September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.11-08/1080r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2008-09-08
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / Email
Daniel R. Borges / Apple Inc. / 1 Infinite Loop, MS 306-2HN / +1 415 425 7347 /
This document contains the minutes from the TGz meeting in Hawaii, HI held on September 8, 9, 10, and 11 2008.
TGz Meeting Minutes – Denver, CO
September 8, 2008 AM2 Session
Daniel R. Borges (Apple Inc.), the secretary, will be taking meeting minutes.
Meeting Minutes
- Meeting called to order by the Chair Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm) @ 1030 HST.
- The chair presented IEEE SA SB Patent Policy and Procedures (slides #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5).
- The TG members did not (a) express any knowledge of essential patents that influences TGz and (b) any concerns/issues that the WG chair needs to be aware of.
- The proposed agenda is found in document 08/1051r0.
Motion 1: Approve the Agenda
Mover: Alexander Safonov (IITP RAS)
Second: Daniel R. Borges (Apple Inc.)
Result: Unanimous
So moved and approved
Motion 2: Approve Denver Meeting Minutes in document 08/0868r0 and Teleconference minutes in 08/1016r0
Mover: Jakub Majkowski (Nokia)
Second: Daniel R. Borges (Apple Inc.)
Result: Unanimous
So moved and approved
- The comments on LB135 are found in document 08/1004r0.
- We have a total of 840 comments of which 512 are technical.
- Members of TGz have volunteered to work on specific areas of the comments, security, power save, etc…
- Kapil – Security
- Alexander – Pure U-APSD
- Michelle – Pure PSM
- Menzo – Clause 7 and 11.7
- If anyone wants to become editor for TGz please let the chair, Menzo, aware.
- 13 members attending this session.
- Document 08/1053r0 contains resolutions for Clause 7 comments on LB135. We will now go through the comments addressed in this proposal.
- Discussion on CID 42, 45
- Discussion on definition of EtherType for TGz.
- One way to resolve these comments is to create a new Annex and define the required EtherType. Menzo will work on this new Annex.
- Accepted and changes will be made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 43, 44. Accepted and changes will be made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 46, 48, 56, 57. Accepted and changes will be made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 47. Declined.
- Discussion on CID 49.
- Discussion between David Hunter (Panasonic), Kapil Sood (Intel), and Menzo on where this should be defined. We could bring back clause 10 or define this in an Annex.
- David and Kapil will work offline to address this comment.
- Discussion on CID 50. Declined.
- Discussion on CID 51. Accepted and changes will be made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 52. Kapil will address this comment.
- Discussion on CID 53. Accepted and changes will be made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 54 and 55. Accepted and changes will be made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 58, 60. Accepted and changes will be made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 59. Kapil will address this comment.
- Discussion on CID 61, 62, 65, 69.
- Discussion between Kapil, Daniel, and Menzo on what fields should be included in the TDLS Setup Request.
- Menzo will review the elements and address this comment.
- Discussoin on CID 75. Menzo will review the elemtns and provide a proposal.
- Menzo has recessed this session at 1230 HST.
September 8, 2008 PM1 Session
- The chair has called the meeting to order @ 1302 HST.
- 11 members present in this session.
- Menzo is making updates to the comment resolution sheet in document 08/1052r1.
- Menzo proposed that we work on adhoc fashion to address comments.
- No objections from the membership so we will work in adhoc mode for this session.
- Menzo has recessed the session at 1530 HST.
September 9, 2008 AM1 Session
- The chair has called the meeting to order @ 0807 HST.
- Are there any presentations or contributions for this morning’s session?
- Menzo is presenting the document 08/1053r1 that addresses comments on LB135, Clause 7.
- Menzo is going over changes in Clause 7 to address comments.
- Menzo described the changes for the IEs in the TDLS Setup Request and Response that addresses several comments.
- Menzo proposed that we work on adhoc fashion to address more comments.
- No objections from the membership so we will work in adhoc mode for this session.
- Menzo has recessed the session at 1002 HST.
September 9, 2008 PM2 Session
- Meeting called to order by Menzo @ 1605 HST.
- Menzo is presenting the updated version of the agenda in document 08/1051r3.
- Srinivasa Duvvuri (Atheros) will be presenting 08/1089r1.
- This contribution addresses 4 CIDs regarding Off Channel DLS and Channel Switch Timeout.
- We will add these CIDs to a one motion that will approve several other CIDs.
- Menzo proposed that we work on adhoc fashion to address more comments.
- No objections from the membership so we will work in adhoc mode for this session.
- Menzo has recessed the session at 1800 HST.
September 10, 2008 AM1 Session
- Meeting called to order by Menzo @ 0805 HST.
- Menzo is presenting the updated version of the agenda in document 08/1051r4.
- There will be several presentations in this session and the next in order to address comments on LB135.
- Kapil Sood (Intel) will be presenting document 08/1072r0.
- Kapil will edit the document and remove the proposed string from the resolutions since there has been no objection from the membership.
- The document will be uploaded to the server as r2 and will be motioned in the PM2 session.
- Michelle Gong (Intel) will be presenting documents 08/1158r0.
- Some discussion on the PM bit and using messages to trigger the power save schedule.
- The TDLS STAs negotiate a schedule and when they agree, they use the PM bit in order to become active.
- There is some discussion between Menzo and Michelle regarding keepalive message. There were a number of comments regarding this text.
- There were some dicussion on using the PM bit to trigger the negotiated schedule and whether or not we are overloading this bit.
- The keepalive behavior is done in order to maintain the TDLS link.
- We could possibly delete the paragraph describing the keepalive mechanism, but we need some sort of keepalive in order to make sure the direct link is there.
- Keepalive is not necessary for Peer PSM, but necessary to perform maintenance on the link.
- There are some discussions on how to deactivate and reactivate the schedule.
- Menzo proposed that we work on adhoc fashion to address more comments.
- We are back in session after discussion on document 08/1158r0.
- We are moving on to the RCPI comments; the relevant document is 08/1053r2.
- Michelle proposed that we use PHY Data Rate instead of PHY Rate.
- Menzo has recessed the session at 1005 HST.
September 10, 2008 AM2 Session
- Meeting called to order by Menzo @ 1005 HST.
- We will be working in adhoc fashion to resolve some comments related to U-APSD, 08/1119r3.
- Menzo is calling the meeting back to order so we can discuss other contributions.
- We will now review document 08/1151r0.
- There is some discussion between Brian Hart (Cisco) and David Hunter (Panasonic) on whether TDLS should be included in the architecture section.
- CIDs 16, 17, and 18 are asking for architecture diagram for TDLS, but there is nothing for the parent concept, DLS.
- Moving along to clause 11.20 comments.
- Discussion on CID 290. Decline
- Discussion on CID 291, 292. Accepted and changes have been made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 293. Accepted and changes have been made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 294. Decline.
- Discussion on CID 295. Counter.
- Discussion on CID 296. Decline.
- Discussion on CID 297. Accepted and changes have been made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 298. Accepted and changes have been made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 299. Counter.
- Discussion on CID 300. Decline.
- Discussion on CID 301. Accepted and changes have been made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 302. Accepted and changes have been made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 303. Declined.
- Menzo has recessed the session at 1232 HST.
September 10, 2008 PM2 Session
- Meeting called to order by Menzo @ 1601 HST.
- We will have a motion to approve the contributions that address various comments on LB135.
- The motion is found on document 08/1051r4.
- Jakub raised an editorial issue on document 08/1058r1 in the title. The title is incorrect and refers to LB127, when it should be LB135. The group is fine with this mistake and it is not technical in nature.
- Jakub raised a concern with a few CIDs in this document, but they are deferred.
Motion 3 in document 08/1051r4
Mover: Srinivasa Duvvuri (Atheros)
Second: Alexander Safonov (IITP RAS)
Result: Unanimous
So moved and approved
- Moving onto approval of teleconferences for TGz.
Motion 4 in document 08/1051r4
Mover: Jakub Majkowski (Nokia)
Second: Daniel R. Borges (Apple Inc.)
Result: Unanimous
So moved and approved
- We are looking at doing an adhoc meeting in order to address the remaining LB comments. We have crafted a strawpoll to gauge the member’s interest.
Strawpoll for Adhoc Location
Dallas Sunday November 9th
- 5
Amsterdam Saturday November 8th
- 3
Barcelona Saturday November 8th
- 4
- So now we need to do a motion on approving the Adhoc location
Motion 5 in document 08/1051r4
Mover: Yongho Seok (LG Electronics)
Second: Daniel R. Borges (Apple Inc.)
Result: Unanimous
So moved and approved
- We are now looking at our timeline. The timeline will have to be adjusted based on the results of LB135 and the current progress.
- We have taken care of the administrative responsibilities and now moving back to comment resolution in document 08/1175r0 and 08/1176r0.
- Discussion on CID 304. Accepted and changes have been made to the draft.
- Discussion on CID 305. Decline.
- Discussion on CID 306. Defer.
- Discussion on CID 506. An answer has been provided to the commentor and was agreed by the commentor.
- Discussion on CID 307. Defer.
- Menzo has adjourned the meeting at 1800 HST.
TGz Meeting Minutes - Hawaii, HI page 10 Daniel R. Borges, Apple Inc