Criteria Screening Tool

Electric Riser Recliner Chair

See procedure ‘Completing eligibility assessment screening tool’ for instructions on completing this screen

Client name: Client/file number:

Client DOB: Client address:

Screen Completed by: Name: Position:

Screen Completed with: q Client q Other:

(name and relationship to client)

Confirm diagnosis/relevant recent medical history:

Current DCSI equipment:

Current services received:

1. Do you live in a residential aged care facility or receive/eligible for an Australian Government Home Care Package?
q Yes, refer to procedure
q No, continue with screen
2. Are you eligible for the equipment item through DVA, compensation payment or any other source?
q Yes, if person is eligible for the item from DVA, compensation or other funding, screening assessment can be stopped at this point, person ineligible via DCSI.
q No
3. Do you currently have an electric riser recliner chair? Acknowledge whether recliner listed in current DCSI equipment. If client has a current recliner owned by DCSI, document issues with it and need for replacement. Person likely to be eligible.
q Yes, if records show and client confirms that they have the same item owned by DCSI, record issues with it/reason replacement is needed and stop screen as they will be eligible for replacement.
q No
Details of who owns it/issues with it:
4. If you were to get an electric riser recliner chair, how often would you use it? If less than daily, screening assessment can be stopped at this point.
5. How do you mobilise? How do you complete your transfers?
6. What chair(s) do you currently sit in? How do you transfer in/out of these chairs?
7. Does anyone help you to transfer in/out of a chair? (can be paid carer or family member) Consider carer’s health and ability to complete this task.
8. Are there any safety issues for you or anyone helping you to get in and out of a chair? If carer assisting, consider carer’s health and ability to assist.
Details of difficulty:
9. Could you get in and out of a chair without help if it had the riser/recliner function?
10. Once you are in a chair, can you get yourself comfortable/change your position as needed? Either independently or if someone is available and able to help.
11. What other options have you tried to help you? e.g. chair raisers, higher chair.
12. Do you have any other reasons for needing an electric riser recliner chair? Consider whether they need the electrically operated functions for independent position change/pain relief or due to fatigue.
13. Is there any other information you would like to provide?
16. Do you give consent for me to talk to any other health professionals to provide any extra information if needed?
q Yes
q No

End call

1 / Transfers: significant difficulty with sit to stand transfers but not requiring hoist assistance? / Y / N
2 / Positioning needs: significant difficulty with independent repositioning and carer at risk or unavailable? / Y / N
3 / Pain management: is recliner only option for position change for pain relief? / Y / N
4 / Will recliner chair be used on a daily basis? / Y / N
5 / Other options have been tried and an electric riser recliner is the most cost effective option to DFC? / Y / N

A Yes to 1,2 or 3 (all sections) and 4 and 5 is likely to make the person eligible for the item.

Signature of person completing the screening assessment

Print Name: Date completed

Final outcome – Eligible? q Yes q No

Signed by delegate: Date:

Delegate name: Delegate Position:

q Outcome letter sent to client if not eligible

Signed: Date:

Domiciliary Equipment Service – Criteria Screening Tool, Electronic Riser Recliner Chair | February 2015 3