Monday, December 05, 2011

Carleton Place High School 9:15am

  1. Attendance and Introductions: Suche James, Lynn Carss, Pat Childerhose, Gord Zubyck, Bern Boulerice, Tammy Bovaird, Jamie Bell, Dave Loken, Scott Baird, Tony Quick, Jean Pye, Deb Walden, Dale Huddleston, Bryan English, Dennis Hutt, Leanne Watt, Chris Morrow, Nancy Lister, Mark Lewis, Frank Halligan, Phil Moore, Luc Guennette
  2. Additions to Agenda: none
  3. Adoption of Agenda:

Moved: Deb Walden, 2nd: Bryan Englishcarried

  1. Approval of September 26, 2011 Executive Meeting Minutes:

Moved: Mark Lewis2nd: Dale Huddleston

  1. Business Arising from September 26, 2011 Executive meeting minutes:

-Updating of Local Association Information (Suche)

-Updating of EOSSAA executive information on website

6.Transfers: Dates and Information (Tony)

-drafted a letter to be sent out to principals, vice-principals and primarily guidance counselors.

Tony would like a list of the guidance counselors from each school with their emails. Guidelines

and procedure s will be clearly outlined to try to avoid.

-need to revisit the concept of individual sports eligibility when moving from grade 9 to 10. For

team sports, students may transfer since there is no OFSAA championship at the junior level. For

this year students moving from grade 9 to 10 will be eligible regardless of sport (individual/team)

-Currently the transfer policy is cut and dried with no exceptions. The bullying issue is being

reviewed and its impact on the transfer policy.

  1. Financial Report and Approval (Leanne)

-revenue is low. The biggest expense is the cost of insurance for all of EOSSAA. Each school will be billed $75 to cover the insurance cost and paid separately from the local association. The insurance covers all athletes, coaches and the EOSSAA executive. Mark will check the discrepancy in cost with Ofsaa. Local communication officers should check that their association is not also paying for insurance.

Moved: Phil Moore2nd: Mike Hoycarried

  1. Classifications Report (Tammy): no news. Next meeting in May.

-teams can declare up. The proper procedure is for the communications officer to communicate with Deb (girls team) or Bryan (boys team) about the change. The change must be in letter form, signed by the principal. It would be a good idea to let the EOSSAA convenor know in advance in order to allow for scheduling.

9.Principal’s Report (Joellen)

-will be emailed. There continues to be a concern about the decrease in revenues due to the

removal of vending machines.

-UOVHSSAA has imposed a new policy of a ceiling of $65 for “major” sports and $40 for

“individual” sports. They can still charge the students

10.Championship Calendar:(Deb and Bryan)

-Fall Championship Concerns : AELS, Late Drop-Outs, etc.

-multiple schools have not registered using AELS for EOSSAA. All schools are encouraged to use the AELS system. It is a work in progress. Mark will contact Ofsaa to ask them to adjust the AELS register button to state “register for Ofsaa championship” to avoid local coaches sending in EOSSAA info to Ofsaa. The EOSSAA convenor can email the Ofsaa convenor of who will be representing EOSSAA with the Ofsaa convenor confirming reception of the info.

-Winter Championship Dates: all dates are confirmed. Nordic, Alpine and Snowboard are all on different dates. Reminder to all coaches that they must be aware of weather. It is good idea for the convenor to list his/her home phone number and for the coaches travelling to the tournament to provide their home phone numbers. Communications is key to make sure that all teams are able to participate.

-Fall Championship Summary / Winners / Records / Data Base (Dave)

-AA Football Bowl Game (Frank)|There is no EOSSAA for AA junior football

-Caution issued to run events due to increasing expenses of running said events; further there is concern of drawing ire of principals/administration of running rogue events

-AA National Capital Bowl is invitational only (not an EOSSAA event); it is a regional meet and this should be clearly stated and understood by players/coaches/media etc to avoid confusion of looking at it as a provincial championship

-Question asked if regulations should be changed to reflect classifications

-Communication to clarify the name and purpose of the event needs to be sent to principals, chair of football SAC

-Point was raised comparing the football situation to mixed curling where there is an EOSSAA championship but there is no OFSAA

-Host Bids and Wildcards (Bryan & Deb)

Previous discussion: Looking for convenors; And if there are less than 6 participating schools at a championship there is a possibility of a host bid.

Deb: Should we look at different associations that only have one school at a certain level i.e. AAA, that get an automatic bid.

- it creates a situation of teams that don’t have to win a game to go to EOSSAA; these schools don’t earn their way.

-to be discussed at a later date

-Need to educate coaches on registering for EOSSAA/OFSAA championships

11.OFSAA Report (Mark and Jean)

- Commitment deadlines

-EOSSAA entries to OFSAA

-OFSAA championships: Succesful championships for AA Girls Basketball at |St.Mary’s

AAA girls at Holy Cross

-positive feedback at both

-A soccer at Rideau; Track at TISS

Up for grabs :Nordic sking, swimming, Boys soccer A, AA, AAAA, Girls soccer (AA, AAAA), baseball

May 4 Women’s Sport School conference (Brock U) see Ofsaa w/site for details

Scholarships: Toronto ML, OFSAA alumni, (see Jean for details)

Schools encouraged to have students apply for these scholarships; they are listed on OFSAA w/site

OFSAA convenor sessions are on Feb.7 and June 12

Bridging the Gap still happening; TryDay (full)

KidSport: can get $250 for an athlete in need. Application form on OFSAA w/site

Commitment for Winter sport are due Dec.15

-Question of whether EOSSAA will commit to OFSAA gymnastics

-Frank asked about OFSAA sanctioned events/tournaments: How do we find out how tournaments are sanctioned if there is a question about the tournament’s sanctioning validity. Jean will investigate about hockey tournament in Kingston hosted by Sydenham.

12.New School in Prescott Russell (Bern)

-sports school in Rockland (hockey school) |Canadian International Hockey Academy ($30,000 tuition for private school)

-students can come from anywhere (province, Canada, International)

-associated with UCDSB; under their umbrella

-school wants to have students participate in spring sports

-not sure if they will compete in hockey; probably not allow them to compete

-ongoing discussion regarding sports schools and classifications

13. Playing Regulations (Dennis, Mike)

-Rugby SAC: Constitutional changes possible (draw, associations having rugby in fall vs. spring. Discuss at later meeting

-Track & Field SAC

-Basketball Regulations Update (Mike) Have been updated by Mike

-Volleyball SAC:Dale will contact Pat Farrel to have a v/ball SAC meeting before spring meeting.

Cross Country

-Mark speaking of cross country proposal to create classifications for team awards i.e. A/AA team awards and AAA/AAAA team awards in the senior races. Individuals can choose to run in the higher level race which would prohibit them from competing with their team.

-Mark asks to get an answer from local associations about whether they desire to have this change: Answers provided before March meeting

-UOVHSAA wants to have more individuals become eligible to qualify for OFSAA (from 3 individuals to 10-approximately), i.e. the 4th best runner at EOSSAA may not get a chance to compete at OFSAA if his team doesn’t qualify

14.Web site Update: (Dave Loken)

-EOSSAA Championship Bids – Online (Principal Signature?)

-Championship Reports: updated champions

-Local Convenors Page: talk to Dave if you need to update convenor list

-Sorting Championships by sport, gender, etc.

–Added a new link for championships; offers a list of all championships; organized by date but it is possible to sort by different criteria i.e. sport, gender etc

-Spring Meeting is March 29 so March 22 is deadline for 2012/13 championship bids

15.CIS Volleyball Nationals @ Queen’s (Frank)

- can get HS players involved in men’s volleyball championships; look at champ. w/site

16.Ambassador Contract: (Dale)

17.Pete Beach/Retirees Committee: (Lynn and Pat)

-nomination forms are on w/site; retiree plaques; trying to follow criteria on the forms

-people are asked to look at criteria and forward nominations for PB award and retiree award

-Dale suggested to change criteria for retirement award to allow for flexibility. Dale will put forth a motion later. Would like to expand criteria.

-Form on website will be updated

-Names should be forwarded to Pat and Lynn by January

Retiree Award Criteria Motion: Whereas retiring teacher/coaches deserve to be recognized. Whereas EOSSAA Retirees Awards in June are significant reminders that career-long commitment to school sport is essential for the student athlete. Be it resolved that the Retiree’s Award Criteria section (e) read “ has served in an administrative capacity as a member of OFSAA/EOSSSAA/one of EOSSAA’s 6 local leagues as an Executive Member, convenor or supporter.”

Moved by: Dale Huddleston 2nd by Phil Moore: Notice of motion for June meeting

18.President’s Report

-open letter to OSSTF can be passed on to OSSTF CBC member

19.Executive Positions for Election

-Position of Treasurer is up

-Boys Coordinator

-|Girls OFSAA

20.Next Meeting (Suche & Dale)

Thursday March 29 at Ambassador Hotel in Kingston

Friday March 30 EOSSAA executive meeting

Format: 5:30pm dinner; Playing Regs discussed after dinner;

March 30: Regular executive meeting

21.New Business

22.Adjournment: Motion Leanne; 2nd Scott carried

*Reminder to communications officers to please update local association information on website before you leave.