1. What order of animals does the hedgehog belong in?
2. What is unique about the brain of a hedgehog?
3. True or false. There are four-toed and five-toed hedgehogs.
4. True or false. The testes of the hedgehog are intraabdominal.
5. How is pregnancy detected in the hedgehog?
6. Why must a female hedgehog be left alone 5-10 days after parturition?
7. If a baby hedgehog is orphaned, what can it be fed?
8. How many teeth does a hedgehog have?
9. When a hedgehog is frightened what do the quills do?
10. Which word best describes a hedgehogs behavior?
11. What defense mechanisms does a hedgehog exhibit?
12. What is self-anointing?
13. What is the ideal temperature to keep a hedgehog?
14. Can a hedgehog be litter box trained?
15. True or false. A hedgehog should be provided a place to hide.
16. Why are water bottles preferred for a water source instead of a water bowl?
17. True or false. Live food should not be fed to hedgehogs because they require a low protein diet.
18. What are the clinical signs of wobbling hedgehog syndrome?
19. True or false. Because of the density of the spines, hedgehogs do not get ringworm.
20. True or false. Ophthalmological problems in hedgehogs are usually self-inflicted.
21. What is a common clinical sign of liver disease in hedgehogs?
22. True or false. Neoplasia is rare in hedgehogs.
23. Why is a physical examination difficult to perform on a hedgehog?
24. True or false. A hedgehog can make noises that may be confused with abnormal respiratory sounds.
25. What is the best way to anesthetize a hedgehog?
26. What are the most common mites found in hedgehogs?
27. True or false. Venipuncture in hedgehogs usually requires anesthesia.
1. Insectivora
2. It is small and primitive, smooth with no fissures. The sensory areas are well developed.
3. True
4. True
5. Weight gain of over 50 grams within three weeks of being with a male.
6. They are easily stressed and can abandon, cannibalize or kill her young.
7. Puppy or kitten mild replacer.
8. 36
9. Become erect and cross.
10. Solitary
11. Hissing, spitting, rolling into a ball with the quills erect.
12. A behavior that occurs when they encounter a small animal or a substance in which they make licking motions with their tongue. They can bite, tug or make large amounts of saliva, while getting into a contorted position which looks like a seizure.
13. 80 degrees F.
14. Yes, but self-clumping litter should not be used.
15. True
16. If a bowl is used and they climb inside, they can drown.
17. False. They need a high protein diet and live food such as crickets, pinkies, grasshoppers and snails are examples of food items that can be fed.
18. Progressive ataxia, weight loss, then paralysis and death.
19. False
20. True
21. Anorexia
22. False
23. They frighten easily and when they do they ball up making an exam difficult.
24. True
25. Use a large dog anesthetic face mask with the diaphragm removed as an induction chamber for Isoflurane.
26. Caparinia and Chorioptes
27. True