The Church Board of the First Christian Church of Edmond, OK
Monthly Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2013
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm; Robbi Kinnaird gave an opening prayer.
Board Members Present: Robbi Kinnaird, Larry Ball, Nancy Goosen, Dana Shadid, Brian Cain, Marcy Williams, Carla Felix, Sherry Parks, Brian Haley, Shawn Roberts, Desi Stout, Sherrye VanOsdol, Linda Quade, Gwen Shaw, Molly Larrison, Deneen Gambrell, Randy Huston, Jennifer Cain, Frank Gresh, Cameron Woods, Don DeSpain, Craig Adkins
Board Members Absent: Steve Hanson, Steve Wilson, Bill Medley, Carol Schwabe
Staff Members Present: Chris Shorow, Jerry Black, Mark Taylor, Michelle Fritz, Chuck Shorow, Diane Ball, Jeremy Miller, Karla Mahan
Others Members Present: Kelly VanOsdol, Jim Quade, Marcia Tunison, Joyce & Bernie McNickle, Terry Earnheart
Determination of Quorum: A quorum existed with 22 board members present out of 26 valid board positions
Approval of Prior Board Meeting Minutes: No changes to the minutes were necessary, and they were accepted.
Ministry Updates
*Elders – Have been in discussion about the resolution from General Assembly for two months. After the discussion in August, the decision was made to conduct silent survey of elders. The results showed divisiveness among the elders. On question #1 the majority of the elders were in disagreement of adopting Resolution 1327. On question #2 the majority of the elders were in favor of sending a letter to Sharon Watkins asking that at General Assembly there no longer be discussion or debate on resolutions and ask that resolutions at General Assembly cease. On question #3 the majority of elders were not in favor of FCC sponsoring for ordination a person who is homosexual. Some elders felt that this is not scriptural and other elders felt that God calls all of us to serve regardless of our sexual orientation.
*Deacons – No report
*Administration – All repairs from the May 29, 2012 storm have been completed. The mortgage balance as of September 1, 2013 is $267,678.81. As of September 9, 2013, 46 pledges totaling $184,380 have been received for the general fund. 38 pledges totaling $76,060 have been received for the building fund.
*Child Care Center – A refrigerator quit working. A new one has been ordered. Thanks to Karla Mahan in being so good at finding rebates!
*Communications – No report
*Education – Youth and children’s Unite began on September 11. There were very good numbers for both groups. Both could use a few more volunteers. An informational meeting for the musical mission trip was held September 15th. September 22nd will be the Interfaith Tour. The Financial Peace Workshop will be from 3:30 – 5:00 on Sundays from September 22nd through November 17th. Childcare will be provided. Cameron Woods and Gabe & Erin Robertson will be conducting the workshop. So far 7 families have registered. Several more activities and events are in the works and planned for all groups, children, youth, and adults.
*Evangelism – Because of schedule conflicts, the time of Discover First Christian is being changed to 10:00 a.m. on October 13th.
*Membership – Gratitude Luncheon is October 6th. Registration is now going on.
*Outreach – Block Party was successful. Crop Walk is November 3rd. FCC is a primary distribution center for Operation Christmas Child this year.
*Personnel – Joyce Werhun has resigned as wedding coordinator. The personnel committee is waiting to see how our stewardship campaign comes out before appointing a search committee for an executive minister.
*Spiritual – All the choirs have started back.
*Stewardship – 2014 Campaign began September 15th and will be for 4 weeks. The ministers’ messages for those 4 Sundays will be regarding the campaign. If we increase our budget for 2014 by 10%, we will be able to hire an executive minister. Elders and deacons were asked to turn in their pledges by September 15th. There will be a unified church service followed by a gratitude luncheon on October 6th. Gwen Shaw will be attending a Disciples’ Stewardship Training in Tulsa on September 21st.
Old Business –
*Childcare Center recommendations Update – Frank Gresh – No report
*Cleaners update – The first night of Unite, security made sure no one parked in
the spaces immediately in front of the cleaners. The owner of the cleaners still
has not put up no parking signs. FCC members get a 15% discount on all cleaning. Let Karla and Craig know if there are any problems on Unite nights.
*Easement Request from city of Edmond – Frank Gresh is working with city manager, city attorney, and Randel Shadid on the easement request. We will lose
two parking spaces. Originally, we asked the city for $15,000, they came back with $10,000, and finally it was settled that the city would pay FCC $12,500 for a permanent easement. Have also asked to have the city engineer look at the configuration of the parking lot to see if we can lay it out better.
*Strategic Plan Update – Architectural task force has met twice. Lots of good ideas, but it will all take money.
*Nominating Committee Update – The committee is two members short. Recommendations for nominations from the congregation for the Moderator-elect of the Congregation, Ministry Moderators, Elders and Deacons may be made to Larry Ball until October 1.
New Business –
*Ordination Sponsorship Request –
Sarah Combs, daughter of Donna Combs and John Combs went to TCU and Vanderbilt. At Vanderbilt, she received her masters of divinity, and our church provided scholarships for Sarah as she went through Vanderbilt. The next step for her is to present papers to her home church for that church to sponsor her for ordination. She has submitted those papers requesting that First Christian Church, her home church where she was raised and participated in the children’s programs and youth programs, sponsor her for ordination. Chris Shorow explained the ordination process to the board. It is a joint process through the local church and the regional church. This has been both an emotional and divisive issue for First Christian Church. Some families have already left the church over this issue; some are waiting to see what the board decides in order to make a decision as to whether they wish to remain as members of FCC. The elders as the spiritual leaders have recommended that we not sponsor Sarah’s ordination, but the board is the one that votes to either sponsor or not sponsor the ordination. Frank Gresh moved that First Christian Church support Sarah Combs in her request for ordination. Deneen Gambrell seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion, Don DeSpain called for the question and Cameron Woods seconded. There were not enough votes to call for the question, so the discussion remained open. After more lengthy discussion, Larry Ball moved to table Frank’s motion for one month; Shawn Roberts seconded. The motion did not pass, so Frank’s motion will not be tabled for a month. The question was asked as to the exact number of elders voting in favor of ordaining someone who is openly homosexual. The vote was 32 elders in favor and 53 elders not in favor. Three elders declined to vote. After continued lengthy discussion, Frank Gresh called for the previous question to be brought to a vote. Cameron Wood seconded. Moderator Robbi Kinnaird stated if there was no objection, she was going to call for the vote on the original motion made by Frank Gresh to sponsor Sarah Combs for ordination. A ballot was passed out to all moderators and moderator-elects to vote in favor of Frank’s motion to sponsor Sarah Combs for ordination, vote against Frank’s motion, or abstain from voting. Terry Earnheart volunteered to count the ballots. 3 votes were in favor of supporting Sarah, 18 votes not in favor of supporting her, and 1 abstained from voting. Robbi thanked the board members for their service and their strength. Robbi asked that we continue to keep Sarah in our prayers and that we continue to pray for First Christian Church. Nancy Goosen encouraged the board to come to the special prayer service at 5:30 on Sunday, September 29th.
Reports by Ministers and Staff
*Diane – Follies and Chili Cook-off is October 13th.
*Michelle – 150 families at Unite and fed over 200. Started Worship & Wonder
in the Child Care Center this week and it went very well. Have lost greeters and
storytellers for Worship & Wonder due to the divisive issue in the church.
*Karla – Thank you for her job.
*Jerry – Thank you for the prayers, cards, and support during his surgery. Thank you to the leaders of the church, especially Robbi, Nancy, Dana, and Larry.
*Chris – Thank you to Robbi, Nancy, Dana, and Larry for their leadership during this difficult time.
Remember the Buntons and others during the massive flooding in Colorado, particularly in the Estes Park area. Week of Compassion is there working.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.