From the beginning of Term 2, the three of us have been working .5. The actual days on which we work vary from week to week, depending on the various Committee, Executive, subcommittees, Regional meetings and other meetings and consultations we are required to attend.

Each of us has been assigned to work with members in various regions, and we are doing this. However, we must stress that any member can contact any one of us for whatever reason. We are not bound to work just with members in our respective regions.

Arthur services the Western and Northern Metro, CHW/Ballarat, BSW/Geelong.

Rosalie services Eastern Metro, LC/Mallee and Bendigo and GNE.

Ian services Southern Metro, CHW/Wimmera, BSW/SWAPP and Gippsland.

Our Field Work has encompassed

  • Responding to 126 hotline calls from Feb 1 to May 13, either through the landline or to our mobiles.
  • Attending a range of consultations and meetings on behalf of VASSP.
  • Appearing at MPB on behalf of three principals.
  • Working with a number of principals on a number of grievance issues relating to alleged Agreement breaches.
  • Working on a 1:1 basis with a number of principals who have had formal complaints lodged on them by the Regional Director.
  • Acting as EOs to three of VASSP’s sub committees.
  • Assisting Andrew as “sounding boards” on a whole range of issues.
  • Attending regional meetings and presenting the VASSP report, and taking on board issues from the meeting, referring them on to the appropriate groups or persons, as required.
  • Initiating a survey on principal workloads and work practices arising out of your involvement in networks and clusters.

Issues that are of concern for members:

  • Funding for adult students in country schools (ref. Resources C)
  • The League Tables issue (letter and representation to the Director)
  • Instrumental Music teaching resourcing in country schools (Resource C)
  • Costs of VET delivery in country (and city) schools (Resources C)
  • Networks – mainly workload. (survey Term 2)
  • Legal representation at the MPB (see later item)
  • Compliance and higher cost demands on facilities/maintenance/minor works budgets (Resource C)
  • Compliance legislation and requirements on principals – workload and responsibility (current workload survey)
  • PRMS 2003 (representations to Director)
  • OHS Form 15 and its implications (subject to review – VASSP involved)
  • VIT! (subject to discussions with Director of DET and VIT)
  • Many queries on options for managing aspects of teacher workload under the Agreement (VASSP will be involved in formal negotiations on the EBA)
  • TSSP processes (Resources C)
  • Many queries re options for dealing with SGB/EBA issues – High Cost schools, leadership profiles, ETWRs particularly (as above)
  • Retired PCOs who wish to maintain a professional association with us (Prof Support C)
  • Manner in which performance reviews are being conducted in some cases (Prof Support C)
  • The School Developmental Review and its pressures on PCOs (Prof Support C)

All of the above issues are being dealt with by one of our officers, office bearers or a committee.

In addition, members have sought advice and information on the following issues this term:

  • Illegal trespass.
  • Abusive and physically aggressive parents.
  • D and I initiatives.
  • Complaints re their professional competence.
  • Regional Director directives.
  • Sample policies.
  • Staff leave.
  • Staff selection processes.
  • Skateboarding on school grounds.
  • Triennial Review.
  • School Development Review.
  • Staff behaviour.

Legal representation.

  • The issue of teachers using legal practitioners to act as their support person at the MPB on grievance issues and on unsatisfactory performance has been an issue of real concern to us. Please find enclosed in this Bulletin an article that provides you with advice on this matter. This advice has been developed after our meeting with DET and the MPB on the issue.
  • Human Resources Unit will now review their handbooks with a view to clarifying the role support persons (including legal practitioners) can play in performance review, unsatisfactory performance and grievance procedures. Indeed, he believes they can play no role in the first two categories.

Northern Metro members are meeting once more as a VASSP Group. Their next meeting is on June 25.

Membership for Retired and Aspiring PCOs. We are currently developing a proposal for a new membership category in this area.

Networks have obviously changed the way in which principals work and have increased your workloads. You have all received a survey form on this issue, and the information we are currently collating on it is rich and varied. It should help us develop policy on this issue, and we will be seeking further input from you on the development of this policy at our Regional meetings.

Ian Wallis, Ro Hood and Arthur Toussaint.