TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2014 6:00pm

City Council Administration

Tim L. Thompson, Mayor

Alphonso Thomas, Mayor Pro Tem Stephanie Tigner, Interim City Clerk

Robin Buschman, Councilwoman Mike Williams, City Attorney

Anthony S. Ford, Councilman

LaKeisha Gantt, Councilwoman

Richard Steinberg, Councilman

Call to Orderby Mayor Tim L. Thompson at6:05pm

Invocationwas provided by Houston Nelson

Pledge of Allegiancewas recited in unison

Adopt Agenda; Alphonso Thomas made a motion to move item 1 and bring item #17 up; a second was made by Richard Steinberg; the motion passed 5-0.

Review Minutes:Work Session December 3, 2013

Council Meeting December 9, 2013

January 7, 2014

January 13, 2014

Special Called Meeting December 3, 2013

December 9, 2013

December 20, 2013

December 30, 2013

January 3, 2014

January 27, 2014


Item #17-Presented by Mayor Tim L. Thompson

Resolution: Wellness Initiative; Pam Brooks, Human Resources Manager presented the 2014 Health Wellness Program Initiative. Mrs. Brooks said the Kaiser program with a zero cost was selected for the city. Richard Steinberg reiterated there were rate increases in the past and these organizations assist with lower rates for employees. Wendell Strickland spoke on premium increases and how insurance is affected. He stated when these programs are implemented the insurance carriers reward city’s. Pam Brooks requested the support of council.

Item #2-Presented by Mayor Tim L. Thompson

Presentation; Miller Edwards presented the 2012 Audit; He spoke on the highlights of 2012 audit. He said the fund balance is strong and the City of Stockbridge is ranked in the top 5%. He also addressed his concerns with record keeping and pointed out areas of weaknesses found while administering the 2012 audit. There were (12) recommendations and (7) were material weakness such as internal controls and processes that don’t occur in a timely manner. He pointed out substantial adjustments to cash, the enter fund accounts, balancing of the general ledger and on a periodic bases, maintaining capital assets andcorresponding backup. Richard Steinberg asked if any financial improprieties were found. Mr. Edwards said we did not see any problems, we saw opportunity. He also reiterated additional resources were needed in the Finance department. Alphonso Thomas asked if there was a possibility of impropriety or were any red flags found. Mr. Edwards said there were (7) material weaknesses. Lakeisha Gantt addressed reconciliations of the records. Mr. Edwards stated there are items from last springthat need to be addressed and a lot of change in key positions. Richard Steinberg spoke on the InCode system. He said internal steps should be taken. Alphonso Thomas addressed a statement made by Miller Edwards regarding the former administration not meeting with the auditor for an update.Mayor Thompson asked questions in regards to the audit deadlines. Mr. Edwards spoke on other municipalities that are more complicated than Stockbridge which meet the deadlines. Mike Bush spoke on issues found in the 2012 audit and reassured council the areas will be addressed moving forward. Mr. Edwards spoke briefly on the 2013 financials and cash flow management. Lakeisha Gantt statedmoney has been spent that we may not have. Mr. Edwards said apparently there were additional reserves that were available.


Item #2-Presented by Alphonso Thomas, Mayor Pro Tem

Proclamation-Honoring Smith-Barnes Elementary School; Mayor Pro Tem Alphonso Thomas provided a brief summary regarding the closing of Smith-Barnes Elementary School. He said the School Board has withdrawn the proposal to close the school; He then asked for council’s support with recognizing Smith-Barnes Elementary School. Robin Buschman spoke on the resolution passed in support of Smith-Barnes. Anthony S. Ford said this was a great effort by the citizens of Stockbridge. Richard Steinberg thanked Alphonso Thomas for his initiative.

Alphonso Thomas stated for the record, I would like to ask if Richard Steinberg and Mayor Thompson should recuse themselves from the discussion as it affects their neighborhood. He also said that Anthony S. Ford worked on the sign ordinance. Richard Steinberg stated that Alphonso Thomas vote on matters that affects his community. Mayor Thompson said there is no financial gain and asked for a legal opinion. City Attorney, Mike Williams stated that he does not think recusal is necessary but would like to review the zoning ordinance more.


Item # 3 - Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-18 (Eagles Landing Signage); Mayor Thompson asked Ms. Coleman to present the items; Ms. Coleman said this is a multipart variance request. The applicant is seeking an increase of the sign area from 32ft to 55ft and sign height from 6ft to 11ft. This sign request is part of Eagles Landing Parkway expansion. The sign was removed as a part of a road widening project. Robin Buschman said the signs look great, but if we approve I’ve been told we will leave ourselves open for lawsuits. Alphonso Thomas said it may be able to rescind the ordinance and bring it back. Anthony S. Ford said he is not in favor of rescinding. He wanted to know if there is a way to modify the ordinance. Alphonso Thomas clarified his statement to not rescind but to modify the ordinance. Mayor Thompson said that these types of neighborhoods exists elsewhere and an Overlay District may work. City Attorney, Mike Williams said an Overlay District or a Master Plan would possibly work. He read a part of the ethics ordinance to address recusal.Richard Steinberg said it should be considered on a case by case situation. Ms. Coleman explained the overlay district. She said the recommendation is for a Master Sign Plan to include the minimum standard. Alphonso Thomas said you have to do something with the current legislation. Lakeisha Gantt addressed her concerns with state regulations.Mayor Thompson said there is a way to do this legally. City Attorney, Mike Williams suggested tabling the items and amending the ordinance. Ms. Coleman said the request is a 3-Part Variance. Mayor Thompson asked for clarification on the items. She said the requests are for additional signage, height and signage area. Steve Moore provided a summary of the project. He said this began with the Eagles Landing widening project. The county approached subdivisions with a Cause for a Cure to replace signage that was removed. The subdivisions affectedopted to not take the money and instead came up with a comprehensive or a beautification plan.Mayor Thompson said this is something we need to address along with the financial impact. Ms. Coleman also addressed signs in the right-of-way. Anthony S. Ford stated signs were constructed in the right-of-way many years ago in several communities. Mayor Thompson said he would like to review with legal counsel.

Item # 4- Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-19 (Eagles Landing Signage)

Item # 5 - Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-20 (Eagles Landing Signage)

Item # 6 – Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-21 (Eagles Landing Signage)

Item # 7 – Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-22 (Eagles Landing Signage)

Item # 8– Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-23 (Eagles Landing Signage)

Item # 9 – Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-24 (Eagles Landing Signage)

Item # 10 - Presented by Vicki Coleman, City Planner

Information: Variance: VR-13-25 (Eagles Landing Signage)

Mayor Thompson recessed the meeting for a (5) minute break.


Item # 11-Presented by Mayor, Tim L. Thompson

Ordinance: An ordinance to amend the 2014 budget so as to reinstate payments to Henry County for police services and to re-adopt the COS Organizational Chart; Mike Bush provided an overview of the budget. Mayor Thompson said the organizational chart and budget was reviewed to find savings. He spoke on Planning & Zoning items. He said the revenues collected from Planning & Zoning was $12,733.46. Alphonso Thomas wanted to know the projected savings for the Planning & Zoning department. Mr. Bush explained that $194,000 allocated for the department and money for police services. He said building permits and other fees were included. Ms. Coleman said development and construction review were also included. Robin Buschman said the organizational chart can be changed. Anthony S. Ford reiterated the need to pay for police services. He also asked for a briefing with department heads for their insight. Mayor Thompson spoke on the SDS and the (10) year agreement. Alphonso Thomas addressed his concerns with the Main Street program. Lakeisha Gantt spoke on the Total Tech and the former CIO.

Item #12- Presented by Mayor, Tim L. Thompson

Discussion:Legislative Items; Mayor Thompson asked for recommendations on how to move forward with the legislative items. City Attorney, Mike Williams said the Hotel/Motel Tax and Technology Fee are important. He said the delegation would like to hear from the governing body regarding the items. Mayor Thompson spoke on Lodging and Excise Tax and the Technology Fee. He asked that Council have further discussions.

Item # 13-Presented by Mayor Pro Tem, Alphonso Thomas

Ordinance-To amend the powers and duties of the City Manager; Alphonso Thomas provided an overview of the powers and duties of the City Manager. He stated that he did not agree with the policies,procedures nor powerprovided to the former City Manager. Lakeisha Gantt said the ordinance was change when the former City Manager was placed in the position. She pointed out areas in the ordinance to be amended.

Item #14- Presented by Mayor Pro Tem Alphonso Thomas and LaKeisha Gantt

Discussion-Policies and Procedures for City Council and Work Session meetings; Alphonso Thomas and Lakeisha Gantt spoke on the proposed policies and procedures for City Council and Work Session meetings. Alphonso Thomas said there are several items to be discussed by the council on procedures. Lakeisha Gantt reiterated that agenda items and correspondence should be provided to the citizens prior to the meetings.

Item #15- Presented by Alphonso Thomas, Mayor Pro Tem

Discussion: Request for funding for Black History Month; Alphonso Thomas provided an overview on the request for the Black History Month funding. Richard Steinberg requested clarification. Alphonso Thomas explained that this is not a city event, this is an initiative of Councilman Thomas. City Attorney, Mike Williams said you all are committed to fund events. Mayor Thompson spoke on a function of a group with an issue with general liability insurance issue. Robin Buschman spoke on the previous city functions. City Attorney, Mike Williams said there are discretionary funds for council initiatives and clarified a city function. Mike Bush explained the miscellaneous expense line item. He said the line item is there if you need it; there is no specific reason to utilize the line item. Lakeisha Gantt said if we wanted to coordinate a Town Hall meeting can those funds be used. Mike Bush said yes. Anthony S. Ford said if we do it for one we would have to do it for all ethnicities. Alphonso Thomas asked for the support of the council.

Item #16-Presented by Mayor Tim L. Thompson

Discussion:Discussion and possible action regarding Hugh Austin, Management Consultant; Mayor Thompson explained the request for obtaining Hugh Austin, Management Consultant to assist with day to day operations. He said the contract is for (7) days and will be automatically renewed every (7) days. He said he is in the process of obtaining a City Manager. Richard Steinberg asked a series of questions regarding the Mayor’s reasoning behind obtaining a consultant instead of an interim City Manager.


All Meetings Will Be Held At City Hall Unless Otherwise Noted. Meetings dates and times are subject to change so please confirm with City Hall at 770.389.7900 or via

  • City Council Meeting- February 10, 2014 at 6:00pm


All persons wishing to speak for public comment must sign in with the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the meeting. You must sign your name, address, and phone number. You will be able to address the Mayor and Council for three (3) minutes.

  1. Lee Stuart, thanked the council for their work and addressed his concerns with the sign ordinance.
  1. Houston Nelson, thanked the Mayor and Alphonso Thomas for their hard work. He addressed his concerns with the city’s public trust penalty. He asked the council to review the sign ordinance comprehensively and thanked the Mayor for his time and selecting Mr. Austin.
  1. Mildred Reed, yielded her time to Vanessa Holiday, 708 Silene Court, who corrected a comment made by Councilwoman Buschman regarding the organizational chart submitted by ARC. She asked council to review the employee personnel policy for additional information regarding the powers of the City Manager.

MOTION TO ADJOURN; Alphonso Thomas; a second was made by Lakeisha Gantt; the motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.



Stephanie Tigner, Interim City ClerkTim L. Thompson, Mayor


February 10, 2014; 6:00pm