Somatic / Autonomic
Sensory ~
Afferent / Motor
~ Efferent / Sympathetic ~
Promotes a “fight or flight” response, corresponds with arousal and energy generation, and inhibits digestion. / Parasympathetic ~
Promotes a "rest and digest" response, promotes calming of the nerves return to regular function, and enhances digestion.
The Nervous System
Directions: Place each of the following numbers in the appropriate division of the Nervous System.
1. Your eyes see a football flying toward you
2. Dilates blood vessels leading to the GI tract, increasing blood flow. This is important following the consumption of food, due to the greater metabolic demands placed on the body by the gut.
3. Your skin detects excessive heat.
4. Constricts the bronchiolar diameter when the need for oxygen has diminished.
5. You smell your favorite cookies
6. Increases Blood Flow
7. Dilates bronchioles of the lung
8. The Brain
9. Constricts intestinal sphincters
10. You hear the train whistle.
11. Your heart rate increases
12. Your palms begin to sweat
13. You see break-lights glowing ahead of you.
14. Your heart rate slows
15. Your hands raise to deflect an object after seeing it head toward you
16. The Spinal Cord
17. Diverts blood flow away from the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract
18. Your Pupil dilates
19. After seeing break-lights glowing ahead of you, your foot applies pressure to the breaks.
20. Inhibits peristalsis
21. After smelling your favorite cookies, you head to the kitchen so you can eat them- yummy
22. Constricts bladder
23. After feeling excessive heat, your hand retracts from the heat source
24. Stimulates salivation and accelerates peristalsis
25. After you hear a train whistle, you move off the tracks.
Central Nervous System / Peripheral Nervous System8
16 / Somatic / Autonomic
Sensory ~
Afferent / Motor
~ Efferent / Sympathetic ~
Promotes a “fight or flight” response, corresponds with arousal and energy generation, and inhibits digestion. / Parasympathetic ~
Promotes a "rest and digest" response, promotes calming of the nerves return to regular function, and enhances digestion.
13 / 15
25 / 6
22 / 2
The Nervous System