April 2016 /
The following are live links to child outcomes resources on line. Additional resources are available on the NC Early Learning Network website at this link:
Preschool Outcomes Data as they Relate to the LEA Self-Assessment- how to use preschool outcomes data in the self-assessment DPI created for local education agencies (LEAs) as part of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP).
The Early Childhood Outcomes Quality Self-Assessment Process – includes:
- COS Quality Self-Assessment Process Overview
- COS Program Quality Self-Assessment
- COS Data Quality Self-Assessment
- COS File Review for Supporting Evidence
- Charting a Child’s Progress Against Age-Expected Development
Staff Development:
Orientation for New Staff – Provides an overview to child and family outcomes measurement for the new learner
Why Collect Outcomes Data? – Provides background information for those new to outcomes measurement on the historical roots of federal accountability, the current requirements, and the various purposes and uses of outcomes measurement
Understanding the Child Outcomes – Provides a description of the three child outcomes, including content of each, differences among the three child outcomes, and how to differentiate between functional outcomes and discrete skills
Assessing the Three Child Outcomes – Provides the introductory or intermediate learner with recommended practices for functional assessment and crosswalks
Child Outcomes: Step By Step Video - Describes and illustrates the three child outcomes, offering a consistent way to describe the outcome areas across programs and states
Effective Practices SupportingReliable and Valid Early Childhood Outcomes Measurement - A series of training modules that promote the collection of reliable information about children’s functional behavior, across settings, and obtained by multiple sources
Outcomes Measurement: Calculators and Graphing Templates – Provides calculators and graphing tools to help with analyzing, interpreting, and reporting child outcomes
NC Early Childhood Outcomes Systems brochure- Overview of the three child outcomes that includes a decision tree for summary rating discussions.
Understanding the Developmental Trajectories for Early Childhood Outcomes- Describes and visually depicts the 5 categories of children’s developmental trajectories.
A Family Guide to Understanding the Early Childhood Outcomes Measurement Process - Explains the three child outcomes to parents of young children participating in the NC Infant-Toddler or Exceptional Children Preschool Program.
NC Early Learning Network is a joint project of the NC Department Of Public Instruction, Office Of Early Learning
and UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute