Grammenos Mastrojeni
Born in Milan, Italy, on May 23, 1965
Spoken languages: English, French, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
1988:graduates in Law with honours at MilanCatholicUniversity and is later awarded the “Luigi Craici” prize for the best Masters thesis on International Organization, as well as the “Guglielmo Reiss Romuli” prize for the best Italian graduates
1989:Masters in International Relations at the School of Superior International Studies in Rome, also attends the National School of Administration in Paris, the HagueAcademy of International Law, and Harvard Negotiation Project activities
1990:solicitor in an international law firm (mainly direct international investment contracts and mergers)
1991: joins the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Serves: in the Legislative and International Treaty Department; as delegate at the 49th UN General Assembly; in the Cabinet of the Minister of Defence; as Deputy Chief of the Foreign Minister’s Secretariat; as Consul of Italy in Brazil; as political and economic Counsellor at the Italian Embassy in Paris and Italian delegate at the International Expositions Office; Head of the International Press Office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Director of the web site of the Ministry; Minister Counsellor-Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Italy in Ottawa and Minister Counsellor-Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Italy in Tehran. Currently, coordinator for environmental issues at Italian Aid, Italian Focal Point for desertification and for the Mountain Partnership, member of the negotiating teams on climate change and bio-diversirty.
Academic activities:
Since 1984 regularly holds lectures and workshops at several public and private institutions (ICCROM-UNESCO, Council of Europe, ItalianJointStaffsDefenceCollege, FIAT, various universities among others).
He has been Professor of Negotiation Strategies at LUISSUniversity in Rome, and has taught “Conflict Resolution” and “Environment and Geo-strategy” at OttawaUniversity, held courses on negotiation to Afghan diplomats on behalf of the Italian Government. Currently teaching “Environment and Human Security”, at Post Doc level. Chair of the climate change panel at the Global Risk Forum in Davos.
2005: is awarded by a jury of journalists a special prize for conceiving and managing the most reliable and influential web site in Italy (the web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
2011:is awarded the “Sicily Prize” for the “extretemely valuable contribution to the understanding of mankind’s relation with the environment”.
Chevalier-Officer of the Order of the ItalianRepublic; Chevalier of the Phoenix Order in Greece; Chevalier of “Inconfidencia” and for “Merits recognized by the Legislative Power” in Brazil.
- Il negoziato e la conclusione degli accordi internazionali, CEDAM, 2000 (Negotiating and Concluding International Agreements).
- Il ciclo indissolubile - Pace, ambiente, sviluppo e libertà nell'equilibrio globale, V&P/Catholic University Press, 2002 (The Unbreakable Cycle - Peace, Environment, Development and Freedom in Global Balance).
- Il nostro turno: il semestre italiano di presidenza dell'Unione Europea, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, 2003 (Our Turn: the Italian Presidency of EU, published by the Italian MFA).
- L'ecorivoluzione necessaria, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2008 (The necessary Eco-Revolution).
- L’Arca di Noè – Per salvarci tutti insieme, Chiarelettere, 2014. (Noah’s Ark – Together We Stand, Together We Fall)
- Recenti tendenze verso l'istituzionalizzazione dei mezzi diplomatici di soluzione delle controversie, La Comunità Internazionale, 1992, XLVII (Recent Tendencies towards Institutionalizing Diplomatic Conflict Resolution).
- La mobilità studentesca e giovanile come strumento per la pace, DCM, 1993, III (Student and Youth Mobility for Peace Building).
- Strutture di pace per il terzo millennio, V&P/Catholic University Press, 1996, I (Peace Structures for the Third Millennium).
- Scambi interculturali per una cultura di pace, V&P/Catholic University Press, 1996, VI (Intercultural Exchanges for a Culture of Peace).
- Ambiente e sviluppo sostenibile in Brasile, V&P/Catholic University Press, 1997, XII, Affari Sociali Internazionali, 1998, I, and Affari, 1998, III (Environment and Sustainable Development in Brazil).
- La dimension interculturelle dans la mondialisation des économies, France-Italie, 2000.
- Clima, guerre e rioluzioni, Il Mulino, 2011, III (Climate, Wars, Revolutions).
- Recados de Gaia, Correio Braziliense, October 14, 2013 (Gaia’s Messages)
- Per non tradire Rostropovich – stabilizziamo la società. V&P/CatholicUniversity Press, 2014. XII (Not to Betray Rostropovich – The Need of a Stabilized Society).
- Climate change calls for global, comprehensive, and integrative risk management, FEEM, 2014.
- Cambiamenti climatici e gestione ei rischi, Equilibri/Il Mulino, 2014.