Evangelical Lutheran Association for Youth in Finland
Liisankatu 27A 5, 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Methods for teachers and youth workers in Finland and Estonia
The project aims to provide educators and youth workers in Finland and Estonia a toolkit of methods to prevent violence among children and youth. Additionally the project offers training that focuses on leading youth support groups consisting of peers who all have faced domestic violence.
Part of the training targets especially at youth work among immigrants in Finland. Teacher Effectiveness Training and POIKKI! Training will be started in Estonia as new methods. The project includes also translation and publishing of the Teacher Effectiveness Training Handbook into Finnish and Estonian.
The project cooperates with the Campaign “From Violence to Reconciliation” coordinated by the Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. The week aims at raising public awareness on non-violence by developing website and networks for people and organizations working with violence prevention.
Daphne II Programme 2005
The Evangelical Lutheran Association for Youth in Finland has about 20 years’ experience in promoting well-being of young people through training. Youth Effectiveness Training, Y.E.T. and Teacher Effectiveness Training, T.E.T., which are developed by Dr. Thomas Gordon, are well-recognized training methods focusing on interaction and aiming at preventing violence among youth. POIKKI! method trains instructors to help young people to process their experiences of domestic violence in peer groups.
There will be four Teacher Effectiveness Trainings organized for educators during the project. One of them will be held in Estonia as a pilot training. One of the goals is to train about 60 teachers to use interaction skills, through which youth will feel themselves better heard and respected in classrooms.
About 15 professionals working especially with immigrant youth will be trained to become Instructors for Youth Effectiveness Training. They are expected to start Y.E.T. courses for immigrant youth during the last part of the project.
POIKKI! Youth and Domestic Violence Courses, one in Finland and one in Estonia, will train a total of 30 professionals working with young people to become POIKKI! instructors. They will start leading POIKKI groups, which will help young people who have experienced violence.
There will be several public awareness raising events in Finland organized together with the Week Without Violence. And a web page and a databank will be established in Estonia to support activities aiming at violence prevention.
The project runs for 12 months and its total budget is about 122.000 euros.
The Project is coordinated by Evangelical Lutheran Association for Youth in Finland, a national service organization for Christian youth work. The Church Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is the project partner in Finland through its Campaign “From Violence to Reconciliation”.
Project partners in Estonia constitute of the Association for Child and Youth work of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELK), Family Center You and Me and Tallinn Center for Children at Risk.
The project receives financial support from European Commission’s Daphne II Programme and the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
Project Manager: Mr. Markus Talvio
p. +358-400 105 072 or +358-9-622 96731
fax +358-9-135 7124
Project Administration and Finance: Ms. Paula Vilkama
p. +358-40 743 2598 or +358-9-622 96721
Campaign “From Violence to Reconciliation”:
Ms. Kati Jääskeläinen,
p. +358-50 324 3173 or +358-91802 210
Project coordinator in Estonia: Ms. Kerstin Kask
Daphne II Programme aims to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women, and to protect victims and groups at risk.
Daphne II Programme 2005