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Curriculum Checklist for
Course Change Forms– Lower & Upper Division
Use the correct Course Change Form – LOWER DIVISION or UPPER-DIVISION/GRADUATE / Find the form in the Curriculum Handbook HERE. If it is a new generic course (Topic Type 1, 2, 3) is the correct form being used? Topic forms are separate from regular new course forms.Use the CURRENT CATALOG TEXT / Find the current University Catalog HERE.
Decide whether this is a MAJOR or a MINOR change. Complete the lower section “CHANGE” / If requesting a MAJOR change, you might need pre-approval from the Vice Provost of Academic Affairs & Dean of Graduate Studies
Check for DOUBLE NUMBERS. Complete the lower section “DOUBLE-NUMBERED COURSES” / If course is double numbered, you will need a Course Change Form for EACH number. The change will need to be approved by the EPC & the GRAD COUNCIL.
Check for CROSS-LISTING. Complete the lower section “MULTIPLE-OFFERING (CROSS-LISTING)” / If a course is cross-listed, the other department MUST be consulted, approve, & submit the same change to the University Curriculum Office.
Check for changes to items that require a PROGRAM,OPTION, MINOR or CERTIFICATE change. / Changes include the course TITLE, PREFIX, NUMBER, SUFFIX, UNITS, PREREQUISITE/ COREQUISITES
Check for changes that require a “Not open for students with credit in” statement. / Changes include the course PREFIX, NUMBER, or SUFFIX. Changes must be pre-approved by the University
Check for major changes in course content / Changes to content require an updated SCO
Check for COURSE REPETITION & the CONTACT HOURS STATEMENT. Complete the lower section “UNITS/ CLASSIFICATION” box ONLY if changing / Changes to course classifications require approval from the Dean’s office.
Check for currently listed PREREQUISITES and COREQUISITES when changing either/or / Treat lines 8-10 as one “item”. List ALL prerequisites/corequisites even if only some are actually changing
Check for REPORT IN PROGRESS if changing the GRADING OPTION. Complete the lower section “GRADING” ONLY if changing / If your course requires a Report in Progress grading option, request it here. Report in progress is applicable when Letter Grade (A-F) is part of your grading option.
Check that the TYPICALLY OFFERED TERM is listed in the correct format, if changing / Pay attention to order and capitalization, as well as term and frequency.
Choose the correct ARTICULATION from the drop down menu. Applicable only to LOWERDIVISION courses. / A change in articulation requires submission of a Standard Course Outline. Attach that with the change form.
Check that the UPPER and LOWER portions of the form MATCH EXACTLY. This is the MOST COMMON ERROR that is completely avoidable. / All information included ABOVE the dotted line MUST be CHANGING. Information BELOW the dotted line might be informational, not changing. Please ensure that the top and bottom portions do not conflict with each other.
Check that the PHYSICAL COPY & the DIGITAL COPY match EXACTLY / Digital copies must be in WORD format. This is essential so that the content can be copied/pasted
Check for the correct CHAIR/DIRECTOR signature & date on the PHYSICAL COPY / Send physical copies to your Curriculum Coordinator for the Associate Dean’s signature.
Making changes to a course that is being reactivated. / Has a reactivation course form been also completed?
Check for the correctly formatted FILE NAME / File names help the Curriculum Coordinators.
Detailed Instructions for Course Change Forms
Initial Questions Specific to Course Change Forms:
1. Is this the CORRECT FORM?– download change forms from the Curriculum Handbook every semester here
Pay attention to LOWER vs. UPPER/GRADUATE division course change forms
If there is a line for ARTICULATION, then you have the lower division course change form
2. Is this the MOST CURRENT CATALOG TEXT? Check the current University Catalog online for course information. If “Current Course Information” does match the current catalog, we’re in trouble.
3. Is this a MAJOR or MINOR change?If you indicate MAJOR in the section “CHANGE” below the double dotted lines, then you must answer the supplementary questions as indicated.
CHANGE – is this a minor or major description or title change? Major
If the course is used in a degree, does it still meet the same degree requirements? No
If “No”, please explain the differences: Internship total units required increased, two courses needed
4. Is this course DOUBLE NUMBERED? If so, you will need an accompanying change form for the other course. Complete the section “DOUBLE-NUMBERED COURSES”below the double dotted line.
Both the EPC and the GRAD COUNCILneed to approve BOTH forms before final submission
Double numbered courses must match EXACTLY in the following areas:
_____Title _____Classification/Units _____Course Description _____
5. Is this course CROSS LISTED?A course change form is required from each department. The department initiating the change should reach out to the other department for approval. Complete the “MULTIPLE-OFFERING (CROSS-LISTING)” section below the double dotted line (See Line 15). NOTE” Cross listed Courses may be cross-listed only within the same course-level division. The courses must have the same catalog title, abbreviated titles, prerequisites, course description, grading, and classification.
6. Does this change require a corresponding change to any and all associated degree programs? Check ALL degree OPTIONS, including MINORS and CERTIFICATES:
Changing the course title/prefix/number? Sure does
Changing the units? You bet!
Changing a prerequisite/corequisite? Yep!
Changing any other details about the course? Then you, my friend, are exempt
7.Do the TOP and the BOTTOM of the form CONTRADICT each other? What is listed above the double dotted line must EXACTLY MATCH what is listed below. While information included ABOVE the dotted line must be CHANGING, information BELOW the dotted line may just be informational.
8.Do the prerequisites make sense? Is GWAR language being inserted? If so, has this been approved by the GEGC? Additionally, do the levels of prerequisites make sense? For example, we cannot have an upper division prerequisite for a lower division course.
9. If you notice that changes are being made to every item line, it may be desirable to fill out a new course form, rather than a course change form.
Detailed Instructions for the Course Change Form
DO NOT include any other punctuation, spaces, or course information in this section
HHS 123. Intro to Health (3) OR HHS 698. Thesis (1-3)
Only list items above the double dotted line that are actually DIFFERENT than what is currently listed in the University Catalog. Check both Course Listings & Program Listings
Including items that are NOT different than what is currently in the University Catalog will confuse the curriculum office (why are you requesting something that already exists?)
Delete the parenthetical statement at the top, as well as item lines that are not changing
Line 1: Prefix – For changes to the prefix, include this statement after the Course Description:
Line 2: Number– Numbers cannot be reused for 5 years so that the old and new versions of the course are not confused. For # changes, include this statement after the Course Description:
Line 3: Double Number – Include a course change form for the other number in the set, which may require a different form (lower-division vs. upper-division and/or graduate)
Line 4: Suffix – For changes to the suffix, include this statement after the Course Description:
A note about PREFIX/SUFFIX/NUMBER Changes – changes are discouraged, as it can cause confusion for students and Enrollment Services. Pre-approval from the University curriculum office for these changes isHIGHLY recommended and may be required.
Line 5: Course Title– Update course titles to reflect current industry standards or to reflect actual course content currently taught. Update the Standard Course Outline if title change reflects NEW or DIFFERENT content, and attach to Course Change Form during submission.
Line 6: Course Short Title – Update if changing course title, as necessary max30 spaces
Line 7: Units – Indicate NEW units desired here. Also complete the section “UNITS/CLASSIFICATION”below the double dotted lines. ONLY complete this section if changing the units or classification:
3 units at X C or S 5 this indicates a change to “3 Units @ C-5”
and unit at C Ignore unless your course has a second classification
and unit at C (i.e. an associated lab or activity section)
(If contact hours exceed units, an updated contact hours statement is required.)
Note when the CONTACT HOURS STATEMENT is required (See Line 17).
If theCOURSE IS REPEATABLE you must also update the Repetition Statementand the section“COURSE REPETITION” below the double dotted lines in order to reflect the new units. (See Line 13).
Lines 8-10: Prerequisites, Corequisites, Prerequisites/Corequisites– adding or removing prerequisites or corequisites? Make sure to rewrite the entire statement here. Adding a “C or better” requirement. Use AND, OR, and theOXFORD COMMA to clearly show which courses are required.
“Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in HHS 101, HHS 110, or HHS 123”
“Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in HHS 101 and HHS 123”
Note that Lines 8-10 are considered one “item” – if you change one part, repeat the ENTIRE STATEMENT on the change form.
EXAMPLE: You wish to change the prerequisites for your course. Your course also currently has corequisites, which you would like to keep the same. Type the ENTIRE statement on the change form (new prerequisites, old corequisites). This is the only time you would technically include something that “isn’t changing”.
Current Course Catalog Text:
HHS 123. Intro to Health (3)
Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in HHS 101, HHS 102, and HHS 103
Corequisite: HHS 125
Your Requested Change:
HHS 123. Intro to Health (3)
Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in HHS 101and HHS 102
Corequisite: HHS 125
Prerequisite/Corequisite: HHS 103
Note on PREREQUISITES/COREQUISITES: You cannot have a “C” or better grade requirement for a course that is a prerequisite/corequisite. The “C” or better requirement is enforceable for the prerequisite, but not as a corequisite, as the student would be unable to meet the minimum grade requirement if enrolled as a corequisite. Since students should be held to the same standards regardless of enrollment, this would be an unenforceable requirement.
Line 11: Course Description– Check for consistency of format with course descriptions. The grading policy, repetition statement, and any course fees are listed beneath the course description as separate lines on the change form (Lines 12-15). Include the “Not open for credit” statement here, if applicable (See Lines 1-3), & the “Same as” statement, if applicable (See Line 15). Course descriptions should not exceed 40 words.
EXAMPLE: A cross-listed course that has changed numbers includes a “credit” statement, and includes acontact hours statement since credit hours exceed units
HHS 190. Selected Topics (2)
Course Description: Specific topics of current interest in Health and Human Services selected for
intensive development. Topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes. Same course as CLA 190.
Not open for credit for students with credit in HHS 191, CLA 191, or CLA 190. (3 hours seminar)
Line 12: Grading– The default is both grading options, letter grade and credit/no credit. A course may be designated “Letter grade only A-F” or “Credit/No Credit grading only” upon request, which will be displayed in the University Catalog. You can also request a “Report in Progress (RP)” option in the section “GRADING” below the double dotted lines of the form. This form is the ONLY way to request RP grading for your course – Enrollment Services will NOT let you assign an RP to a course without it.
EXAMPLE: Your thesis course is set at the default, and you would like to request letter grading and report in progress:
Letter grade only (A-F)
Request Report in Progress for this course: Yes
Line 13: Repetition– Many courses are repeatable, including special topics courses, culminating activities, and internship courses. Please check the current University Catalog to find out if your course is currently repeatable. The repetition statement would change if you change the course units, or if you change the program curriculum (i.e. less internship credits are now required, etc.)
EXAMPLE:Your course is repeatable up to two times per student. Your course was 3 units, but now it is 4 units. Update the repetition statement:
May be repeated to a maximum of 8 units in different semesters
Line 14: Course Fees– Use this line to include the statement “Course fee may be required” for a new course fee, or to modify an existing course fee. Modification on a course fee happens when a component of the course fee has also changed (i.e. the course title, classification, or number). You will need to have approval of the course fee (whether NEW or MODIFIED) BEFORE submitting a course change form to the University Curriculum Office. Course fee policies can be found HEREor in the Curriculum Handbook.Complete the “COURSE FEES” section under the double dotted line.
EXAMPLE: Your course includes a field trip that requires an additional student fee. The following statement must be published in the University Catalog
Course fee may be required.
Line 15: Multiple Offerings– Use this line to indicate new or discontinued cross-listed courses by listing the alternate course prefix and number. Complete the “MULTIPLE-OFFERING (CROSS-LISTING)” section below the double dotted line.
Not Applicable
Same course as CLA 123.
Line 16: Classification– Use this line to indicate a change in course classification. Changes to course classifications must be approved by the College Dean’s office, and are evaluated for positive student/faculty ratios. See Units (Line 7) for details on completing the classification box below the double dotted line on the form. Note: C-7 or higher needs contact hours statement
Line 17: Contact Hours Statement– Every course has a specified number of contact hours based on the classification. Please refer to the Curriculum Handbook “Course Classification Chart” for the contact hours per unit for your particular classification HERE. As a general rule, each course requiring more than one hour of class attendance per semester unit must indicate the number of hours of required attendance (this rule varies for C-7 or higher and supervision classifications). NOTE: if units change sometimesthis affectsthe contact hours please be aware of this make necessary changes.
EXAMPLE: A typical 3 unit course with a “C” classification requires 3 contact hours per week for 15 weeks. If your course is 3 units but requires a lecture for 3 hours and a lab for 2 hours, then a contact hours statement in the Course Description is necessary:
Contact Hours Statement: Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours
Line 18: Typically Offered Term– The semesters that this course are typically taught. This information is very important in creating accurate and reliable degree planners for students. A typically offered term is assigned to each course, and the degree planner pulls this information to create each student degree plan. Please chose at least one designation from each list below (unless selecting PERIODICALLY):
1. Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter, Periodically
2. Every year, every even year, every odd year
EXAMPLE 1: Your course is taught fall and spring semesters every year
Typically Offered Term: Fall, Spring, every year
EXAMPLE 2: Your course is taught spring only every other year, starting in 2018.
Typically Offered Term: Spring, every even year
Line 19: Articulation–Articulation is only an option on the LOWER-DIVISION Course Change Form. Select the option from the drop down menu that fits your requested change. If an articulation review is required based on your menu selection, please attach an updated Standard Course Outline with this form. 1
SIGNATURES and FINAL FORMS: Please have your Department Chair or School Director sign and date the PHYSICAL form, and send to your Associate Dean for review c/o your Curriculum Coordinator. Please also send a DIGITAL copy in Word format (no PDFs please) of your change form to your Curriculum Coordinator. THE PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL ITEMS MUST MATCH EXACTLY. All change form will be copy/pasted into a single document containing ALL the requested curriculum changes for the college for the year. Please be careful not to change anything after submission to the College Office of one or both documents (physical and digital).
FILE NAME: Please name your file as indicated on the form. It may seem arbitrary, but it really helps to quickly save files if you have already filled in the FILENAME section at the bottom. Thank you!
Curriculum INSTRUCTIONSCourse change formUpdated: August 2017[Type here] [Type here] [Type here]