Session 10: Wurzbacher
Session 10
Student Survey Option
I opted to survey my second graders for this assignment. I typed up the following 5 questions and gave each student a copy to respond to anonymously while I read them aloud.
- Do you think I am fair with behavior? If no, please write what you think is unfair.
- Do you think our classroom routines are clear and easy to follow? (think bathroom breaks, getting devices, lining up, etc)
- Do you think our classroom is set up with enough choice seating? What would you like to see?
- Think about classwork. Do you prefer pencil and paper or devices? Why?
- What is the best thing about our class? What would you like to change?
Reading my students’ responses was very interesting! Most said that I am fair with behavior and consequences. The ones that responded differently did not articulate what they thought was unfair and, being second grade, I’m assuming these responses came from my kids who receive color changes more often than others for not following directions or excessive talking. Most also responded that they feel our routines are clear which is good to hear because we’ve been practicing the same routines all year long. A few did say they would like to be able to get water at each bathroom break so this is something I can look into. For Question 3, most responses said they liked our choice seating but that they wished we had more beanbags. My kids have a lot of freedom with where they sit and I got creative this year with seating (I have a canoe in my room that they can work in). Our beanbags have taken a beating though so hearing their desire for better ones is helpful.
My students are very polarized on work preference. I thought most would select devices but it was almost an even split between paper/pencil and device preferences. This helps me to be reflective in thinking of ways I can adapt assignments to give more completion choice like writing a response or typing it to me in a BCPS One message. This is helpful information moving forward. The responses for Question 5 were all over the place. Many said that they’d like less homework and more recess (which is so very second-grade-typical) but some of my kids said that they like working together and with me and that they like having checklists and choices. Moving forward, I think a survey for my kids would be helpful at various points throughout the year. Some days it feels like everything is “off” so a survey to check in with the kids might be a good idea in these instances to see what they are feeling or thinking.