Made in Nigeria

A deep-water project off Nigeria’s coast has brought much-needed jobs, training and business for local people. Joey Uyanwuye, Project Manager for Bonga North West, explains more.

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Bonga North West

Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCo)

Made in Nigeria

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Joey Oyanwune

Project Manager

Bonga North West Project SNEPCo

Joey Uyanwune

The Bonga North West projecthas brought a lotto local businesses and people in Nigeria.The project procured most of its suppliesfrom local vendors.The majority of the workforcefor the project are local artisans,talking about welders, fittersand all the skilled staff.

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John Okuro

Engineer FMC Technologies Nigeria LTD

John Okuro

The unique thing about working on this project is that this is the first timea project of this magnitudehas been done here in Nigeria,solely built, from the beginning to the end,by Nigerians.

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Vivian Eguabor

Engineer SAIPEM

Vivian Eguabor

I was very excited working inthe Bonga North West projectbecause it was a new challengefor me.It's brought out my capacity development,how far I have gone,and I was so eager to put in my best,to make an impact in this Bonga North West project.

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Johnson Njoku

Engeneer FMC Technologies

Johnson Njoku

SNEPCo has been a great supporterof the Nigerian local content policy.They have supported this crusadefor a long time,and this has benefited somebody like me.This helped most Nigerians to berecruited today in this companyand we're trained and SNEPComake sure that we are trained,and today we are doing it here in Nigeria.It really proves that 'Yes, we can.'

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Pedro Egbe

Managing Director WELTEK

Pedro Egbe

It was a very, very unique partnership.I mean, from my years in business,this was one of the best partnershipsI can ever tell you that we experienced in business.

Vivian Eguabor

I commend Shell Nigeriaand Production Companyfor the exciting opportunitythey have givento young graduates like me,to be part of the Bonga North West history.

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