The subject of the Kingdom of Yahushua for a thousand years, and of Yahushua forever, plus our citizenship in the Kingdom that is put within us at the new birth, is the largest subject in the entire Word!
Our entering His Kingdom is the fulfillment of the plan of salvation that was birthed in the mind of Yahuweh before the foundation of the earth. It is united with the begetting of Yahushua before the foundation of the earth. It is a massive study. Once a person is born from above, by Scripture-reality, becoming a new creation, then there is the process of preparation to actually enter the Kingdom of heaven and receive rewards for service to that Kingdom.
Once born of the Spirit, we become citizens of that Kingdom. The law of that Kingdom is the Torah of Yahuweh--His teaching and instructions for life with Him--enforced by His Son Yahushua Yahuweh. So, actually, the subject of the Kingdom is at the core of everything in the entire Word!
It is the end of His long plan to gather a remnant of His Creation to Him as a loving father would gather his children to himself. From Genesis 1 to Revelation 22:21 – it all is about His Kingdom, His right to rule as Creator, and His love for His creation.
In this three-part series, there is no way I could cover the entire subject. But, what I want to do is provide you with springboards for your own study, so that your heart is filled with joy in preparing for the coming of Messiah, and your part in it. If you read Revelation19 through 22, you will get the entire story in a nutshell--from Messiah’s coming to eternity.I will try not to repeat information, so please review Part I before going on to Part II.
In John 18:33-37, Messiah says: “My Kingdom is not of this world, else would my servants fight.” Now, at the end of the age, His Kingdom is coming to earth where He will reign as King and Priest upon His throne for 1,000 years. (Zechariah 6:12-14; Revelation 20:1-7). Those who will rise in the first resurrection will come with Messiah as He descends upon the Mount of Olives, to bring His Kingdom to earth in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:1-5; I Thessalonians 3:13; Jude 1:14). Blessed are those who are part of the first resurrection, because the only other resurrection is that of the damned, 1000 years later. (Revelation 20)
I Corinthians 15:20-28 and Revelation 21 tell us that at the end of His 1,000 year reign, Yahuweh will descend with His City over the earth, and then He will reign forever and ever. The interim 1000-year reign of Messiah is a filter, so that when Yahuweh comes, all dissenters will be caught in His net,judged, and sealed away in the lake of fire. Yahuweh will have nothing but perfection in His Kingdom!
Matthew 13:24-53 gives several parables about His Kingdom. His coming will begin the filtering process. He will come with the wrath of His Father, concluding “The Day of Yahuweh.” The tares (darnel) sowed in among His people will be separated and burned. Anything that has crept into His reign before His coming will be thrown out. His Kingdom will expand over the whole earth. Isaiah 2:1-4 speaks of His reigning from Jerusalem, from which will go forth the Torah, and teaching of His Word. There He will judge nations and people. Zechariah 14 tells us of the final battle as He descends “with all of His set-apart ones,” then of His rule with a rod of iron. Jerusalem will be once more “the set-apart City.”
As Messiah descends, His coming crushes all other kingdoms on earth –
Revelation 11:15-19; Revelation 19; Isaiah 34, 63:106; Daniel 2:27-44; Daniel 7:9-14, 21-27; Psalm 2. There are many more Scriptures of His triumphal return!
Who will rule with Him? Who will not rule with Him? (II Timothy 2:12; Revelation 2:26-27; Revelation 3:21; Revelation 20:4-6; Matthew 5:19; Matthew 19:28-29; Matthew 23:11-2; Matthew 24:42-51; Matthew 25:21)
Who will enter the Kingdom? (Matthew 24:13; John 3:3, 5, 36; Revelation chapters 2 and 3)
Who will not enter the Kingdom? (Isaiah 33:14-17; Psalm 15; Matthew 7:13-27; Matthew 13:36-43; Matthew 25; Ephesians 5:1-6)
Of course I am only giving you a small sampling of Scripture under each category! Do your own homework throughout the Word by using an “exhaustive concordance,” like the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, with Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries.If you use the Strong’s, make sure it is the pre-1995edition, or else you’ll be dealing with NIV defilement.
Yahushua will come on a Yom Teruah, in a Jubilee (Yobel) Year. He will come at the sighting of the new moon from Jerusalem on Tishre 1, the eve of Yom Teruah. (Matthew 24:29-31) His garments will be blood-splattered, as His return ends the “great and awesome Day of Yahuweh” and His wrath is finished! (Isaiah 63:1-6; Revelation 19:11-16)
What will Messiah do first after bringing His entourage of set-apart ones into East Jerusalem? First everyone will need a bathroom break, a good meal from a local falafel stand, and a good night’s sleep on a nice cozy mattress. Fun with fantasies! No!--None of that will be needed--we’ll be in our resurrection bodies! (My humor! I’ve been working for hours researching and writing, so I probably need to stretch my aching bones, eat lunch, and go to the bathroom--smile)
At His return, He will get down to business in a short time. Ten days later will be Yom Kippur. After His initial organizing, He will gather the rulers of all nations before Him. (Joel 3:1-2, 12-21; Matthew 25:31-46; and so many other Scriptures!) He will gather them in the north Kidron Valley, in front of the Eastern Gate, which today is across from the Roman Catholic Christianized “Garden of Gethsemane.”
So you see how foolish this pre-tribulation “rapture” doctrine is, which originated with the Vatican Jesuits over 400 years ago. There will no banqueting in heaven for seven years at a wedding feast while the Jews, and others, suffer and die on earth for rejecting Jesus. No! As we read from so many Scriptures, like Proverbs 2:21-22, the righteous remain on earth, the wicked are taken away. It is those that “endure to the end” that are saved/delivered. It is the “end of our faith” that is the salvation of our souls. (Matthew 10:22: 24:13; Mark 13:13; I Peter 1:19) In other words, it’s how you end up that matters!
In Matthew 13:29-30, 38-41 Messiah says that the wicked (the darnel) are gathered first and burned in the fire of judgment, then the righteous (the wheat) will be gathered into His “barn.” The one taken is the wicked one. The one left is the righteous. The pre-tribulation teachingof the Jesuits, who hired Kenneth Darby, and Darby, in turn, who pulled C. I Scoffield into the hoax--is making multi-billions of dollars a year off of Christians and Messianic folk totally dulled and blinded to what is going on His realm of prophetic reality. And most of these same people are doing little to nothing to spread the Good News of salvation through faith in Messiah Yahuweh, or teaching the Torah of Yahuweh. So, what position will these people have in His Kingdom? Notice all the big names associated with this teaching? Notice that the New York Times Best Seller List includes rapture-story books? Think! What the world promotes is totally distanced from Yahuweh!
[Refer to: “Who Will Be Left Behind?”/January 2006, for details]
We are servants! Our rewards are according to our works of obedience to our Master! [Refer to: “Rewards According to Works”/March 2008] He comes with our rewards for our works. He only rewards servants! (Matthew 25:13-30) He has to filter out who is with Him, and who is not!
As King Josiah so passionately and thoroughly did in II Kings 22 and II Chronicles 34-35, so Messiah Yahushua will purge His City, His Land, and His world of the wicked Kings, leaders, rulers, presidents, etc. Judgment will be passed! As High Priest on Yom Kippur, He will declare all Israel is saved!
He will have His remnant of all the sons of Ya’cob. [Refer to: “Romans 11”/November 9, 2011]
On Sukkot eve, He will take His vows with His Bride. They will enter the chupa for 7 days (the days of Sukkot). On the morning of the 8thday--the “great day of the Feast,”Eliyahu, the Groom’s attendant, will hear the Groom’s knock, open the chupa door, and the royal couple will come out and join the attendants and guests for the wedding feast.
These things do NOT take place in heaven! They take place in His Kingdom on earth! He is not returning wearing His wedding garments to be soiled with the blood of His enemies. Isaiah 59:14-21: Messiah puts on the garments of the High Priest to execute judgment. He puts on the garments of vengeance, and wraps Himself in passionate zeal. Revelation 19: 11-16: He wears garments of war. Isaiah 63:1-6: His garments are stained in blood. No, there is no wedding in heaven, nor a wedding feast in heaven. He comes to unite His people with their resurrected bodies, and unite the ones who are still alive and remain. (I Thessalonians 4:13-18; I Corinthians 15:51-58; John 5:24-29; Isaiah 26:19; Philippians 3:20-21; I John 3:1-3)
Revelation 19:7-9: The time of the wedding has come, and his wife has made herself ready. “Blessed are those who have been called to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” Then He leaves heaven with His entourage—those who have died in faith from righteous Abel to the last one of our day.
His Bride is still on earth! He comesto gather her to Himself!
I learned from a Jewish lady in Israel about Hebrew terminology, which is so often backwards from Western terminology. She said that the engagement was a binding covenant, and that the engagement made the woman the wife of the man. It was when he married her that she became his Bride. The engagement of Israel to Yahushua took place at Sinai. Later, the House of Israel whored against Him, so He had to divorce her (end the engagement), as Yoseph wanted to do with Miriam. By His death Messiah broke the engagement/marriage Covenant and then rose again to be able to marry a remnant of the House of Israel. Now, a remnant is returning to Him, redeemed by Messiah, so that He can have His Bride. Thus it says in Revelation 19:7: “…His wife has made herself ready.” She waits on earth to become His Bride!
After the engagement, the young man goes to his father’s house to build an extension on the house for himself and his new bride. Remember Psalm 132:13-14? The couple will live in the City of David, the real Zion!
Usually, after about 2 years, he comes with great fanfare to gather her to himself and take her into their new home. She is given a few hints as to when He is coming, but the actual event is a surprise. It has been nearly 2,000 years since Messiah ascended to heaven. But, for Himit’s only 2 days.
John 14:2-3: Messiah speaks the language of a Bridegroom. “In My Father’s house are staying places. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, you may be also.”
He returns for His Bride. She is not in heaven when He descends.
In John 3:28-29: Yochanan the immerser identifies himself as one of the “friends of the Bridegroom,” and Messiah as the Bridegroom. In Matthew 17:1-6 we see that Eliyahu and Moshe are attendants, and Kepha understands that. In Mark 2:19-20, we see Messiah calls His disciples “friends of the Bridegroom.” This expression, “friends of the Bridegroom” refers to the attendants. In the ancient Hebrew wedding, it was said that Eliyahu attended the Groom, and Moshe attended the Bride.
Revelation 11:4-6,by its wording, alludes to the two witnesses being Eliyahu and Moshe. Yochanan the immerser was identified with Eliyahu by Messiah in Matthew 11. Of course, the 144,000 Bridal remnant are from all the tribes, plus the few returnees, who will join with the two witnesses and form, what I call, “the Eliyahu Company.” They will go forth throughout the earth to extend salvation for the last time to the people of the world, calling on them to “REPENT!” They will uphold the authority of Yahuweh as Creator, His Torah,and His right to rule, bringing the message of Jeremiah 25:15-33 to the nations. Those of this company will have been sealed/marked so that they cannot die.
How many years have I been studying on these things? -- Since the late 1960s, but particularly since 1987. [Refer to: “The Ancient Hebrew Wedding Ceremony”/re-edited May 1, 2013] This topic is so personal to us now!
Each person will be set in position according to their reward--the guests (the 30-fold), the attendants (the 60-fold) or the Bridal remnant (the 100-fold)--Mark 4:8. The tragedy is that the 30, 60, 100-fold groups only comprise 1/4th of all those who have heard the word of salvation and accepted it. The 30, 60, and 100-fold refers to the fruit they produce as servants of Elohim.
The bottom line is this: From the creation of Adam in Genesis 2 to Revelation 22 and into eternity, the whole of Scripture is about a wedding!
It is about Yahuweh having His beloved children with Him. It is about Yahushua having a Bride.It is a love story! The Kingdom is His time to interact with His people and love them.Revelation 21:1-7speaks of eternity. It is something you should read over and over!
After the wedding, Messiah will proceed to have His Temple built (Zechariah 6:12-15). The Levites will be purified and the Zadok Priesthood restored.
[Refer to the series on The Zadok Priesthood/January-February 2005]
(Malachi 3:1-4; Numbers 25:13; Ezekiel 44:15-28; Jeremiah 33:17)
Hosea 2 and 3 speaks of the restoration of the northern ten tribes. They forced the divorce them that finally scattered them into the nations AMONG the gentiles. Remember: He never ever calls His people “gentiles.” He says He will destroy all gentiles. He has watched over a remnant of His people ever since Jeroboam defiled the ten tribes after the death of Solomon.
[Refer to: “Who Are the Ten?”/2005 and “Are You a Gentile?”/re-edit 2007]
The final dispersion of the House of Israel was in 722 BCE. Do your math in Ezekiel 4:4-6 and Leviticus 26:18, 21, 24, and 28.Multiply 390 X 7. Israel was under punishment for 2, 730 years until Yom Teruah of 2007/2008 CE. But also, at His ascension, as He took those set-apart ones of old into heaven with Him, opening heaven’s gates, He took a remnant of all the tribes of Ya’cob! (Matthew 27:50-54; Ephesians 4:8-10)
King David will be the reigning Prince under Messiah:
Psalm 89:3-4, 20-37
Jeremiah 23:5-8
Jeremiah 30:9-11
Jeremiah 33:14-26
Ezekiel 34:23-24
Ezekiel 37:22-28
Ezekiel 46:1-3 (David is known as “the Prince” in this passage)
The “tent” of David will be restored:
I Chronicles 16
Most of the Psalms were composed during worship around the Ark in the tent that David erected for it. For 40 years praise and worship continued on Mount Zion around the ark. [Refer to: “Worship – The Journey of the Ark of the Covenant/September 24, 2012]
Amos 9:11
Acts 15:15-17
The Kingdom will come out of great tribulation: Acts 14:22; Jeremiah 16:14-16. He will restore His remnant, even during the time of the hunters!
We are in the “birthpangs” of Messiah now that we have entered the “Time of Ya’cob’s Troubles.” I’m not the only one saying this--Orthodox rabbis are saying this, and some from ancient times have given specific signs of its beginning, as well as other discerning believers in Yahushua. (Jeremiah 30:7-8) All through the Scriptures about the coming wrath of Yahuweh, it refers to the time just before Messiah comes. Go over the many Scriptures I’ve compiled in “The Soon Coming Nuclear War”/January 27, 2012] giving what is just ahead of us in clear details! When Yahuweh builds up Zion, Messiah will appear in His esteem:Psalm 102:16-18
Remember Amos 3:7: He does nothing until He tells All of His servants the prophets, the watchmen, what He is about to do.
Do not listen to opinions of man. Yahuweh openly tells ALL OF HIS SERVANTS the same things!!!
Scriptures of the Characteristics of the Kingdom:
John 3:3, 5, 7: “Truly I say to you, unless one is born from above he is unable to see the Kingdom of Elohim.” “Yahushua said: `Truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he is unable to enter the Kingdom of Elohim.’ ” “Marvel not when I say to you, you have to be born from above.” This is simple: Unless you were born 1st from the womb amidst “water,” you cannot be re-born “again,” from above, in your spirit. There has to be a transformation within your eternal spirit for you to be able to contact the realm of eternity.
Your soul (mind, emotions, reasoning, will) is earthbound. Your body is earthbound. But, if your spirit is reborn--your eternal spirit that resides within the loins area of your body--itis a portal into the eternal realm of Yahuweh. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/July 30,2009]