Government of West Bengal
Prani Sampad Bhavan, 2nd & 3rd floor, LB-2, Sector-III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 106.
Ph: 2335-1145 Fax:2335-1187 Website:. E-mail:
Sealedbidsareinvitedbytheundersignedfrombonafide software organizations having 10 (Ten) years experience in this field and having experience of handlingGovernmentWebsitetoupgradetheexistingwebsite of this Directorate.
The lumpsum offer should be inclusive of all charges. GST,if there be any should be quoted separately. The quotation will have to be submitted to the above addressed office at Purchase Cell, 3rdFloorpositivelyonThursday, the 7th December, 2017by3pm. Thesealed bids will be opened at 3-15 pm on the same day in presence of the representative of the bidders.
1. Up-gradation the website to latest international standards and design. The w3 protocol based by Govt. of India should be followed. The existing data will be kept intact so that the functionality of the website will not get affected.
2. A new section (ERDDL) will be added to the website containing subsection – Annual Reports, Basic Details, Gallery, Activities, notifications/order and contact details. The section will be managed through Administrator’s Panel.
3. Existing employee profile section will be updated wherein employees can log into the profile to view his/her profile, gradation list, transfer order and he/she can upload joining report, release order and modify data also.
4. The website will have to be updated using latest technologies and will follow a responsive Bootstrap Framework based on HTML 5. The website will be easily viewable an any server or devices, irrespective of platform or dimension. It will be compatible on all mobiles and screens. The backend will remain to be based on custom PHP framework. The database will be MySQL.
5. 12 months of support to any errors or bugs that seen after deployment to the live server has to be provided and will keep a backup of website files for security.
6. No Source Code is available of the website in the Directorate.
The undersigned reserves the right to cancel part or whole of the quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Director of Animal Husbandry and
Veterinary Services, West Bengal
Memo No. 6736/1(8)/Q-3 Dated, Kolkata, the30th November, 2017
Copy forwarded for wide circulation to:
1.Sri Debasis Mukherjee, ASL, Directorate HQ,SaltLakeCity, Kolkata-106.
2.Sri Bratindra Nath Banerjee,Sr. Technical Assistant (Stat.), Directorate HQ, Kolkata-106.
3.Notice Board of this Dte. HQ, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-106.
4.NoticeBoardofPaschimBangaGo-sampadBikashSanstha, SaltLakeCity, Kolkata-106.
5.Notice Board of W.B. Livestock Development Corporation, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-106.
6.Notice Board of W.B. Milk Federation, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-106.
7.NoticeBoard, Institute of AnimalHealthVeterinary Biologicals, 37Belgachia Road, Kol-37.
8.Website of this Directorate.
Director of Animal Husbandry &
VeterinaryServices, WestBengal