, we will develop a culture of sharing and trust among our colleagues that will filter into our entire community. / .75 hr, 8/10/16 / Goal 3 – School Culture
Professional Learning Day (PL day) – Itslearning set-up session with Ruth Allen / Teachers will work with our county office representative on the Itslearning platform to ensure consistency in the use of this platform to assist in communication with students and their parents. / 1 hr, 8/15/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Gradebook set-up training with Nick Crowder, ITS / Teachers will work with our school’s ITS to ensure consistency in the use of Infinite Campus across grade levels and disciplines to assist in communication with students and their parents. / 1 hr, 8/23/16 or 8/24/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Itslearning with Ruth Allen / Teachers will work with our county office representative on the Itslearning platform to ensure consistency in the use of this platform to assist in communication with students and their parents. / .75 hr, 8/22/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous information and support. / .75 hr, 8/24/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – TKES Orientation Part 2 and Grade Level Meetings to work on School Improvement Goals & Plans / Teachers work collaboratively to develop subject area goals for DeSana’s SIP to ensure the staff focus on goals for student achievement improvement. / 3 hrs, 8/31/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 9/7/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Learning Station with Ruth Allen / Teachers will work with our county office representative on the Learning Station platform to assist in analysis of student data. / 1 hr, 9/8/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
PL Day – Voice Thread Training with Nick Crowder, ITS / Teachers will work with our school’s ITS to discover the use of Voice Thread which can be used as an instructional resource. / 1 hr, 9/15/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous knowledge and support. / .75 hr, 9/21/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 10/5/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Itslearning Training with Ruth Allen / Teachers will work with our county office representative on the Itslearning platform to discover additional ways to utilize this educational platform for instruction. / 1 hr, 10/6/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
PL Day – Collaborative Planning Team Time / As teachers continue to work in collaborative partnerships, their collective knowledge will benefit instruction within a classroom and the overall educational experience for our students. / 3 hrs, 10/21/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
PL Day – EL training with Michelle Slaton / Teachers will work with our county office representative regarding our EL students and strategies to enhance the learning environment for all students. / 1 hr, 10/27/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 11/2/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Classroom Technology Training with Nick Crowder, ITS / Teachers will work with our school’s ITS to discover additional ways to utilize the technology they have in their classrooms to enhance instructional practices. / 1 hr, 11/10/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous knowledge and support. / .75 hr, 11/16/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Reflection and Sharing with colleagues on Classroom Technology lessons created / Teachers will share their successful practices utilizing the technology available in their classrooms. / 1 hr, 12/1/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 12/7/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Co-teaching strategies with Kristen DeBonis / Teachers will work with our county office representative to recognize and implement best practices in the classroom. / 1 hr, 12/8/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous knowledge and support. / .75 hr, 12/14/16 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day - Collaboration Team Time / As teachers continue to work in collaborative partnerships, their collective knowledge will benefit instruction within a classroom and the overall educational experience for our students. / 8 hrs, 1/4/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Itslearning Training with Ruth Allen / Teachers will work with our county office representative on the Itslearning platform to discover additional ways to utilize this educational platform for instruction. / 1 hr, 1/6/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 1/11/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 1/19/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Training on teaching without grading as a focus / Teachers will work with our county office representative on the concept of learning for the sake of learning. / 1 hr, 1/19/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 2/1/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Sharing of Best Practices / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / 1 hr, 2/9/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous knowledge and support. / .75 hr, 2/15/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – TBD / TBD / 8 hrs, 2/21/17
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 3/1/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – TBD / TBD / 1 hr, 3/9/17
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous knowledge and support. / .75 hr, 3/15/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
PL Day – Test Training for EOGs and EOCs / Teachers will be trained via the training materials provided by the state on the correct protocols and testing environment for upcoming state tests. / 1 hr, 3/23/17 / Goals:
3 – School Culture
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous knowledge and support. / .75 hr, 4/12/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Faculty Meeting – Teacher Recognition and Presentation of successful instructional strategies / If colleagues share research-based instructional strategies and best practices, then tools will be added to their toolbox that will enhance the learning experiences of our students. / .75 hr, 5/3/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Professional Learning Morning (PL Morning) – New Educators with teacher leaders and mentors / Any teacher new to Forsyth County or with less than 5 years of experience meets with our school’s new educator leader, teacher leaders and mentors to provide continuous knowledge and support. / .75 hr, 5/9/17 / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture
Additional Opportunities at the regional, state and national level / As teachers discover and participate in a wide variety of professional learning sessions and conferences, they will enhance their repertoire of instructional strategies. / Varies / Goals:
2 – Instructional Strategies
3 – School Culture