Title: Missions and Presidios

Developed by South Bosque Fourth Grade


Objective: Students will create a double bubble thinking map and a composition to compare and contrast Spanish missions and presidios.

Timeline: 45 minutes

Content Area: Social Studies / Grade Level: 4
Materials/Resources: Kidspiration3 Software, Social Studies Textbook, Missions Kidspiration library added to each computer (Download and save the library to your desktop. Go to the "C" drive>Programs>Kidspiration>Libraries. Move the Missions library into the Kidspiration Library Folder. It should appear in the Symbols Library.) / Technology Focus:
Graphical Organizers
Subject Area - § (C)
Technology Applications - §126.3.7 (A)


1.  Open Kidspiration3.

2.  Select Picture.

3.  Click on the blue area of the First Idea symbol to select it.

4.  Select the Alamo symbol in the Social Studies or Texas library.

5.  Click below the symbol and type: Missions.

6.  Click and drag a new symbol to the right of the first one.

7.  Click inside the symbol to open the text box and type: Presidios.

8.  Click on the Missions symbol and then click the Add-A Symbol icon .

9.  Add five new symbols linked to Missions.

10.  Add these captions to the symbols:

  1. Religious Settlements
  2. Missionaries
  3. Hoped to convert Indians to Catholic faith
  4. Trained vaqueros
  5. Were built mostly of stone

11.  Select a symbol and click on a picture in the symbol library to change the symbol to the picture.

12.  Change any other symbols you want.

13.  Click on the Presidio symbol and then click the Add-A-Symbol icon .

14.  Add four new symbols.

15.  Add these captions to the symbols:

  1. Forts
  2. Soldiers
  3. Built to protect the missions
  4. Built mostly of wood

16.  Click the plain Symbol icon and add three new symbols between Missions and Presidios.

17.  Add these captions to the symbols:

  1. Built by the Spanish
  2. Built in the late 1600’s and early 1700’s
  3. Surrounded by walls

18.  Click on the Missions symbol and then click the Links icon .

19.  Link Missions to the Built by the Spanish icon.

20.  Click back on Missions and link it to the Built in the late 1600’s and early 1700’s icon.

21.  Click back on Missions and link it to the Surrounded by walls icon.

22.  Click on the Links icon to turn it off.

23.  Click on the Presidios icon.

24.  Click back on the Links icon .

25.  Link Presidios to the Build by the Spanish icon.

26.  Click back on Presidios and link it to Built in the late 1600’s and early 1700’s.

27.  Click back on Presidios again and link it to Surrounded by walls.

28.  Click on the Links icon to turn off the links.

29.  Change some of these symbols to pictures from the symbol library.

30.  Click on the Line/Fill colors icon and change the symbol colors.

31.  Click on the Text symbol and then click near the top of the page.

32.  Type in the title: Double Bubble Thinking Map—Missions and Presidios.

33.  Click the Student Name icon and type your name.

34.  Click on the Go to Writing icon .

35.  Have students complete a comparative composition about missions and presidios.

36.  Print and/or Save the documents.


Required Elements / Points Possible / Points Earned
Missions and Presidios symbols / 10
Correctly labeled symbols for Mission characteristics / 10
Correctly labeled symbols for Presidio characteristics / 10
Correctly labeled symbols for characteristics common to both missions and presidios / 10
Appropriate symbol graphics / 10
Title / 10
Composition explains characteristics of mission, of presidios, and both. / 40
Total / 100
Modifications: Require fewer symbols.
Extensions: Require students to type in more detailed information about each characteristic.
Additional Resources:


Picture View / a
the skills utilized in the project
Change the Symbol Color / R / X
Writing View
Use Writing View / R / X
Add an Idea / R
Move an Idea / R
Add Details to an Idea / R / X