came to me in Losangeles you don’t know cosmopolitans have won inyour election…for example There is election and who won? And major is won all right, that news,it automatically comes. it doesn’t require for me to destroy my eyes to looking at the television no…that is syäd ätma-tåptaç ca mänavaù. And once you are atma trptah,once you are illuminated by the self then it remains a scratch, you don’t worry of those things, and the more you don’t worry of those things the more dry figure comes out of it and that is how these family traditions should be followed for our own health, for our own happiness and for our own spiritual progress. These things have got to be followed. And you people have to be very careful, you are very young at the moment .you are in saffron or white or white or whatever it is and you are going to have a settled life. So please remember these things and try to do your best to continue these things. And then,ätmany eva ca santuñöaù. Then you will be completely satiated in your own self. then you will not require something from outside to satisfy your self. And then once you do that tasya käryam na vidyate. And then you don’t have any karya you do your duty we do our seva but whether we do or not it doesn’t matter…with any living entity we don’t have any cheating relationship or any thing. We don’t cheat anybody. We dont do these things why? Because ätmany eva ca santuñöaù we are completely satiated in ourself, so there is no cheating. We don’t require any money. so if I have to have the money then I will kill you or I will harm you. Because, that is my selfinterest. But my self interest is not in money now, so because it is not in money now so whatever dealing I do is without any my selfish interest. And when the selfish interest is not there then the relationships are very good, and they continue eternally. That is the difference between our mundane relationships and devotee relationships. So these are, these are very nice sweet verses, you please get into them and you will be very much satisfied and we go ahead., [from the purport 2.69]’activities for sense gratification, and the other is introspective and awake to the cultivation of self-realization. Activities of the introspective sage, or thoughtful man, are night for persons materially absorbed. Materialistic persons remain asleep in such a night due to their ignorance of self-realization. The introspective sage remains alert in the “night” of the materialistic men. The sage feels transcendental pleasure in the gradual advancement of spiritual culture, whereas the man in materialistic activities, being asleep to self-realization, dreams of varieties of sense pleasure, feeling sometimes happy and sometimes distressed in his sleeping condition. The introspective man is always indifferent to materialistic happiness and distress. He goes on with his self-realization activities undisturbed by material reactions.” Its very clear, Srila Prabhupad is very clear. Please read the purport again and again. And we have sufficiently discussed it. I hope you understand it now. Have you any comments or questions? Few minutes we have… .. is it clear… jai jai ***** ki jai [laughs] you look very bright nowyou should not leave now saffron. Saffron is good. Jai…Such a healthy state, why should you go back to sin?charvita charvinanaam chewing the chewed. This is, this is the difference. You know, as soon as you come this side you become nice. Asli rupa that side finished… And we see in the devotees also , those who leave the process they immediately destroy them selves and they feel that they are very happy but they are not happy, not happy at all.
Again again, those devotees who have left the temple they again and again they come back. Once our sankirtan devotee was distributing books in London you know. And the old devotee met him. He bought the book from that boy you know, and he gave an advice to him. He said ‘ I did a blunder I left the temple but please you don’t leave the temple.’ So those who have left the temple please if you meet them call them back.Because generally they don’t come back but, and you don’t leave yourself. And, if you decide to leave be strong in these activities. Atleast Bhagvad gita you know. We were giving classes in **** you know last time. And I asked them whether anybody knows few verses from Srimad Bhagavatam or Bhagavad gita. so nobody raised the hand and one boy raised the hand you know . His name is Ramakant he is a swiss boy. And I thought that he may know here and there few verses you know. so I asked him how many verses you know? He told 700 verses whole Bhagvad gita. And I couldn’t trust him you know. So I told him to recite 11th chapter which is long and very difficult you know and to my surprise he recited it with English translation. And then I asked him how long did you take? He said in one year I learnt the Sanskrit verses and in next year I learnt the English translation. In two years the whole bhagvad gita is within the heart. And he is there at the moment as a director. He is working…in some computer. working, you know he is not free like you. You are free, you can do if you want you know. Very easy to do, if not at least do these 18 verses. Do some four thosechatuhsloki Bhagvad gita, 12th chapter, 15th chapter. Start, start from this, and then slowly go ahead. As you do, your capacity of remembering will increase. Intelligence will increase because intelligence is coming from the Lord. When He sees that you are using this intelligence for His service, He gives us intelligence. Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupad.
Part 2
Narad muni cursed by prajapati daksha and verses 27 and 28. so we will take one verse you know.28th verse is beautiful. So We will gothrough the verses first and we will recite 2nd verse you know… 28.
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya [followed by everyone thrice]
ab-bhakñäù katicin mäsän
katicid väyu-bhojanäù
ärädhayan mantram imam
abhyasyanta iòaspatim
oà namo näräyaëäya
puruñäya mahätmane
mahä-haàsäya dhémahi[followed word by word by everyone}
[second verse repeated by maharaj again and followed by devotees.]
Om , we will go through the equivalents of both the verses any way.
ab-bhakñäù…that this place is our permanent abode, and that is ignorance. And because we are… our starting point is completely wrong the whole equation of our whole life goes completely wrong. If in the beginning of the arithematical sum, if we take wrong calculation…2+2=6 then the whole sum goes wrong because in the beginning the calculation is wrong. If you take 2+2=4 then the whole sum is correctly worked out and maybe you get the answer, but because our calculation is wrong…the primary calculation in the beginning is wrong that’s why our whole sum, it becomes completely miserable and laboriousand we try hard hard and hard to get the correct answer which is completely impossible because our beginning is wrong and because of this beginning we try to search out so many places to correct us and where ever we go, we are cheated. Either we are cheated by the other living entities or by the material energy because we are going in the wrong direction. This place is not our permanent residence.That is very clear. Now this building was owned by so many people and they are all gone now and the building just stands here. It will stay here, that means the building didn’t belong to them and everybody claimed that I am the owner of this castle and they were selling and buying and doing everything, preparing and this and that. they were doing everything they were doing with this building but now it is obvious that this building is still standing here and those who claimed that this building belonged to them, they are all gone, disappeared. So that means that this building is nobody’s property. If it would have really been their property the building would have gone with them but it didn’t go, that is our experience. That means this property doesn’t belong to any living entity, living entities come and go, they don’t have anything to do with these material assets. These things are directly coming from the Lord and that’s why because it is coming from the Lord they belong to the Lord. they don’t belong to us. even our body we have to shed off at the time on death that is very clear. Is there anybody who can take the body with you?...could you?...could you? No, No body? I thought that the Radhadesh somebody may be able to … So its clear. Not only Radhadesh or wherever you are on this planet or on this universe or in the material manifestation, what ever bodies we get may be when we are in the human body now but some other life we will get a body suitable to stay in the sun planet even that body we have to forsake. Because even our own bodies don’t belong to us and when our own bodies don’t belong to us how can we claim that something else also belongs to us? This is darkness of ignorance. And then if you can go or if you luckily by the grace of Lord you can find out some nice devotee to approach, thencakñur unmélitaà, then he forces open your eyes. Your eyes at the moment are open but with the open eyes we are sleeping. We are completely in darkness of ignorance and because we are roaming about in ignorance in the darkness we cannot find out the things. If this room is completely dark we cannot find anything .we may roam over here and we may hit the table to find out the glass or this or that. It is not clear to us. But as soon as there is sunlight, sunshine every thing becomes clear. we can see the glass is here, kartals are here, table is here, the seat is here. These things become clear because of the light and so in our life also there must be a very clear light and it must come from the right source. If it is coming from the sun then it is very nice powerful light you know, then every thing becomes very clear. So if the light is coming from the right source then cakñur unmélitaàthen our eyes are forced to open and once our eyes are forced open, then we see the things clearly. That is why in the beginning of our discussion we pay obeisance’s to the spiritual masters, Guru. This is our duty. And once we worship him as lord then our life becomes perfect. He doesn’t claim that he is God but we do worship him as if he is god. Srila Prabhupad never claimed that he is god. Now we have his deities and we daily worship him as a God. Bue he never himself claimed. He gave a very us nicely you know that those living entities who claim themselves God they are not Gods but they are the reverse of it. (pause) What is the reverse?...Jai…how are you? Nice to see you!Are you keeping alright?(pause) Jai. What is the reverse of God, prabhu?...reverse…God G…O…D can you reverse it? Dog, very great, nice you know it. So those who claim that they are Gods they are not Gods but they are dogs. it is very correct not here really, but in India there are so many diversions you know, there are so many people every where Srila Prabhupad writes, every village almost there is a incarnation you know? And he claims that he is God, in every village there is some…what to talk of every villages in our every room there is a room guru (laughs) you stay 4-5 people and among 4-5 people one is a guru(laughs) and he claims that he is guru you know? This is how we have God in every room, what to talk of every village? We are… we have the propensity to lead you know? And as soon as we try to lead then we become heavy, you know thenwe become guru and that means that our that propensity is there but we have to be very clear that we are all part and parcel of the Lord, we can never be equal to the Lord and with this firm conviction in our mind, then we worship the living entity who guides us on the right path and we remember him because we should be always on the right path. And that’s why we pay obeisances. And then we pay obeisances to Sad Goswamis, what is it.,
çré-caitanya-mano-’bhéñöaà [come on]
sthäpitaà yena bhü-tale
svayaà rüpaù kadä mahyaà
dadäti [come on, you are dead. Are you are you alive]sva-padäntikam[again repeated by every one]
vande ’haà çré-guroù[yes] çré-yuta-pada-kamalaà çré-gurün vaiñëaväàç ca .Come on, why you don’t know. These prayers are given in the beginning of Srimad Bhagvad Gita. Please try to learn them. Okay. We have to glorify the Lord. And when it comes to the glorification of the Lord we have to be very sincere because this is the perfection of our human existence. It’s a fine quality;it’s the finest quality, with that finest quality in our own existence we go to the supreme finest quality. The supreme fine existence which is beyond our conceiving power and because he is beyond our conceiving power we have to take help of few verses or few prayers or what ever it is and create a fine sentiment to reach the supreme fine principle. And unless you do that your life is completely [pause] Jai your life is completely useless. And this is very clear. And that’s why in Bhagvad Gita also it is very nicely said That if you don’t perform this then mogham partha sa jeevati mogham means you are useless and once you take resort of this mogham mogham partha sa jeevati once your life becomes useless then. There is very nice verse which uses this mogha shabda you know
mogha word 3-4 times … which is that ?
moghäçä mogha-karmäëo
mogha-jïänä vicetasaù
räkñasém äsuréà caiva
prakåtià mohinéà çritäù
Very nice verse you know. This ‘mogha’ word you should not forget. As soon as you stop the glorification of the Lordyou become mogha,your life becomes mogha useless. And that is for certain. If you dont come to the Lord in this life you have to come some life. then you have to take round of 8million and 400 births, deaths, diseases and old age. This is for certain. Unless the living entity comes to this point, his life becomes completely useless. Don’t be under the dream that by following something else you will perfect your life. NO… this is the only one thing and that is known in Bhagvad Gita as vyavasäyätmikä buddhiù
There is a resolute, determination. And those who are not attracted to the Lord, they fall victim to the sensegratificatory activities. It is also very nicely described in Bhagvad Gita
vyavasäyätmikä buddhiù
samädhau na vidhéyate
bhogaiçvarya, bhoga we are attracted to bhoga sensegratification and resultant opulence may be. because we are attracted to these activites prasaktänäà tayäpahåta-cetasäm our whole intelligence is stolen by the sense gratification. The activities which lead to sense gratification and we want to be happy. We want to be happy in that, but that is a myth. Happiness is a myth. Where there is no happiness how can you get happiness? And that is forour false pursuits we are following these activities day and night and that’s why He saysvyavasäyätmikä buddhiù such people don’t have any resolute determination to follow the path which leads to the perfection. And because we forget this we don’t have fine sentiment to glorify the Lord. As soon as we understand these things then fine sentiments are already there. Our soul is already there. And our soul is part and parcel of the Supreme soul. So, all the sentiments are already there. We know our own position. And as soon as this curtain of darkness is removed then every thing becomes clear and then with fine sentiment we go to the Supreme person. And that is our perfection and that’s why we have to be very clear about the meaning of the verses and try to find out 1 or 2 or 3 verses very nicely which you can always sing with nice sentiment and that will give you a very nice satisfaction. We have that verse to glorify the lord
he kåñëa karuëä-sindho
déna-bandho jagat-pate
gopeça gopikä-känta
rädhä-känta namo ’stu te
the same verse could be very nicely put into nice sentimental lyric, you know and that will give a nice spiritual platform.Taking help of the material… material existence. We are in the material existence. we cannot ignore these things. And that is for certain. But from this existence we have to fly away and go to the spiritual platform Which is not very easy, because, we are carrying the material body and so far you are carrying the material body you cannot very easily attain the spiritual platform? But this knowledge takes us immediately as we sit in the plane, aero plane and immediately we become air borne. We are on the land at the airport but as soon as it propelsthe engine starts and immediately you are in the air and this is how we have to do regarding these verses also. So there must be very nice sentiment to sing the glorification of the Lord.[sings lovingly]